I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter! I hope you enjoy the big confrontation. Hope it's to you're expectation.


"Dadaí!" Amelia called as she climbed into her parents bed. She lightly shook her father, to wake him up and get his attention.

"Sea, sweetie?" Kieran replied, stretching his arms out. He opens his eyes and looks over at his sleeping wife and he smiles.

"Someone's at the door." Amelia answers and Kieran sits up.

"Well, let's go see who it is." Kieran says, scooping his daughter up as he got out of bed. He carried her as he walked down stairs to answer the door, wondering who it could be at eight in the morning. Just as he approached the door, the knocking became louder and harder.

"Hold on a bloody minute." Kieran says loudly as he open the door.

"Hello." Fitz says coolly and Kieran is shocked.

"Mr. President, what do I owe this visit?" Kieran asked.

"I need to speak with Mellie, it's a very urgent matter." Fitz says, his tone clipped and Kieran narrows his eyes at him.

"Well, Mellie is still sleeping and it is early." Kieran says. Kieran was very suspicious around this man.

"This is very important and I really need to speak to her now!" Fitz practically grits through his teeth while looking at the four year-old and it finally hits Kieran.

He knows He thinks and he fakes a smile as he looks at Fitz. "I'll go see if she's up." Kieran says. He invites Fitz and his detail in and tell the to wait just a moment.

"Dadaí, cad é atá cearr?" Amelia asks her father as he walks up the stairs.

"Nothing's wrong, Cloverbee. I just need you to stay in your room until me or Mamaí tells you to come out." Kieran answers.

"Okay." Amelia nods. Kieran takes her to her room and sits her down before going to his bedroom. Once he entered the bedroom he saw that Mellie had awakened in his absence.

"Hey, where were you?" Mellie asks with a smile. She's stretching as puts on her robe.

"He's here." Kieran says and Mellie raises her eyebrows.

"Who's here? What's wrong?" Mellie asks worriedly.

"Fitz is here and he knows about Amelia." Mellie's heart drops at the statement. It was the one thing she had been dreading since she had found out she was pregnant all those years ago.

"Are you sure he knows? Did he say that?" Mellie asks nervously.

"No but I can tell. What do you want me to do? I can go send him away, he probably won't leave without an argument but I can make him leave." Kieran says and Mellie shakes her head.

"No I have to tell him or it will just make it worse. Where is Amelia?" Mellie says as she finding clothes to put on.

"She's in her room. I told her not to leave until one of us get's her. Are you sure you want to tell him now?" Kieran asks as he finds himself a pair of jeans to put on.

"I didn't want to ever have to tell him but I have to. There's no point of keeping it a secret if he knows. I can't keep lying to him. To Jerry and Karen." Mellie says as she puts on her jeans and a random t-shirt.

"Okay." Kieran says as he walks over to her, kissing her lips softly.

"She's gonna be so confused." Mellie mutters.

"I know but we'll be okay. Everything will be okay." Kieran says taking her hand. "You ready?" Mellie nods. The couple walks hand in hand downstairs where Fitz was sitting with a glare on his face.

"You flew all this way to talk to me. It must be important." Mellie says coolly.

"It is." Fitz states with cold tone that practically sent shivers down Mellie's spine.

"We can speak in my study." Mellie motions for Fitz to follow her before looking at her husband who sent her a reassuring glance. Mellie walked nervously to her study, Fitz following closely behind her. Mellie let Fitz enter the study first, entering after him and standing close to the door. She closed her eyes and sent a quick prayer to whoever would listen because she hasn't been this scared in almost twenty years. When she opened her eyes, Fitz was staring at her, his eyes void of any emotion. His cold, steel grey ones piercing into her deep blue ones. Mellie decided to talk first, she wanted to be the one in control of this situation.

"I know why you're here." Mellie states, bringing back her cold demeanor from the white house. She didn't want him to know how scared she really was. She had no idea what he would do in this situation.

"Oh really." Fitz stated calmly. He was standing a couple feet in front of her, both of his hands in his pockets. "You know that I am here because you kept my daughter from me!" He yelled at her, his face turning red in a matter seconds. Mellie flinched slightly at his voice. This what she had expected, just she had expected to happen later in life. Maybe when Amelia was ten. Maybe never. But certainly not now.

"How did you find out?" Mellie asked. She needs to know.

"It doesn't matter." Fitz practically snarls at her and she glares at him.

"It does matter! It matters because you think that you can just come here, yell at me and what? Leave here with my child." She snaps at him. "Because if you thought that was going to happen you were very mistaken." Mellie says with venom in her voice.

"Does your husband even know the child he's raising isn't his?" Fitz says, his voice threatening. Mellie rolls her eyes at his juvenile attempt to get her to give him what she wants.

"Of course he does. I was pregnant before I even met him. He stood by me as a friend when I gave birth to Amelia." Mellie says ad Fitz glares.

"So it's okay that you've only been lying to me for the past five years." Fitz yells and she shook her head.

"This is why!" She yells back at him. "This is why I kept her from you. This is why I lied to you. I wanted her to have a normal life. A life where her parents don't argue every minute of the day. One where her father isn't calling her mother a heartless bitch. A life that we were not able to give Jerry and Karen. And if I told you, you would have never let that happen." Mellie continues, her eyes holding the most emotion he's ever seen from her.

"That still doesn't gives you the right!" He says angrily and Mellie sighs.

"And I did it anyway." Mellie says looking at him. "I'm sorry Fitz but I did what I had to. I did what I had to to protect my child." Mellie continued and his glare didn't falter.

"I want to tell her." Fitz says and Mellie looks at him as if he's gown another head.

"I understand that...But it can't happen today." Mellie says, which was a big mistake.

"What the hell do you mean?" He hisses at her. "That's my daughter up there, not his! How do you get to decide when to tell her that her dad isn't her father." Fitz growls. He steps closer to Mellie but she holds her ground.

"Because she is my daughter. She has had everything she could ever need or want and this is all she's ever known. You think that just because you know she's yours gives you the right to come and ruin it all. She's happy. She's so happy and smart and beautiful and I'd die before I let you take that away from her, from me." Mellie says fiercely, her eyes shining with love for her youngest daughter.

"So what? I'm just supposed to sit back and wait for you to decide when it right to tell our daughter." Fitz spat.

"No but today is not the day." Mellie says softly and Fitz finally calms down.

"I don't think I'd ever be able to forgive you for this." Fitz shakes his head, looking at the ground before looking back at her. "I...I cannot even describe how angry, how pissed, how furious I am with you." Fitz says looking at her and Mellie sighed.

"I know that but I had to. I had to do everything I could to protect my daughter. You don't have to forgive me and I won't ask you to." Mellie says and silence overtakes the room.

"Can I at least meet her?" Fitz asks and Mellie sucks in a deep breath.

"Fitz...I don't know." Mellie says, looking away from him.

"Mellie, you owe me this, please." Fitz practically begs and she sighs.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" Mellie asks him and Fitz knows where she's going.

"You want me to wait?"

"Just until tomorrow. That's all I ask of you." Mellie says and she can tell that Fitz wants to object but reluctantly nods.

"Nine o'clock tomorrow." Fitz agrees begrudgingly with a glare before leaving the room.


Cad é atá cearr/What's Wrong?"