
Hello. My name is Ritchie. I am going to be one of the greatest Pokémon Trainers who ever lived. I am going to become a Pokémon Master!

I am sure you have heard that a million times, right? Who doesn't want to become a Pokémon Master?

While I know you have heard the words before, while I know everybody has heard the words before, this time I really believe is different. I know I can be a successful Pokémon Trainer. I know I can catch them all and I know I can earn the respect of my peers.

I will beat all the Gym Leaders, I will catch all the Pokémon and I will stop at nothing to defeat every single person in the Indigo League.

You see, I'm not like the others. At least that is what I like to think. Everybody else, my so called friends in Frodomar City, my parents, all the Pokémon Trainers I have had the honour to talk to, seem to think that I am just an average Joe, wannabe Pokémon Trainer. A wannabe Pokémon Trainer who will work as hard as he can and learn everything there is to learn about this wonderful world.

But then again, when it is said like that, maybe that's exactly what I am. Everybody has the dream, everybody wants to going around and meet people and create unbreakable bonds with people and Pokémon alike. Few ever actually realise this dream.

That's how I will be different. I will achieve my dream, and I will become the Kanto League Champion.

At any cost...