Hi! I decided to write another story. Got the inspiration while listening to a song.. English is not my first language so please spare any grammatical mistakes.

Disclaimer: The characters are Viewfinder's. Except my satisfaction on writing this piece, I gain no profit.

Please enjoy and share with me what do you think of it :) Thank you.

The wind is blowing gently today. The weather must be nice; I can feel the sunshine on my skin, it leaves my exposed skin slightly hot. Why is it so blissful? Is it because I'm wrapped in a pair of strong hands by the most precious person in my life on the bed that we've shared many memories? My lips curved out a smile without me really noting it. When did I start to use such vocabulary?

Oh. Right. Since I met him.

"Good morning." I startled at the unexpected greeting. I didn't know he was awake. Then the lips that I've always couldn't stop crave for met mine. No, it's more than a mere addiction.

"Morning." I replied with energy that I can coax out from my dying body.

Slowly, he held me firmly and sat up.

"It's here. I can sense it." I can sense my last breath is near.

He fell into silence, but moved his fingers through my hair. He always do that when he knew I hit the bull's eye and he refuse to admit it. He caressed my rather cold cheeks, later inhaling my scent tenderly as he snuggled his face to mine.

"Be it a hundred years for us to meet again, I'll come for you."

"I know… you will" I paused to catch my breath. It's getting harder for me to breathe "I'll be waiting. L-like… always."

How I wish I could see him, for once before I close my eyes that never enable me see anything. My whole body feels so heavy and I feel sleepy. I don't want to sleep yet. This time for sure when I do, I'll never wake up again. I won't get to hear his voice and being held by him.

"Don't sleep yet. Keep me company for a little more." His arms tightened, pulling me closer to his warm chest. His usually perfect control over himself lapsed when he whispered those words to me. I know. His voice was so soft, softer than I've ever heard.

"I want to see as…much…as I can in my next life. I-"A spasm washed over me. I clutched the edge of his sleeve unconsciously and almost immediately, he planted kisses on my forehead.

I'm so happy.

"I want…to see you."

In my own world of darkness, his features are the light. I might not know how he looked like, but I know how he feels like, how he smells like, and how his voice sounds like. I'll remember everything about him, so when we meet again in our next life when I encounter them, I'll know that I've found him.

"Believe me you won't get to see anyone else than me." Of course I believe him. He is extremely possessive, and I seriously don't think it's going to change.

"Hmm…I think I want to be-hha-a bit hard for you to get." He chuckled. I love hearing him like that.

"Be whatever you wish for" He cleared his throat "fear nothing, don't be breakable, and never know boundary. Do everything that you missed in this life. In my arms, you are free and no one can stop you."

I didn't realize tears were trailing down my cheeks until he wiped them away with his fingers. My entire life was spent on living like a glass, fragile enough to scare people from approaching. I was limited to the confinement of my house. I thought I would be kept like that forever until I die, which is finally coming now, until he came. He was the only one who dared to reach me, bringing me out of the boundaries I was set to. He let me live. The time we had together was short and will end soon enough, but I don't regret it. Every beginning must come to an end. But, I know every ending meaning another beginning.

"I love you…Ryuichi."

A long time later…

"Hey! Who's there?!"

Shit. They saw me. Akihito scrambled to get on his feet as he tucked his beloved camera into the bag.

He knew if he gets caught, he'll be doomed. All the men he saw through his viewfinder tonight are more than six feet tall, with tough built body. This means, fighting them is futile. Running is the only way for him to keep his life. Those men are criminals and he witnessed-and captured their act in his camera- them dealing. They'll kill him.

Well, only if they can get their hands on him.

Akihito is no inexperienced criminal photojournalist. He had been in more than one dire occasion; and almost died if the bullet didn't miss his head by an inch in one of them. He increased his pace as he heard the footsteps following him from behind. Akihito risked one glance back and saw more than four men in black suits are pursuing him, with gun in their hand. He needs to get out of the building. He is on the third floor, and the stairs which is he is practically jumping over the steps are the nearest escape. Adrenaline rush made him fast, and barely under a minute, he was already at the ground floor.

"Stop right there!" Akihito registered among the voices screaming to him.

"I'm not stupid to stop and let you kill me! Idiot."

He was about to laugh to piss his pursuers off but a shot to his left side stopped him. He can always laugh at them later, and if he wants to do it he needs to be alive.

He rushed to the street and didn't stop until he mingled in the busy road, hiding in the heavy pack of passer-bys. He slung his backpack to his torso and pulled out a cap. He put the cap on hastily to hide his face. The men who were after him appeared at the other end of the road, their eyes scanning everywhere to find him but the people blocked their sight. Chuckling to himself, Akihito slipped both his hands into his jeans' pockets and disappeared further into the night with a triumphant smile.

"They lost sight of him."

Kirishima, the secretary to one of the top dogs in Japan's underworld reported with a composed face, despite the slight worry in him conveying the unpleasant news. His boss, Asami Ryuichi stood a few feet in front him with his back facing him. Suoh, the chief guards watched his colleague intensely.

KIrishima and the other guards in the unused room meant for their trade earlier flinched when they heard their employer chuckled. Kirishima and Suoh exchanged gazes impromptly. Usually, they'll only get to hear him laughing when he spilt his enemy's blood or he found something really amusing. And the latter seldom is the reason most of the time. The stoic men in black suits started to sweat bullet, afraid their boss would kill them for failing him.

"That brat is better than I thought." Asami spoke in a low tone, confusing his subordinates whether he was talking to them or himself.

"Get me everything about him." He simply ordered his loyal secretary before leaving the room.

"Yes, sir."

Everyone on the scene got into the cars after Asami was in the black limousine, with his two most trusted employees.

In the luxury car, Asami sat with his legs crossed, cigarette between his lips. His mind wandered to previous event. His business will suffer quite an amount if the photos leak out. Worse, the police will intervene. So much to worry about later just because a nosy photojournalist.

In the next day, the clock struck nine in the morning and Kirishima stepped into Asami's office with the information he was ordered to gather about the photographer. Somehow, his face was contorted in inexplicable way.

"Asami-sama, this is everything I managed to find about him." He carefully placed a file on the desk.

The Yakuza reached out to the file and opened it unhurriedly yet, focused. Asami noticed the strange look his secretary had put on and made a mental note to ask why after he finished reading the file in his hands. On the front, a picture of the photographer was attached to the document.

At first Asami was looking at it coldly but, as a few seconds passed by, his gaze went tremendously serious.

'Don't sleep yet…a little more'

'Be whatever you wish for.'

'I love you…Ryuichi.'

Unknown yet familiar memories flooded his mind. A person centered his mind as that person's smile, voice and later deepened to the vivid images of the touches they had came. He saw more flashes, bringing more details and… everything came back to him.

"Asami-sama? Are you alright?" Kirishima asked concernedly.

"Asami-sama?" This time, Kirishima nervously dared to ask "Did you see… anything?"

Asami snapped back to reality and shot the look that the bespectacled man in front him know so well. His boss answered his question with that look and demanded explanation why he asked like that.

"This might sound…too imaginative, sir." I thought I was hallucinating, Kirishima muttered mentally.

"It seems like I recalled everything about, um-before when I saw the picture. Suoh also had the same thing happened to him."

The word before caught Asami's attention; the memories that rushed into his head just now fit perfectly into the word 'before'. He remembers the life he had, previously. And apparently, not just him.

"Assign a few guards to watch over him. But, make sure he is oblivious about it."

"Yes, sir." Kirishima, then, exited the room.

Once being alone, Asami returned his attention to the photo on top of the desk. He lingered more to see the features of the once weak person. He has a pair of really beautiful eyes, hazel coloured, and it suits him. He couldn't stop staring at them. At last, his lover can see, like what he wished. Still, he never thought that his lover would choose something dangerous like a photojournalist. However, on second thought, he understood what attracted the boy to it. Photojournalist; sight meets thrill.

Found you, my Akihito. Asami smiled a genuine smile that no one had seen before.

To be continued...