Hi ya im new here so please no hate, this is my first story so I hope you enjoy its called Jacks secret. enjoy!

Jacks P.O.V

No one knows my secret my beautiful little secret. They don't know why I moved here why I never talk about my parents, why they have never met my family. The truth is the reason I came to seaford is because I was running away. I originally lived in in new york as Jack brew anderson rich kids son, guitar player in a local band. I was the kid everyone wanted to be until she came. She toke everything from me, she rapped me. I will never forget those cold blue eyes covered by the veil of bleach blond hair burnt straight hair. She toke my virginity and left me sitting there on the side of the road beaten and bruised whispering a lasting "dont tell". I woke up the next morning in a hospital they told me I was found passed out, I broke many bones. I was forced to stay home while my band became famous. I lost all my friends, closed up. I couldn't take it anymore I wanted to die, I was about to kill myself when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find her holding a small baby and a birth certificate. The name was blank, the mother part was blank but the father part was written bold and clear. Jack brew Anderson. I looked at her "this is yours enjoy your life loser" she said dumping the baby in my arms handing me the birth certificate. "wait you cant leave me with her" I yelled currently holding the sleeping baby. "yes I can" she said stomping off. My parents were out on a two week buisness trip so I wouldnt have to worry about them. I looked at the sleeping baby in my arms, my daughter. At first I hated her wanted nothing to do with her. Until she opened her eyes the next morning. They weren't a cold blue, they were a warm chocolate brown, my chocolate brown. From that momment on I loved her, she was my everything. A week before my parents got home I learnt the rapper died. I glanced at my one week old baby, I had to feed her bottle milk but she didnt seem to mind. I still hadn't named her yet, glancing at her wide innocent brown eyes I smiled to myself. My baby girl, my gift from heaven, my angel. And thats exactly what I named her Angel Sofia brewer. I didn't tell anyone about my angel, my secret. I knew they would try and take her away. I was only thirteen after all. So I ran away, I snuck my baby girl and I to seaford. Renting the cheapest apartment I could find using the money I brought from home, I got us a home. My little girl and I. One day an old lady spotted me, she ran up to me. "my my what a cute little baby, how old are you?" she asked. "Thirteen" I replied sheepishly. " You should be in school not taking care of a baby" she scolded "My little girl and I are fine. I cant go to school because I have to look after her" I said. I started walking home when she grabbed my arm "you live here to?" she asked. I nodded "good" she said "because you have some explaining to do". She soon descovered my story and found it 'adorable' what I did for angel. I learn't her name was Ms. Lemmings and she had just lost her ex husband. Ms. Lemmings offered me a deal, if she watches angel for me I would have to go to school and get a job. I agreed wanting whats best for my little girl. My first day at school all I could think about about was angel. By then angel was a month old and cuter then ever. Suddenly a blond girl dropped her apple my instincts from angel and her dropping things kicked in and I bounced the apple into my hands. "alright that was almost cool" she said blond eyes sparkling so much like...angel. "I'm kim" she said "I'm jack" I said flirting a little bit "Well maybe I'll see you around kim" I said. She grinned "maybe you will" she said. Soon I was ushered to a table with three oddly matched people, a latino, a giner and an african. They smiled at me. Soon we were all friends, they were all so childish like angel. These guys the black dragons, I learned they were bullying my friends. I had to teach them a lesson. I knew karate skills from my grandfather and used them to fight. When I saw the mess only one thought echoed threw my mind 'angel' I ran off. After school I grabbed my skate board and skated off as fast as possible. The police started chasing me, forcing me to break threw a wall. Soon the police had me 'angel, angel, angle' kept repeating in my head. I took any offer I could to protect my baby girl. A lot of drama happened, but in the end I joined the dojo with new found friends, eddie, milton, jerry and Kim. As our friendship grew I grew close to Kim almost ready to tell her my secret. But each time I tried to I just couldn't angel was two important. And no matter how hard I fell for Kim angel was my life. So thats my secret, my beatiful little secret. Angel, who is now three years old. Her brown hair grew longer until it ws long and fell by her shoulders Every morning puts her hair in pigtails. Her brown eyes got bigger and are now wide and cheeky. She got my moles one placed right above her lip to the right, small but noticable. She has taken a liking to jean shorts and black shoes. Angel is by far the cutest and cheekiest little girl you could meet. We are a happy little family, the only thing she she needs is a mother. But for now I'll have to do. So there you have it my secret.