Just Because It Says 'Malfoy'



A/N: Short n' sweet, this one.

But no matter how short it may be, it still ain't mine.

Dear Scorpius,

I hope you're having a good summer, and I apologise for not contacting you before now. I have, however, only just recently learnt of your promotion from Prefect, to Head Boy, and would like you to have this watch as a token of how proud your grandmother Narcissa and I are of you. We hope you will carry the name with pride. I know you will.

My dear boy, do enjoy your time at Hogwarts – even with McGonagall as Head Mistress. This new position they have given you is them clearly recognising your prowess in organisation and leadership. Make use of this opportunity – Head Boy is the first step to 'Minister of Magic'. I have a feeling that someday you will do astonishing things, for Wizarding kind, and for the Malfoy name. We are looking forward to monitoring your future, and viewing your progress in Hogwarts. It has been a long time since anyone has listened to us Malfoys - what with blood-traitors like the Weasleys high up in the Ministry – and this may be the chance we need to get the Wizarding World back on track again.

Do not fail us, Scorpius.

I know you won't. But do not waste this opportunity to get the Malfoy name back into the Ministry, and into the place of honour it should behold.

But for now, Scorpius, just work on good grades and leadership skills. That should give you a good head start in the Ministry.

Send my regards to Draco, and your family,


Grandfather Lucius and Grandmother Narcissa.

A/N: I told ya it was short...

Review anyway? If I say 'Please' nicely?

Stopping there, before the full blown begging is unearthed,
