Me: I know I should be updating my other stories, but this just came to mind.

Nico: Great, just great.

Percy: Why am I here?

Me: Because I want you to be.

Thalia: Okay then, I'll take that.

Me: I don't know why you are here Thalia; you aren't even in this story.

Percy: Wait, so Thalia can leave?

Me: Yep.

Thalia: Oh, in that case. See ya! *Leaves*

Nico: That's unfair.

Me: Is life fair?


Me: Thought so.

Percy: You just got burned Nico!

Me: And you, Percy, are going to do the disclaimer.

Percy: Styx, candyland7 own nothing, but her story plot and OC's (if they come in).

Me: Read please! FYI though I have read HOH this is not Perico, I believe that they have a more brotherly love then romantic. This is why this story is a brotherly fic.

3rd Person POV

Nico woke up to someone shaking him. He felt wetness on his cheeks and realized, with a shock, that he was crying. The person gave him a hug.

"You okay Nic's?" Percy asked.

Nico didn't answer, afraid that if he opened his mouth it would come out as a sob.

"Nico?" Percy asked.

Nico sobbed into Percy's chest, unable to hold it in anymore. Percy took it as a 'No' Nico was not alright. Percy started rocking Nico slightly, having done it before. Waiting for the sobs to subside, Percy decided to ask Nico about it. Slowly, but surely, Nico's subs subsided.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"Nightmare," Nico mumbled.

Percy sighed, having his own nightmares recently.

"Well that sucks. Want to talk about it?" Percy questioned.

Nico didn't know whether or not it would help, and the ebbing headache definitely wasn't helping. Nico nodded, but hadn't started talking yet. Percy tightened his grip on his little cousin.

"Nico, Percy where are you guys?" someone asked.

Percy looked at Nico for a second before responding, "We're in here."

The door opened and in came a girl with spiky black hair, electric blue eyes, and a Death to Barbie shirt. (A/N I lied, Thalia is in this!) She took one look at them and looked at Percy.

"What happened?" Thalia asked sitting down on the other side of Nico.

"Shouldn't you be with the Hunters?" Percy asked.

"No, we get a few weeks break. Now answer my question."

A look of understanding came across Thalia's face. She gave Nico a small squeeze on the arm.

"What was it?" Thalia asked.

"I don't know yet," Percy said.

"Bianca," Nico mumbled burying himself deeper under the covers.

Percy and Thalia exchanged glances. Nightmares were common, especially for the few that went through Tartarus, but it was worse for Nico. Having lost his only family.

"Nico," Percy had no clue where he was going with this, "You can always talk to us, and you know that."

"Death Breath, what Kelp Head is trying to say is you can come to us about anything," Thalia said shooting Percy a look.

He shrugged in response and Nico slowly came out from under the blankets. They were surprised how vulnerable he looked and realized that Nico was still a kid. He was forced to come out of his childhood when Bianca died. Nico's eyes were red and there were a few stray tears on his cheeks. Percy wiped them away.

"Hey, Nico it's okay. You have us," Percy told him.

"I know," Nico mumbled.

"And don't ever think you don't," Thalia said punching his shoulder lightly.

"Wow Pinecone Face, way to be sentimental," Percy said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"You should know by now that I am not a sentimental person."

Nico watched his cousins, and had to stifle his laughter. Percy winked at Thalia, who understood immediately. Thalia grinned and they both started tickling Nico. He wriggled around trying to get away from his cousins. Nico started laughing and soon tears streamed down his face.

"Stop," he laughed, "Thalia! Percy!"

"Wow Death Breath, I didn't know you were ticklish," Thalia replied.

"Stop, please!"

"Nope," Percy said popping the 'P'.

"Percy," Nico whined.


After a lot of laughing, tickling, and complaining, Percy and Thalia finally stopped.

"I got you to smile," Thalia said happily.

"That's a first," Percy replied, "You wanting Death Breath to smile."

Nico glared at his cousins, but he couldn't help to smile. Percy threw a pillow at Nico's face. Nico then threw the pillow at Thalia, who ducked and the pillow hit a lamp causing it to fall on the floor. The children of the Big Three all looked at each other.

"Let's go, before my mom finds out," Percy suggested.

"Yeah," Thalia agreed, "Come on Nicky."

"Don't call me Nicky," Nico grumbled, but got out of bed.

Time Skip, to Them Walking Around New York

"Where are we going?" Nico asked.

"I don't know, but we are not going to McDonalds," Thalia replied.

"McDonalds' hater."

"Shut up you two, we need to figure out…" Percy got cut off.

The Chimera came out of nowhere, well actually it probably came out of a dark alley way that was to their left, but they hadn't noticed it until afterwards. The Chimera's blood caked mane set Nico on edge, it reminded him of the blood spilled in Tartarus.

"Styx," Percy said pulling out Riptide.

Thalia grabbed her bow and arrows and Nico unsheathed his sword.

"I hate the Chimera," Percy muttered, "Last time it beat me, luckily I was over a river though."

Thalia decided that now was not the time to start a conversation. Nico looked between his cousins and shrugged, deciding that he would talk to them about it later. The Chimera decided to start the fight, by shooting a column of flame at them.

"It's time like these I wish Leo were here," Percy muttered pulling Nico out of the way.

"Thanks Percy," Nico mumbled.

"Remember to watch out about the tail."

Thalia shot an arrow at the Chimera, but he burnt it before it could reach him.

"Thalia!" Percy shouted, "Get somewhere high, and shot from there!"

Thalia nodded and climbed up a service latter. Nico shadow traveled closer to the Chimera, and completely forgetting about the tail he tried to stab the monster. Tried being the keyword here.

"Nico!" Percy exclaimed.

Nico only realized what Percy was warning him a second before it happened, the snakes fangs sunk into his arm and released a deadly poison into his blood stream. Nico's breathing slowed and he heard Percy and Thalia cry out. Percy charged at the monster and cut off its tail. Nico felt the snake become limp and Percy gently unhooked the snake's fangs from Nico's arm. Thalia finished off the monster and ran over.

"Oh gods, Nico stay awake," Thalia ordered in a shaky voice, "Do we have nectar or ambrosia?"
"No," Percy answered his voice also shaking.

"Didn't you fight the Chimera?"
Percy nodded, "And got bite by the snake."
"How did you survive?"

Thalia looked like she was going to lose it. Percy felt the same, but forced himself to stay calm.

"I jumped off the St. Louis Arch into the Mississippi River," Percy answered.

Thalia came close to tears, Percy sighed and looked at her.

"I have an idea, but you are going to hate it," Percy said.

"Anything," Thalia replied.

"Bob or Apollo?"

"Isn't Bob in Tartarus?"

"Yeah, Apollo it is then. And you are getting him."

Percy put Nico on his lap, Nico whimpered in pain.

"Nico stay in there, Thalia go!" Percy ordered.

"Percy, I can't," Thalia broke into tears.

"We'll go together then."
Percy got up and picked Nico up bridal style. Thalia looked shocked and she wiped away tears. Nico cried out and Thalia flinched.

"Come on," Percy said.

They ran all the way to the Empire State Building. Once they made it into the lobby Thalia threatened the doorman.

"If you don't let us to the six hundredth floor right now, I will kill you," Thalia said.

The doorman gulped and handed her the keycard. They climbed into the elevator and did their best to keep Nico awake. Once the golden elevator doors opened, they ran all the way to the throne room. That really worked in keeping the son of Hades awake.

"Ow," Nico complained.

"Sorry Nico," Percy apologized.

Nico passed out and Percy ran faster. Thalia followed closely behind. Running into the Throne Room all the gods-that were there-turned to us. Apollo seemed to understand the dire situation.

"What happened?" the blonde haired god asked bending down next to Nico.

"Chimera…snake…bite…" Thalia gasped.

Apollo didn't need anything else. He muttered something in Ancient Greek and Nico glowed a bright gold. Once the light died down, Nico sighed in his sleep.

"Thank you Apollo," Thalia sighed.

"Anytime sweetheart," Apollo replied.

Percy glared at Apollo, "Don't call Thalia sweetheart."

Apollo looked shocked and Thalia smiled at Percy.

"We better get back to my Mom's," Percy sighed.

"Come visit soon," Apollo said.

Percy didn't make any promises, but instead he picked up Nico and walked outside. Once they made it to Percy's apartment, Nico was starting to wake up. Percy set Nico on the couch and sighed. Thalia plopped down on the armchair.

"Well, that was very exhilarating," Percy said.

"And really scary," Thalia added.

Percy sat down next to Nico's head, and Thalia started snickering.

"What?" Percy asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Thalia replied.

Nico rolled over in his sleep, and Percy had to shift slightly.

"Thalia," Percy whispered, "Grab a blanket. There in the closet."

Thalia nodded and got up. Not long after she reappeared with a brown soft blanket. Percy took it and put it over Nico's body. Nico snuggled under the blanket. Thalia and Percy snickered slightly.

"Oh my gods, Nico is so cute asleep. Percy do you have a camera?" Thalia asked.

"Yeah, in my room," Percy pointed to a room down the hall, "Second room to the right."

Thalia got up, after ruffling Nico's hair; she went to Percy's room. Coming back, she took a bunch of pictures of Nico. Thankfully, he didn't wake up.

"Done," Thalia whispered.

"I'm not taking responsibility for that," Percy replied leaning back.

The door opened and in walked Sally and Paul.

"Percy," Sally started.

She got shushed by Percy and Thalia putting a finger to their lips. Percy pointed towards Nico and Sally smiled.

"Finally," she whispered.

Paul walked in and smiled at the two awake demigods.

"Knowing you two you already took a lot of pictures," Paul accused.

"Thalia did, I was a victim," Percy said holding up his hands.

Sally walked over, "He's so cute asleep."
Percy chuckled, "Thalia already said that."

"Just be happy he isn't awake," Thalia added.

"I'm going to make a snack," Sally said.

Nico stirred slightly, but fell back asleep. Percy pushed Nico's dark hair back out of his face. Thalia got up to help Sally make a snack. Paul left to help Sally and Thalia, though he's not a good cook. Nico got up and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey Nicky, you okay?" Percy asked.

Percy suddenly remembered earlier that day, when he asked the same question after Nico woke up from a nightmare. Nico looked around confused.
"What?" Nico asked.

"After you got the snake bite, we took you to Apollo who healed you, and then we came back here," Percy explained.

Now Nico looked more confused then before, Percy sighed.

"I'll have Thalia explain," Percy decided.

"Yeah, Thalia might be able to explain it better," Nico agreed, and then he frowned, "I don't remember much."

"Well, it was the Chimera, you passed out."

"Why's my arm sore?"

Percy looked at Nico, "It could be because that's the arm the Chimera's snake bit you."
Thalia walked in. She smiled seeing Nico up.

"Well," Thalia started, "Nice to see you up Death Breath. How are you feeling?"

"My arms sore," Nico complained.

Percy ruffled Nico's hair, causing the younger boy to pout.

"Hey," he complained fixing his hair slightly.

"Nico," Percy said, "No matter how much you try, it won't work. Trust me."

"Guys," Sally called from the kitchen, "And Thalia, if you want a snack you better come now!"

Percy looked at his cousins, who returned the look. Percy smiled evilly.

"Race you," Percy laughed before running off.

Nico and Thalia followed close behind. Percy was already sitting at the table eating a blue cookie.

"What's up with blue?" Nico asked sitting down.

Sally and Percy exchanged glance and started laughing. Thalia and Nico looked at each other confused.

"It's a really long story," Percy explained.

Nico grabbed a blue cookie and Thalia stole it from him.

"Hey!" Nico complained.

"Mine now," Thalia replied taking a bite.

Percy gave Nico another cookie and glared at Thalia.

"Don't even think about it," Nico said eating it.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Thalia replied.

Percy ate the rest of his and pulled his cousins into the living room.

"MOVIE NIGHT!" he exclaimed.

"Percy," Thalia said, "Last time we had a movie night…"

Percy covered her mouth. Giving her a look, she nodded.

"Hopefully Nico falls asleep, on his own," Percy whispered.

Percy jerked his hand away from Thalia's mouth.

"Gross! You licked me," Percy exclaimed.

He plopped down on the couch next to Nico, Thalia sat down on Nico's other side.

"So what movie should we watch?" Thalia asked.

"We need popcorn," Percy said jumping up.

He returned a few minutes later with a big bowl. Nico took a handful before Percy even sat down. Thalia got up from the ground where she inserted a movie.

"What movie did you choose?" Percy asked.

"The Hobbit and Unexpected Journey," Thalia said sitting down.

Percy sat down and put an arm around Nico, who punched Thalia. She was hogging the blanket.

"Ow!" Thalia exclaimed, "Okay you can have some."

Soon the blanket was over everyone. Nico had the most, seeing as he was in the middle. No one knew that Sally was taking pictures in the background. Halfway through the movie, Nico fell asleep on Percy. At the end all of them were asleep on the couch. Sally and Paul have a lot of pictures.

Me: Aww, I had so much fun writing this. There might be more, but only if I get more ideas. It will always be on complete because new chapters will only happen if I get more ideas.

Percy: Wait, Thalia was in this. Then why could she leave?

Nico: Yeah, it's unfair.

Me: The reason you two are in here is one, Percy's my half-brother and two is because I find you adorable Nico. *Pinches his cheeks*

Nico: *swats my hand* Percy, she scares me.

Percy: Me too Nico, me too.

Me: Just ask for reviews.

Percy and Nico: Please review. She might let us go.

Thalia: Thanks.

Percy and Nico: Save us Thalia!