Disclaimer: Until the day Sonic and his friends are mine I do not own them, so I write this to prove that. Enjoy Chapter 6 :)

Blaze POV

Amy was on her fourth and final week of pregnancy, and I was staying with her in an abandoned house outside of Mystic Ruins. She would pop anyday now, an I fear Shadow may have seen us leaving Station Square. I fear that he will hunt me and her down for not letting him know where we went. Recently, he's been very aggressive and rude, not just towards Sonic, but everyone. Poor Amy, I feel remorseful for her, but I must stay strong and care for her until her child is born.

Shadow POV

I woke in my bedroom the next morning clenching the locket Amy had given me when we first started 'going out', our picture was inside and my heart yearned for her soft, velvety rose colored fur against my own fur. I could have sworn I saw her with Blaze the other day, and I haven't heard from or seen her at all. I sat up and rubbed my face in my hands, Amy why did you disappear on me? Didn't she love me? Like Maria did...Maria, I just want to be happy...like that blue rat...

"Where did my happiness go...?"

I felt empty inside, hollow, like a shell...I must find her, she is my happiness and I won't allow anyone to take her away from me! I Chaos Controlled to her house and started to look for any clues that would help me find out where she ran off to. I sniffed the air in her house, faint and stale, but definitely Roses and that purple cats scent. Even though its been days, my senses of smell can find even the smallest trace of a scent...thank you Gerald! Hmmm, Blaze left behind a tuft of fur, I can use that to find them. I sniffed the fur and started to chase the smell across the city, hoping to discover the location of my Rose.

Its been a day since I picked up traces of Blaze's scent, it's getting stronger by th hour. I hope I can find them before its too late, I hope Amy is ok.

Blaze POV

I glanced out the window and ignored everything but the sound of nature, it soothed me somehow and I found inner peace. Suddenly, I heard a scream of pain from the bedroom that Amy was sleeping in...it is time...

I ran in as quickly as I could and saw her laying in pain and writhing in agony, I approached the bedside.

"B-blaze...help me, it hurts...a lot..."

"Childbirth is very painful, Amy, especially your first pregnancy. Now, I need you to spread your legs and hold on to this."

I handed her a pillow to bite when she was in severe pain, that way, she wouldn't scream as loud.

Normal POV

The sky was dark and miserable, a storm was brewing, and anyone who was caught in it would pay the price. Shadow did not care if he was injured badly, for he was immortal and couldn't die. Streaks of lightning lit the sky as he trekked through the murky jungles of Mystic Ruins, thunder crashed above him as he persisted through the storm. Rain started pouring from the heavens drenching the black hedgehog, who could care less about getting pneumonia.

Blaze was assisting Amy with the birth of Shadow's own children, and with each passing moment the contractions in Amy's body were getting stronger and more painful. Her screams were muffled by the pillow she bit into, and Blaze was getting impatient. The child was having a hard time being delivered, Amy was struggling to push it out of her body. Blaze was beginning to fear that the child was dead and all of this was in vain, she urged the younger hedgehog to push harder and longer. Soon, a small head was beginning to show, and Blaze was getting hopeful.

"Ok Amy, I can see the baby's head, just a few more strong pushes."

Amy nodded and did as the lavender cat told her, struggling to bring her child into the world. Tiny mewls of distress could be heard as the hoglett was almost into Blazes hands. Blaze recognized the hoglett's quill formation, and had a look of distraught on her face.

'Could it be?' She thought.

A loud crash of both thunder and lightning were heard as the hoglett took its first breath of air, being cleaned off for the first time in its life. The pink hedgehog was getting tired, and her eyes began to close.

"Blaze...promise me, promise me that you'll take care of him and raise him as your own...tell no one of his existence, and keep the secret of his parents away from him until you feel it is right to tell him...go, now."

The lavender cat nodded and wrapped the newly born hoglett that was crying into some blankets. Little did she know that Shadow himself was outside the cabin, soaked and pissed. She sensed his presence and used a teleporter ring she had saved for an emergency like this. She said goodbye to the testing hedgehog and disappeared with the infant in her arms into the ring, the rift soon disappearing as she jumped through it.

Shadow came rushing in to the cabin, frantically searching for his beloved. He searched every room in the house and finally found her resting in the bed, which was covered in her blood.

"Rose! What happened?! Wake up and tell me!"

He shook her from her slumber and groaned, looking up at him.

"Shadow...my d-darling, is that you?"

He gently smiled and caressed her cheek, staring into her emerald eyes.

"Yes, it's me, lets forget everything that happened and go home. Lets live a happy life together, but secretly please."

She simply nodded as she was lifted into his arms and teleported to his bedroom, too tired to care about what had just happened moments ago.

Next chapter will be the last chapter of this story, there is the possibilty of a dark and twisted sequel. I'm full of surprises, aren't I? :)