Story Key
*** *** flashback
1 October 1981
Were repugnance to take a human form, Tom Riddle would not hesitate to say that she stood before him. Matted gray hair hung limply against the woman's shoulders, her arms so thin they appeared as if they would crumble with the lightest of touch. Her dress, which must have once been white, hung loosely to the floor. A putrid smell radiated from her, like rotting flesh, that permeated the air.
"Tom Riddle," the woman rasped, as though she had inhaled smoke for a century. Her eyes snapped open revealing nothing but white.
Tom inclined his head almost imperceptibly. He didn't trust the woman before him. Oracles were known for their trickery, he would not lower his guard even for a moment. He hadn't wanted to come, he thought it would be useless. However, as of late he had been doing something he had never done before. He had begun to doubt his plans.
He knew what he should do, he should kill the boy. By killing Harry Potter he would eliminate one of the only remaining threats to his plans. But something, a very small something in the back of his mind, told him not to. The boy could be of use to him and his cause if he went about it properly, but he had his doubts.
If he allowed the boy to live, if he took him and trained him, the boy could betray him. There were too many variables even for him to factor in. Then he recalled a passage from the diary of one of his ancestors, Antioch Slytherin, who wrote of his discovery of a cave on the Isle of Mischiq where an oracle dwelled.
Tom knew that no one could tell the future with one hundred percent certainty; there were too many variables. Every choice leads to a culmination that is ones future. A future that can change every day, at the slightest decision. But, oracles were known for knowing more than mere seers, and even he did not doubt their powers. A prophecy had led to his uncertainty, it was only fitting that an oracle would confirm that his plan would culminate into the very world he wanted to create.
"I know why you have come." As the oracle spoke the fire that gave light to the cave dimmed. Flames flickered against giant crystals that protruded from the floor, casting shadows that danced as if they were human. "You wish to know if the boy will bring you what you seek."
"I do," Tom answered. He watched as the fire flared to life, the flames shot up twelve feet into the air. A faint hissing sound echoed around the cave. Tom could sense them before he saw them, a dozen snakes, all varying shades of green slithered from behind a giant crystal. The snakes slithered until they were surrounding the oracle.
The oracle bent down, she laid her palm flat against the ground. Tom's eyes narrowed as one of the snakes wrapped around her forearm.
"Three centuries," the oracle said. Her raspy tone sounded far away. "I have been in this cave for three centuries." Tom watched the oracle in silence.
She turned her eyes to Tom. "You know not of what you sought all those years ago." Decades of occlumency was the only thing that stopped Tom from stiffening. "But you did not come here for that." She brushed her wrinkled palm against the scales of the snake.
"My time on earth is almost at an end," the oracle's voice lost some of it's raspiness. "I have seen your future, every cross road, every choice, every possibility." One of the snakes began to hiss, followed by another, until an ominous song echoed around the cave. The crystal walls amplified the sound making it sound as though there were hundreds of snakes. Tom made no move other than the further narrowing of his eyes.
"I cannot tell you what is to come Tom Riddle, but know this, no matter what path you choose, the boy's name will live on until the earth stops spinning and the sun no longer shines. Until the winds die and the highest mountains crumble to dust." The snakes song grew louder. "Together, your names shall live on in the minds of witches and wizards for centuries to come. With him you can reach glory." Triumph flared to life in the depths of Tom's blue eyes.
The corner of the oracles lips curved up and slowly she smiled revealing a set of stained uneven teeth. A low chuckle escaped her throat before dying out almost as soon as it began. "But heed my warning." Her tongue shot out and ran over her dry, cracked lips. "The boy will bring destruction to the wizarding world, the likes of which no one has ever seen. Blood shall flow from the halls of the place you once called home. And pain," the oracle took in a shaky breath, "there will be much pain."
Tom watched as the snakes began to circle around the oracle, his mind bubbling like a cauldron about to explode. He was no stranger to pain, it was after all, one of his oldest friends. He had thought about his plans for months. If the boy would bring about the end he sought, he would deal with whatever came along.
"A decision made cannot be undone," the oracle said. Tom had to stop himself from reacting. Her voice was velvety soft, like the smoothest of silk. A faint silver light began to surround the oracle. Tom took a step back and cast a shield when the silver light grew bright.
"What is the meaning of this?" Tom demanded. Danger laced his words.
The light faded, where the old woman had been, a beautiful woman stood in her place. He knew it was the oracle. The raggedy dress was whole, a glimmering white. Silvery blonde hair flowed down her back. The only part of her that wasn't beautiful were her eyes. They were gray, and so very cold. As if they had seen all of the horrible things that had ever been, and ever would be. And Tom knew they probably had.
"Do not fear the past Tom Riddle," the oracle said. "for the future is where the true danger lies."
Tom opened his mouth to speak when the oracle froze. As if time had slowed down the oracle fell to the floor, her body made no sound. Her gray eyes glowed as bright as a lumos before dying out. The snakes around her hissed before crumbling to dust.
Tom stared down at the dead body of the oracle. The woman's last words echoed in his head. He cast them out. He knew what he would do. He turned around, the swishing of his black robe the only sound in the cave. His feet made no sound as he strode from the cave.
He had plans to finalize.
AN: AN: This story will be mostly from Harry Potter's POV, but will include POV's from others. This will be a realistic, very dark Harry. Tom Riddle has not lost his mind like in canon, and he has more patience. Tom/Voldemort will be more like when he was younger, open to more ideas and cunning. After the prologue this story will skip to when Harry is seventeen.
Warning: As this will be a realistic story, there will be very dark elements.
All reviews are welcome, and I'll be happy to answer any questions.
The next chapter will skip to when Harry is 17, there will be some flashbacks to fill in some parts.