Clary woke to warmth. She was lying on her stomach, her face pressed against a chest, and someone's arms were circled around her protectively. Jace. Clary's mother had given in to her sleeping over at the institute some months before, and Maryse never commented, though she definitely knew, on the fact that Jace and her regularly slept in the same bed. They didn't actually sleep together, but having him lying next to her seemed to keep the nightmares away, and vice versa. She felt him stir beneath her, and she smiled and snuggled deeper into his warm chest. His arms tightened reflexively around her, and he chuckled.
"I don't know why we invested in so many pillows, as it appears you are more than comfortable…" He murmured, one of his hands coming up and running through Clary's matted, red curls.
"I don't know why you invested in so many shirts, as you seem so comfortable walking round half-naked all the time." She replied quickly, turning her head slightly to face him.
"Just for you, babe, just for you." Clary quickly twisted, wrapping one of her legs around his waist, and turning so that she was sitting on his hips, looking down at his perfect face. Jace's golden hair was ruffled, and his eyes shined with amusement and adoration. It sent a thrill through Clary, that his eyes looked like that when he looked at her. She slowly ran her hands down the muscled plains of his chest, and over his abs.
"And it will always be for me, and me alone. Won't it, Jace Lightwood?" He grabbed her hips, and she blushed, suddenly remembering that she was clad in only short pyjama shorts, and a tight singlet.
"As long as I am the only one who is allowed to do this." And with that he pulled Clary down and kissed her, a tender, loving kiss that, due to their position, quickly became more heated.
"Get off of each other, and put some clothes on, I'm coming in." Isabelle Lightwood, Jace's adopted sister and Clary's best friend, barged into the room with her hand covering her eyes. Clary quickly jumped off Jace, and stood beside the bed, but he remained on it, putting his hands lazily behind his head.
"Don't worry Izz, we're decent" she told her quickly, blushing.
"Barely," Jace added
"Eeeew, Jace, I do NOT want to hear about my best friends sex life. At all." She shuddered, her hand still covering her eyes. Clary smacked Jace on his muscular arm, and he chuckled.
"Stop it Jace. We weren't doing anything Iz, you can uncover your eyes now"
"good," she dropped her hand to her side and smiled at Clary. It was then that Clary noticed what she was wearing. Isabelle's statuesque figure was clad in dark skinny jeans and a red halter top that clung so tightly to her slim figure Clary wondered whether she could even inhale. Her long black hair cascaded loosely down her back, with the sides pinned away from her face with pins. Her eyes were large and dark, aided by the copious amounts of mascara and eyeliner she had applied. Her full lips stood out from her clear, pale skin as they were painted a dark shade of red. In short, Isabelle looked even more horribly and enviously gorgeous than usual, which meant that something was happening.
Clary grabbed Jace's arm for support, before asking apprehensively "Isabelle….why are you here?"
"To get you ready for school, silly!" she replied, grinning widely. Clary relaxed…then froze.
"Wait….WHAT? School? Like, normal mundane school? Are you CRAZY? Izzy, school is….horrible. why would we go?" She yelled, gripping Jace's arm so tightly that she had probably left marks. Jace's face, though, did not appear at all horrified. In fact, he looked almost…amused. Clary turned to him. "you knew?" she asked accusingly, letting his arm go and poking him in the chest. Jace slipped gracefully out of the bed, and stood in front of Clary. She briefly forgot about the problem at hand as she looked at him. His golden hair, and his tanned skin. His chiselled jaw and his perfectly muscled chest. His straight nose, and his beautiful, golden eyes. She was awed for a second, this beautiful creature was hers. Then she remembered what she had been yelling about, and her dazed expression changed to a glare. Unfortunately for Clary, however, it was hard to look intimidating when you are 5"2, and the person you are glaring at is 6"4. He smiled serenely down at her.
"I knew. Maryse said that because you were doing so well in shadowhunter training, you should take a break and spend some time in the 'real world' with other people your own age. Because I thought it would be kind of fun, and because me, Izzy and Alec have never been to Mundie school before, I agreed. Simon will be there, remember." Because Jace looked so sincerely excited about going to school, Clary couldn't bring herself to refuse. She knew it was going to be boring, but how could she deny him this life experience. And he looked so damn hot without a shirt on.
"fine…Bring on the ultimate purgatory. School."