Okay, so new story. Don't worry, I won't neglect Wrath of the Sharingan. Most would say that attempting to write two stories at once is stupid but I am for two reasons 1) When I have writer's block with one story it helps my mind relax to take a break from that world and muddle through another and 2) yolo.
Yolo is cool when I say it.
WARNINGS FOR ENTIRE FIC (and these will only be given once): There will be sex in this story. There will be descriptions of blowjobs and anal sex because it is a SasuNaru fic. Sasuke is a boy, Naruto is a boy (obviously) but to be respectful to readers, I'm warning you if you don't like guyXguy. ALSO UNLIKE MY PREVIOUS FICS THIS WILL ALSO CONTAIN GIRLXGIRL, although I won't be writing any sex scenes for those because lets be honest; in the fight of yaoi vs yuri, yaoi wins every time.
Please note: every character in this FanFiction is bi-sexual. And will act accordingly. Apart from Shikamaru and Jiraiya. That is literally the extent of heterosexuality here.
DISCLAIMER: Kishi-sama found out that I was stealing his characters for a new story and threatened me. I told him he'd already hurt me and that there was nothing more he could do to me. He threatened to kill off Sasuke. I threatened to kill him. We both realised we'd gone too far and made up. Our antics aside, we love each other. The difference is he owns Naruto and I do not.
Naruto stepped out of the car and gazed up in complete awe at the building, no, the palace, in front of him. It's majesty and architecture was phenomenal and he stepped backwards only to crash into his punisher.
"Jiraiya," he begged, "You can't make me do this."
His godfather let out a loud laugh, that grabbed the attention of many passing students, all in their high calibre rich-kid uniforms, and Naruto clamped his hand over the man's great mouth.
"Be quiet!" snapped Naruto, "This is bad enough as it is! I don't see why I couldn't just go to school with Kiba and the others!"
"Because," argued Jiraiya in amusement, "No godson of mine is going to a public school when I can afford to send you here. Plus, Karin goes here."
"I find it hard to believe you have a thing against public schools," shot Naruto, "Come on, I'm gonna stand out like a sore thumb here. I haven't seen Karin since I was 8. If you planned on sending me to a private school you should have raised me better."
"I raised you perfectly," protested Jiraiya.
"You popped in every few days to steal my milk," said Naruto in a deadpanned voice, "It's like you got some sort of thrill from stealing my milk."
Jiraiya began to laugh hysterically at something unbeknown to Naruto, who merely scowled and turned away again. He looked down at the black suit he was wearing, which bore the crest of the school on it's pocket. Ganymede School for General Excellence.
This was going to be complete bullshit.
"Right," announced Jiraiya, "I'm leaving, don't be a stranger, eh?"
"That's my line," answered Naruto with a reluctant smile, "See you around, perve."
"Who you callin' a perve?" demanded Jiraiya as Naruto sauntered towards the front doors.
As he reached out to grab the gleaming golden handle, the doors opened loudly and swung inwards to reveal a girl of about his age. She was neither tall, nor small, and had the most beautiful emerald eyes Naruto had ever seen. Her pink hair, was short and soft-looking, and she beamed at Naruto with the most welcoming smile he'd ever received.
"You must be Naruto," she greeted, "I'm Sakura Haruno, head of the Welcoming Committee here at Ganymede, amongst other things of course."
Naruto decided it best to refrain from gaping for a moment, and moved to shake her outstretched hand, which surprisingly gripped on very strong.
"I hear you're a relative of Karin's," informed Sakura, as she began to lead him down numerous grand corridors.
"Uhm, distantly," explained Naruto, "She's actually my fiancé."
"Yes, she mentioned that," said Sakura, her voice somewhat happy at hearing this, "Arranged from birth, I presume?"
"Yeah," replied Naruto.
Sakura turned back to give him a tight smile.
"I don't really think well of the practise," confessed Sakura, "Silly of me, I know, it makes no sense that someone of my class is so against the idea..."
"I don't think it's silly," assured Naruto, "The whole thing is stupid, people should marry for love."
"You're right," she said warmly, "But enough on that, it's far too heavy for a Saturday morning."
"Where are we going?" asked Naruto tentatively.
"I'm taking you to your dorm room," she said, "You'll be rooming with..."
She looked down at her clipboard to investigate the matter, and she stopped in her tracks, gaping.
"Are you alright?" asked Naruto.
She snapped back into reality and gave him another smile.
"I'm fine," she said, "You'll be rooming with Sasuke Uchiha... I can't believe they would give him a roommate..."
"Why?" asked Naruto curiously, "Who is this guy?"
"Who is he?" laughed Sakura, "I like you; you're funny... Sasuke Uchiha is the younger brother of the man who owns the school. He's famous; I can't believe you don't know him. He's head of the Student Council, and a pure genius in all subjects be it logical or artistic. His looks are completely unparalleled, and he could have, and does have, any girl or woman he wants whatever the age."
"So I'm rooming with Mr. Perfect, huh?" sighed Naruto.
"I sympathise," she said, "I adore Sasuke as much as the next girl, but he doesn't seem the type to be a very patient and fun roommate. But if anything, he's fascinating... Karin is his personal assistant so I guess you'll get to spend time with her."
Suddenly we stopped and Naruto looked to see that they were in front of a pair of polished mahogany doors.
"Will he be in there?" asked Naruto.
"Probably," she said, "Would you like me to introduce you?"
"Uhm... if you don't mind," said Naruto sheepishly, "It's just, you made him sound a bit intimidating."
She giggled, and reached out to open the door. Naruto couldn't think of a reason he was so nervous. Perhaps it was due to the fact he'd been nervous in the first place. He waiting until Sakura has gone in to follow suit into the very big and very red room. It was an extremely large lounge complete with TVs and games consoles, bookshelves and bars, bench presses and treadmills. It was five star, vanilla smelling, paradise. On either side of the room there were two doors. Naruto presumed one set of doors was for him, and the other Sasuke.
"Sasuke-kun!" called Sakura politely.
Sasuke seemed to be taking a while and so Naruto moved to examine the bookshelf, eager to find something he recognised. A lot of them he didn't, and Naruto was not really surprised, but one book shone out at him. It was The Tales of a Gutsy Ninja, and a smirk rose to his face. A sharp gasp drew Naruto's attention to Sakura and he saw that she was gaping, her clipboard lying fallen on the floor, and a delicate pink flush on her cheeks. She was looking at something, and Naruto followed her gaze to the doorway that was now open. Standing there, was a boy about Naruto's age in what must have been the most ridiculously small towel he had ever seen. He had dark hair, wet and dripping down his face, and the smoothest, pale skin Naruto had ever seen. He was not too muscled, nor too skinny and he looked thoroughly irritated.
"You called?" he asked patronizingly.
Sakura blushed again.
"Yes, Sasuke-kun," she said, "Uhm, this is Naruto Uzumaki, the new transfer. He'll be your new roommate."
"I didn't authorise that," shot Sasuke.
"No..." stumbled Sakura, "But it says it right here... Perhaps your brother..."
"Whatever," said Sasuke, "Just get out of here before you faint or something."
"Yes sir," she said quietly, scooping up her clipboard and preparing to leave.
"Hey Sakura-chan," called Naruto, "I'll see you later, right?"
She smiled at him.
"Yes," she promised, "I'll see you around, Naruto."
The moment the door closed, Naruto rounded on him.
"Look I don't know you," he said angrily, "But you can't speak to her like that. Do you have any idea how rude that was?"
Sasuke arched an eyebrow.
"Do you have any idea who I am?" he asked lowly, "You're obviously from the wrong end of the stick. The way things work around here... well, you'll learn soon enough."
"Whatever," snapped Naruto, "Let me put it this way – if I catch you speaking to Sakura-chan like that again I'll pulverise you."
"Who are you to order me around?" demanded Sasuke, "You don't even know her."
"It takes a minute to make a friend," retorted Naruto.
"And a second to make an enemy," replied Sasuke.
The two glared at each other for a moment, and the tension in the room was thick.
"Whatever," huffed Sasuke sarcastically, and with that he returned into his room, and closed the door, leaving Naruto feeling more pissed off and stressed than he already was.
Was he seriously expected to live with this egotistical bastard?
I realise I won't have the same followers as my other story and so I'll wait a few chapter before I start blabbering on about my life.
Except this part: I just got the SHINee album in the post, Why So Serious: Misconceptions of Me. I'd waited for ages. I needed it. I have it. Oh my Taemin.
Nothing has happened as of yet but be severely warned there is going to be sex of the fullest description. And yes. Guy on guy. If you don't like it get out. You're too normal to be welcome here.
I still love you though.
Lets have sex.