Shadow of the Jedi

Chapter 1: The Sith have a plan...a crappy one, but still a plan

The shimmering blue hologram was draped in a black cloak, his face hidden in the shadow of his hood. But he had an aura…An aura of one who was cruel, wicked, evil. At his feet kneeled a senile man, who looked apprehensive.

"It would appear Reaper has betrayed us," Count Dooku said to his master as he stood up.

Darth Sidious nodded gravely. "I am not surprised. Even if he was the so called son of darkness you told me he was, he never possessed the true anger and hate required of the Dark Side," Sidious said, his voice slightly scrambled from the hologram.

"Master…He found the items on Raxus Prime," Dooku reported. Sidious appeared to tense up, if only for a fraction of a second. It died down as soon as it appeared.

"I have not foreseen this. It would appear that he is reverting to the Jedi way," Sidious said, deep in thought. He then smiled cruelly. "What does he know?" he asked his apprentice.

"From what my spies have told me, he no longer has amnesia." Dooku said, relaying information he had received.

Sidious nodded and said "Good. If he proves a threat, we could use the fact that he is a son of darkness against him."

Dooku seemed confused. "What use would that be to us?"

Sidious gave a wicked grin. "It will infuriate him. It will surely drive him mad. Trying to become a Jedi while being reminded time and time again that he is nothing but darkness. He will come for you, all focus gone. Then you may finish him."

Dooku grinned back, picturing what would happen if his master was correct. "I understand, master. And based on further information, it would appear that Reaper is rid of the suit. He is no longer…crippled."

"Excellent. If we can turn him back to our side, he will be stronger than ever," Sidious said, relish in his voice. Dooku felt slightly nervous from that last statement. Would Sidious try to replace him with Reaper? The old man decided he'd handle that later, resuming conversation with his master.

"The attack on Ryloth is about to begin, master," Dooku reported.

Sidious nodded and said "Good. Proceed as planned." His hologram shimmered, and the hooded man was gone. Dooku turned to the other person viewing the events.

"Let me handle Reaper," Asajj Ventress said from the shadows.

Dooku shook his head. "No. Reaper is much too powerful. The first thing I want you to do is go to Ryloth," Dooku commanded. Ventress raised an eyebrow at him (Or the tattoo that's there anyway).

"Am I to assist in the invasion?" she questioned.

"No. The Republic will show up soon. I believe Reaper will go with them. I want you to stay hidden and observe his actions. We want to be extra careful around him," Dooku explained. He then paused, as if reluctant to say what needed to be said.

"The truth is, we can't afford mistakes with him. Reaper is one of the most powerful warriors I have ever fought. And if he continues advancing with the Jedi, he could destroy us. Me, you…and perhaps, even my master," Dooku admitted.

Ventress was stunned. "Understood," she said shakily, walking with a slight sense of fear. Dooku turned away and sighed.

This war just got a whole lot tougher.

Line break

Nico Di Angelo felt great. He had never been this energetic and thrilled since…Well, he couldn't remember. He walked out of the hospital, lightsaber strapped to his waist. He was forced to wear a medical robe, however, considering he refused to wear the old Reaper suit.

The teenager had woken up to find out he had been out cold for four days after the surgery. Nico woke up to see Ahsoka lying in a bed next to him. So, they went through three days of recovery, swapping stories of the war and things that could have happened. For instance, it was Nico who was originally intended to kidnap Jabba the Hutt's son. But, Nico being honourable even as a Sith, refused to do so.

Though one time, Ahsoka caught Nico without a shirt. (She obviously blushed furiously but…) She was shocked at the number of scars she had seen on his body. He had seen many bad things. And had taken a large number of beatings in the past. But Nico didn't seem to care, instead focusing on the on the new scar that came from the surgery done to his lung.

Then Nico got tired of sitting around and suggested they spar. At first, Ahsoka was nervous, afraid of getting in trouble and of further injury. But when Nico offered to show her some new moves, her willpower crumbled.

They had been sparring for a while, Nico showing her a few new tricks. Nico had discovered that he moved even faster without the suit on. He figured that the suit was heavier than he had realized. After about fifteen minutes, Anakin had arrived, telling them that Nico was to report to the Jedi temple.

Now, they were walking through the hallways of the Temple, ready to speak to Master Yoda about the Trials. Soon, they found Yoda, in a hallway near the Archives. He was talking to Master Windu, but the discussion ceased when the two saw Nico approaching.

"You seem to be in good condition, young one," Windu noted, examining Nico carefully.

"I haven't felt this good in years," Nico smirked.

Yoda chuckled a little and said "Good to hear, that is. Need all your energy for the Trials, you will."

"So when do we start?" Nico asked, ready to begin immediately.

"The first Trial can proceed tomorrow. You will face the Trial of Skill. For now, you may train for the upcoming test. You will also receive the required robes," Windu explained.

Nico nodded. "So how does this trial work?" he inquired.

"For a standard Padawan, there's a special hologram that projects a foe you must battle. However, you're too powerful for that simulation. So instead we are going to use a new piece of technology for your Trials," Windu told him.

"And what might that be?" Nico asked curiously.

"It is just a new training room. But it will bring out your most, toughest opponents that you have ever faced. There will be three battles, it will start from the weakest to the strongest." Windu informed. "Do you understand?"

Nico bowed, "Yes master,"

"Go, prepare you must, for the trials ahead." Yoda stated, and with that Nico, Ahsoka and Anakin bowed before the two masters and left for the training room.

I'm back baby, sorry for taking so long but I have been a bit busy, you know school *barf*, anyway this is the first update on my sequel to The Exiled Ghost King. To be honest with you this is sort of a filler chapter basically saying.


So don't expect me to just, you know, update once or twice a week from now on. The updates will take time, and to be honest with you I probably won't finish this cause I'll most likely be an adult trying to pay for a gas bill, cause right now am in my room freezing my bloody ass off. Anyway where was?...Oh, yeah, don't expect me to update all the time okay. Good.