Many thanks go out to everyone who's read, liked, favorited, and reviewed this story. Please enjoy this final installment! And if you're interested, the adventures continue with "TARDIS Child".

Epilogue: Miracles.

POV: Rose Tyler

Date: January 29, 2009

I sat on the captain's chair and watched them fix parts of the TARDIS that weren't even broken with amusement.

I gave her an affectionate when she let out an irritated chirp. "I know. They're just bored. They'll stop eventually."

The TARDIS grumbled to herself, but thankfully held off on shocking either of my Time Lords for the moment. I smiled to myself and felt my hand instinctively move to cover my stomach. I hadn't told him yet. We'd been too busy saving the world from the Master yet again and had only just managed to make it out of the encounter completely intact. Well, all of us save Jenny. She had regenerated yet again when she saved Wilfred's life. And how I'd managed that whole debacle and fought off the morning sickness I wasn't entirely sure.

But here we were. Safe and sound.

The Doctor looked up and smiled at me. I grinned back. "You know she's going to shock you eventually, right?"

"What, the TARDIS? Nah, she knows I'm just trying to educate my daughter, right old girl?" He patted the console and the TARDIS shocked him. "Ow!"

Jenny and I laughed. "I told you so," I said.

He winced and sucked on his finger as he grumbled to himself about "bratty, childish ships."

I chuckled and slid off the seat. I walked over to wrap my arms around him. "Does somebody want me to kiss it an' make it all better?"

The Doctor gave me his best sultry smile. "Please?"

I kissed his finger tenderly and then went for his lips.

"Ew," Jenny complained as the Doctor pulled me closer. "Can you guys not? Or at least find another room? Honestly, how do you even breathe?"

I chuckled at her as we pulled apart. "Oh you'll understand one day when you're older."

"Oi! Not if I have anything to do with it," the Doctor threatened. "No boyfriends on my TARDIS."

I raised an eyebrow. "If that's true then how come you let me bring along Adam? Or Mickey?"

He gaped for a moment. "Well…as of now, no boyfriends on the TARDIS. Not for you, and most definitely not for Jenny. No one. I am the Doctor, and I decree that as long as this is my TARDIS there shall be no more pretty boys under my roof."

"No one but you?" I asked.

He opened and closed his mouth for a moment. "I—that's—Rose!"

I laughed as he floundered for words. "C'mon pretty boy, you promised to make me a banana shake an hour ago."

The Doctor grinned and let me lead him towards the kitchen, a bit of a smirk on his lips. I shut the kitchen door and sat down at the table.

"Shakes?" I prompted when he just stared at me.

He shook himself. "Right! Molto bene! Rose Tyler, you are about to have an experience." He went for the cupboard to find the blender I'd convinced the TARDIS to let us have. It had taken a long time to convince her that the Doctor wouldn't use one to conduct any more experiments with alien bugs.

I tried not to shudder over the images the TARDIS had shown me. She hated the big beetle creatures too.

I bit my lip. "Doctor…"

He glanced up from where he was already chopping up bananas. "Yes, Rose?"

"Doctor I—I've been meaning to tell you. I've felt rather sick lately…" I trailed off again, nervousness getting the better of me. How would I tell him?

His expression became worried, and he reached over with one hand to feel my forehead. "You feel normal. Do you want me to run a scan?"

I shook my head, "No I—I know why it's happening. I already had the TARDIS test me."

The Doctor dropped the knife he was holding and came to sit next to me. He turned my chair so he could take both of my hands. "Rose, love, your worrying me. What are you trying to tell me?"

"Doctor I'm…I'm pregnant." I almost blushed at the words. I was barely able to get all the syllables out in the correct order.

He froze. His hands locked around mine. I counted the ticks on the clock above our heads; twenty went by, then thirty, then fifty-two…

"Doctor?" I whispered.

His face was still stuck on the expression he'd worn just a second ago, and I noted that his breathing had stopped. "A-are you absolutely sure?"

I nodded. "Positive."

He pulled me to my feet and half dragged me out of the kitchen. I struggled to keep up with his long strides—almost having to jog as he led us wherever we were headed.

"Um…where are we going?"

"The infirmary," he told me. "I have to see it for myself."

I let him drag me into the brightly lit room, and obediently lied down on the sterile examination table when directed. He moved with an abrupt swiftness, and I could see a strange light I had never observed before in his eyes. I was almost afraid when he turned back to face me with some kind of scanner in his hands. "Lift your shirt please."

I played with the hem of my T-shirt. "Doctor, you're scaring me."

He looked up at me, and his eyes softened just a little. "Please, Rose."

I nodded and pulled the fabric out of the way. He placed the scanner on my stomach and turned to a nearby monitor. The two of us waited for a long moment in silence, barely even breathing, and then…

The Doctor let out a hysterical laugh when two heartbeats appeared on the screen. "You're right! Oh Rassilon, you're pregnant!"

I smiled softly. "Told you so."

He leaned down to give me an ecstatic kiss. "I can't believe this."

I gave his hair an affectionate ruffle. "Well, it was probably bound to happen sometime."

The Doctor let out another disbelieving laugh and I grinned at him. "Who's going to tell Jenny?"

I gave him a pointed look. "Oh that one is all yours."

He only laughed again. His eyes were still fixated on the monitor. "I can't believe it," he repeated.

I smiled as we listened to the sound of my baby's heartbeats. I loved it already—just the sound of its hearts was enough for some primal instinct to come alive within me. I let one of my hands fall back to my stomach as I watched the Doctor. He was already rattling off a list of things we would need to do, including massive amounts of research by the sound of it. Apparently, Human-Time Lord pregnancies weren't all that common.

I could only smile and send out a silent thank you to whomever it was that I'd been praying to all this time. I knew someone somewhere in the universe had to be watching over me. How else could I explain how everything had turned out? The universe was a cruel place, but as I watched the Doctor run out to find Jenny, I started to wonder if my initial cynicism had been misplaced. It was like the Doctor always said, sometimes amazing things just happened, and when they did we called them miracles.

"Doctor," I called after him when I saw the small box fall out of his pocket.

He didn't hear me as he romped his way back to fetch Jenny. With an affectionate roll of my eyes, I shoved myself off the bed and leaned down to scoop the box up. I bit my lip—should I peek? It was awfully tempting, and I quickly gave in to my curiosity.

I gasped and one of my hands flew to my mouth when I saw what was inside.

"Rose?" The Doctor's voice broke my silent stare, and I brushed away a tear. "Oh…you weren't supposed to see that yet…" He bit his lip, and then took my hands into his own. "Rose Tyler," he said. "I…" He pulled in a slow breath. "I love you more than I've loved anyone in a long time…so I was just wondering if…would you possibly…?" His lips quivered nervously and he cleared his throat. "Just maybe…?"

I smiled and laughed at his nervousness as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yes. You silly, impossible man. Yes."

He gave me his best eye-crinkling grin. "Well that's just—"

I interrupted him with a fierce kiss. I clung to him by the lapels of his suit as he pulled me closer, and sighed happily.

Maybe…just maybe…miracles existed after all.
