A/N: I thought I was half-done with this chapter but when I looked at my laptop's folder. I realized that I haven't typed a thing! It was just purely part of my imagination!

I mean, seriously, Blessie, are you a fucking idiot? [Sorry for the language.] Your readers and reviewers are always waiting for you. Not like they will wait forever. There's no such thing as forever. And no, I am not bitter. Yes, I am very talking to myself. Do not mind me. Just ignore me.

BY THE WAY, TRY, TRY, TRY MY NEWEST KNB FANFIC: 'I'm Fine.' It's not updated yet, but soon enough, it will be. Annnnddd, there will be new ones soon! I hope you'll tune in on those ones as well!

I am just so busy so it might take me a week again before I can update other stories of mine.

Oh, alright, so how was the previous chapter for you, guys? I mean, I was actually not sure how get this done with, but anyways, I will try my best to please you guys while you ride the roller coaster of emotions.

Put your seatbelts on.


Please leave a review! Thanks! [By the way, there's a surprise at the end of this chapter.]



"Myself From Once Upon A Time"

Chapter Eleven:

Everything fell silent right after Kyoko Kuroko's introduction.

It wasn't even something the others should know of, but seeing as the whole car was occupied with silence—the others beside Akashi couldn't seem to prevent being able to hear every word she said from the other line.

He took a deep breath, and composed himself before responding, "And how will I know that you're not lying?"

The other seven around him blinked when Akashi, himself, had stiffened when Kyoko Kuroko chuckled darkly.

Well, not like it was really creepy, but it had that evilness behind it that would make anyone shiver in fear.

"You truly are my son's friend. He will never pick someone who will be easily fooled. But, yes, I am Kyoko Kuroko. Tetsu's one and only mother."

"Proof." Akashi hissed.

"My son is Tetsuya Kuroko. He's studying in Seirin Gakuen, and is part of the basketball club, which recently won the Winter Cup. He has misdirection and is very picky on being open to people." She began.

"Not enough." He murmured.

"You sure are one stubborn child, Akashi Seijuro." She commented.

He played with the keys in his pocket. "How do you even know my name, and the plan we're having?"

"I know more things that you expected. I know that Sadaharu has been hurting his own son for few years now. I know that Tetsuya hates going back home because he's afraid of being beaten up. I know that he has learned cooking slowly because of the circumstances he's in. I know that Tetsu…that Tetsu is in-love with another guy, and that's you." She murmured with so much gentleness; he was pretty sure all she could think right now was Kuroko and his whereabouts.

"Last question." He said. "Where is Taiga Kagami?"

"He tried to run away after I left him alone in the hospital earlier, but I easily found him. He's in the 15th street."

"I see. So, you're just near. We'll be right there." He answered, and hung up.

Midorima rolled down one of the windows. "How did you clarify that she is telling the truth?"

He took a deep breath to calm himself, and took out that signature smirk of his. "Only few know that he can cook." He said.

Aomine stared at their leader, wide-eyed. "That's what made you sure of her identity? Cooking? Tetsu? Akashi, are you serious?" He growled.

The bluenette shivered when Akashi turned his head towards the former, and glared at Aomine. "If I have more time to ask her more questions, I would have done it. But, Daiki, just how much time do you think we have before Tetsuya dies? Do you think I will risk his life over his mother's identity?" He snapped.

Aomine was about to answer, but having no response to counter with; he closed his mouth, and slumped back on his seat. "Damn him and his superior mind. I cannot think of single fucking counter-attack." He grunted, and leaned his head against Kise's shoulder. "Lend me your shoulder for a minute, Kise."

Kise nodded. "Sure, ssu~" He murmured.

Himuro looked up upon realizing his partner hadn't said a single word ever since earlier.

It wasn't that uncommon, but seeing Murasakibara not eating anything was far too rare that Himuro began to worry.

"Atsushi?" He called out.

The violet-head blinked, and looked down at him. "Yes, Muro-chin?"

"What's the matter?"

"…Kuro-chin…" The center player mumbled. "I'm worried for Kuro-chin's safety~" He said, and clenched his fists. "Even if we often argue, he…he is a very great friend of mine…I hope he's fine."

Seeing as Himuro had nothing to comfort Murasakibara with, the former just sighed and nodded in agreement. The dark-head cannot promise anything, because he did not want to raise so much expectations for the violet-head, especially seeing as Murasakibara was actually the soft-hearted kind of person.

"There they are!" Takao shouted. "Pull over!" He added, and opened the door right after their car stopped in front of Kagami and Kyoko.

Kagami looked up. "Ah, geez, seriously?" He grunted, either in pain of disbelief.

Akashi pointed the other seats. "You can sit on any free seat, Mrs. Kuroko." He offered, and Kyoko quickly took a seat before telling some things on the Kuruma, who was in front.

Kagami began to stand up until the smaller red-head stopped him. "No. Don't."

The former looked up, and casted the other a death glare. "What the fuck did you just say? Are you telling me to just stay here while you guys try to save Kuroko? I am not a fucking idiot to just rely on you guys when—"

"And what do you think can you do with that state you're in?" Akashi interrupted.

"I can—"

"You will be the biggest burden if you come with us." The Emperor snapped.

Midorima frowned. "That guy sure can be blunt."

Takao chuckled from behind him. "Said the guy who just suddenly blurts what he wants on other people even if it'll hurt them." He teased.

The green-head glared at him. "Shut it, Takao."

Kagami gritted his teeth. "But, I cannot just stay put!"

"Then, do something else!" Akashi growled.

Kagami covered his face. "And what could I possibly do when I can't even walk properly down the stairs of the Hospital?"

Akashi frowned. "I'll give you an address. I want you to call them right after our car begins to driver away from here. Tell them there's a murder being done, and think of your own explanation on how they'll believe you. I know you can do that least, right?"

Kagami clutched the paper, which contained an address, on it, and nodded. "I'm not even supposed to trust you yet."

"I don't trust you, as well, Kagami Taiga." Akashi replied. "But Tetsuya does, and so will I. I will make an exemption for today."

Kuruma rolled down the driver's window. "I know what to do now, Young Master!" He excitedly shouted.

That was also when Akashi went back inside the car, closed the door, and tapped Kuruma's shoulder. Right after doing this, the trip resumed with an even faster speed than earlier. He looked at the side mirror and found Kagami already making a serious call with his phone.

"W-what time did the authorities found Kagamicchi inside your home, Kurokocchi's mom?" Kise stuttered.

Kyoko took a deep breath. "A-About nine hours…and…" She glanced at her wristwatch. "Twenty minutes from now."

"Just before my classes started…" Akashi murmured. "Just right after that car did pass that path." He mumbled, more confidently now. "Kuruma, follow the plan."


He was shivering.




He hadn't eaten.

He hadn't drunk anything.

He was so thirsty and dizzy, but everytime he began to get drowsy, his body seemed like it had its' own mind and would wake up again.

He felt like he would get crazy soon. It was too silent.

It was too dark.

He couldn't even see his own hands when it became darker and darker as minutes…hours? Gosh, even days could have passed.

He gritted his teeth, and let the tears trickle down.

He was feeling hard.

But it won't come out.

It was as if he was just being teased.

And he hated the feeling of being so weak, so vulnerable and so open.

He could crawl around, but not like there was anywhere else he could go to.

He took deep breaths before trying to crawl back towards the only hope had to escape—the door.

But, for his surprise, right after he approached it—it opened.

His expectations crashed, though, when his father, Sadaharu, twisted the door knob and smirked down at him. "Oh, my dear Tetsu. You look like hell. Don't worry, later on you won't just look like hell—you'll be in hell."

Kuroko frowned. "De…mon…" He gasped.

This made his father laugh. "I'm sure your partner, whom I tried to kill earlier is dead now. If he's not, then maybe he's hiding somewhere far away so that I won't find him. Lucky him, huh. Right after I successfully kill you here, I'll change my appearance, my name, and my everything so that no one can find me. Along with me are the memories of how I tortured my one and only worthless son, who could have just gone quiet instead of being too attached to his mother. Damn. At least I got almost half of her money from the bank. That will be the best gift along with your death!" He exclaimed. "Ohhh, feeling that exhaustion? That's because you'll die after…hm…thirty-two minutes."

Kuroko gritted his teeth, and tried his best to make his head hit his father's leg.

Fortunately, it did. But it just shocked Sadaharu, which made the former took surprised steps backward.

After realizing what his son tried to do, Sadaharu grunted. "You stupid bastard. You'll pay for that. You just made your life even shorter."

That was when the taller teal-head grabbed two buckets near the door outside. He kicked Kuroko back a little before splashing the contents of the buckets all around the small room he was in.

His eyes widened after realizing what Sadaharu was actually trying to do. "No!" He managed to gasp before his father lightened a match stick, threw it few meters on Kuroko's right, smirked, and closed the door.

He wasn't going to die because of hunger.

He was going to be burnt alive.


They entered the Sacred Zone of the Forest surrounding the Akashi manor.

After doing so, they made few turns until their eyes saw something smoking, and something gray.

"This is it…!" Takao breathed.

"It's time to save, Tetsuya. Everyone, I'm relying on you." Akashi murmured.

"Ne, Kuro-chin, are we friends?"

"Of course we are, Murasakibara-kun. I might look annoyed sometimes, but that doesn't mean our friendship could end that easily. You are just disagreeable most of the time."

"It's not me. It's you."

"See? You're being disagreeable again, Murasakibara-kun."

Murasakibara blinked after remembering this memory, and went out of the car.

"And what could have made this surprise visit, Kuroko-kun?"

"I just want to know if you're…you know…serious with Murasakibara-kun."

"…What a surprising question."

"Just answer it, Himuro-kun."

"…Yes. Yes. I am."

"Then, that's all. Best wishes to both of you!"

He wasn't that close with Kuroko, but he knew…He just knew that Kuroko Tetsuya was someone irreplaceable. That was why he came out of the car, as well and followed after Murasakibara.


"I will not let you defeat me. After all, I, too, am a shadow."

"Unfortunately, I, too, cannot be defeated for we must win. But, Takao-kun…"


"Take care of Midorima-kun. He can be a total idiot, but seeing as he's opened up on you, please do not let him go."

Takao was guilty on letting Kuroko score after that, but no matter. He still needed to win against Kuroko. And that was why they were going to save him.

"That's not the right formula."

"This one?"

"No, Kuroko, were you even listening?"

"I was. Look. We were just in this question earlier, but I have already answered the others and advanced."

"…Then, why are you still making me teach you?"

"I want to teach the others about this too. Just in case."

He wasn't doing this because they were friends. He was just doing this because Kuroko had caused enough. Midorima should at least finish it.


"It won't be that easy, but you need to continue, Kise-kun."

"But, I've loved him long enough, and I was hurt enough, Kurokocchi."

"Then, why did you even fall for him?"

"…I..don't know."

"Seeing as you cannot answer this question properly yet, you are not giving up on Aomine-kun yet. Not until I say so."

Without Kuroko, Kise could have ended being broken and useless. That was why that teal-head needed to survive, and Kise promised to do his best to do so.

"I can't be the best shadow for your kind of light, Aomine-kun, but I'll do my best."

"Idiot. You're too modest."

"No. Honest is different from modest."

"Whatever, let's go!"

He was probably slacking off right now if Kuroko hadn't taught him lesson before. Without Kuroko, he wouldn't have found happiness with the blonde beside him. That was why…that was why that phantom player needed to survive.


"So, Tet-chan, this is Sei! He'll be your new friend from now on." Kyoko, his mother, exclaimed.

He blinked and looked up.

In front of him was a red-head boy who looked like he was the same age as he was. The latter was glaring at him with his two crimson eyes and his hands were clenched tightly on his sides. Kuroko could almost see the barrier the red-head had built against him and others.

"Sei, this is my son, Tetsuya. He's quiet and observant, but once you get to know each other, I'm sure you'll get along fine." Kyoko explained.

"I don't want any friends. I'm fine on my own. I am alright all alone." The red-head murmured.

"But—I'm your teacher and I'm worried about you. You've become more distant and aloof since that day. You cannot stay alone all the time."

"I'm fine!" The boy shouted and took a step backward. "I don't need friends!"

Kuroko blinked and took steps forward before extending his arm. "I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. Seven years old. Are you alright?"

The red-head glared at his hand. "What's that hand for? And I'm alright."

"You don't look alright." He mumbled, approached the retreating boy and patted the latter on the head. "You look like you need to cry but don't want to. What's the matter?"

"Shut up. You know nothing. Shut up." The red-head growled and tried slapping his hand away, so Kuroko took the other's hands instead. "W-What are you doing?"

"Can we be friends?" He queried.

The red-head's eyes widened as his mom stayed quiet beside them. "F-Friends? But don't friends betray their friends?"

He shook his head. "I will never leave you alone and lonely! I promise you that! You can cry all the time, I'll be there! I'll protect you!"

"Protect me…?"

He nodded. "So, let's be friends?"

It took a minute before the boy responded and nodded a little. "…Friends."

He smiled a little and patted the Sei's head again. "You can cry."

The boy sniffed and started to cry aloud, "Uhhhhhwwaaaaahhhhhh! Mom, why did you leave…?! Uwwwwwaaaaahhhhh!"

He nodded and hugged Sei tightly as the latter remained crying his pain out.

That was the time he felt that he could be someone's hero, that he could be the one who would do the saving, and that he would be the one who could make someone smile again.

Akashi took out the tear-shaped gem from his wallet. "It was you, Tetsuya…"

"Let us commence the operation, everyone." Kyoko Kuroko murmured right after they heard Sadaharu's laughter from inside the smallest house among the three in front of them.

He didn't have anyone with him, but perhaps, that driver.

"That driver has been his driver for decades. No one can stay long with that husband of mine, but that stubborn guy. I'll leave him to Kuruma. That driver, whose name I didn't care to know, is inside with Sadaharu."

Kyoko nodded and made their simple signal with her hands.

With that, everyone disappeared on their own little hiding places.

Kyoko took a deep breath, and shouted, "I FOUND YOU, SADAHARU! Give me my son back! How dare you! Even his best friend left! How dare you!"

With that, the smallest house's door slammed open with a laughing Sadaharu. "He's dead."

She gritted her teeth. "YOU BASTARD!"

"How did you find me?"

"Tetsu's best friend got to see and tell me your car's plate number. Even the color, I asked all around, and found this place out." She mumbled with anger. "You're a demon."

Sadaharu laughed and played with the gun in his hand. "Tetsu said the same thing." He mumbled. "Utaka, I'll leave this shit to you. I'll go pack up as we go to Singapore to hide tomorrow. I'll give you your salary later."

The driver, who was with Sadaharu inside that house, went out with a big piece of wood. "Yes. I got that. Money talk. Money talk."

Before Sadaharu could even re-enter the house, and before Utaka could even take a step closer to her—Kyoko growled, "COMMENCE!"

In an instant, Kuruma ran out from behind the car, which he evacuated behind the bushes to look like it was empty—and took hold of the wood Utaka held. "I am an Akashi's servant! And I am as absolute as my masters!" He growled, gritted his teeth, and with all the energy he could gather, grabbed the wood out of Utaka's hands.

Utaka frowned. "Give that—"

Before he could even talk, Kuruma slammed the wood at the nape of his neck. "Shut your filthy mouth, peasant."

Seeing as he was super outnumbered, Sadaharu tried to run back inside the small house. "SHIT!" He cursed when Aomine tackled him from behind.

Murasakibara kicked the gun out of the taller teal-head's reach.

"Checkmate." Akashi snapped. "Where's Tetsuya?"

After a minute of silence, Sadaharu grinned. "One…two…"

The extension – or second of the three houses- which was kind of looked like abandoned and was smoking earlier, suddenly exploded.

"He's dead now." Sadaharu hissed.

Eyes widening, all Akashi could do was punch Kuroko Sadaharu's stomach with one big ball of energy. It made the latter collapse within two seconds.


"He's not here…!"

"Not here…!"


Nine individuals were rummaging under collapsed debris of a small extension of a house while a siren of Ambulance and Police rang from meters from where they were.

"Kuro-chin!" Murasakibara shouted as he sniffed and tried to wipe his tears away.

Himuro frowned, and threw every piece of rock –be it big of rock—just to see if there was someone under it. His face lacked that friendliness it usually had. "Kuroko-kun…"

"Kuroko." Midorima grunted and placed his eyeglasses in his pockets because it kept on falling down. And he also removed them just in case. Just. In. Case. He would cry.

Takao was crying, though. He was crying as he rummaged every single metal. "Kuroko-kun…"

While Kise was wailing as he threw every stone on his way. "Kurokocchi!" He cried as big tears dropped on the floor.

Aomine was taking out of anger at every single object that would stand on his way. He would either kick or throw it away without looking on wherever it would go.

He was growling nonchalant words with "Tetsu," at every sentence's end.

But they were trying to look as composed as they could as Akashi, himself, removed his necktie, blazer and inner polo so that he could move easily.

It wasn't really that rare for them to see Akashi doing this. He usually removed whatever he could when he was practicing and had no jerseys with him.

What made everyone silent was that he, too, was crying.

For the first time in their lives, they saw Akashi Seijuro cry.

He was wiping his tears away with the right hand, and was picking up stones, rocks and debris with the other.

He wanted to look tough in front of his friend because that was just him, but he couldn't.

Not when it was as if his life relief on finding Tetsuya.

Not when it was as if his life just ended right after that explosion.

Not when it was as if his heart crashed into pieces upon seeing that victorious smile Sadaharu had on earlier.


"Yes, Mom?" He replied and carefully turned, so that Sei, who was sleeping soundly on his lap wouldn't wake up.

Kyoko blinked and looked at the red-head on his lap before smiling. "You tamed him."

He shook his head. "I didn't."


He blinked as he stared at Sei's face. "He was lonely. He was so lonely that he couldn't bring himself to tell anyone of it because of his dignity. He didn't like being judged, that's why I just told him things that I think he deserves."

His mom sat beside him silently. "Do you like him?"


"Then, here~" Kyoko whispered and placed two teardrop-shaped gems on his palm. "Give the other one to Sei and keep yours. It'll be your connection whatever path you'll take."

He clutched the gem inside his pants' pocket. "Just one last time…"

He frowned and stared at the gem in his hand. "Just one last time." He repeated, and saw something glint.

He blinked, and turned his head sharply. It shown again. He stood up and ran towards the back of the biggest house, which seemed the most abandoned among the three.


His heart almost jumped out of his chest upon seeing a panting Kuroko leaning against the backyard's door of the biggest house. "Tetsuya…!"

The teal-head looked up. "…S-Seijuro-kun?"

"It really is you." He mumbled, and knelt down. "You're alive."

He couldn't believe it. Kuroko couldn't believe his eyes.

Those eyes. That face. That figure. Akashi was right before him.

Kuroko slapped his hand away. "Just let me die, so all of this will finally end! Just let me go!"

"As if I could do that! I'm not a mindless human, Tetsuya. I'm not a big moron!" He hissed.

"But, you don't care about me at all, right? So, w-why are you even here?" The teal-head sobbed.

"I don't care. Yeah, I don't care about you." He snapped, grabbed one of the phantom player's wrists and pulled him closer. He leaned down and captured the other's lips with his. "I love you. I love you, I was crying so much as we search for you inside that stupid empty house right beside this one! I was crying and I never cried!"

Tears sprung down Kuroko's cheeks. "Y-You said those words lots of times, but—"

He leaned down and enveloped his arms around the teal-head. He sniffed the teal-head's hair and tightened the arms that wrapped around Kuroko's waist. "I love you."

That was when he gave in and sunk into the tight embrace he wrapped in and cried in relief. I'm finally home.

"...suya…etsuya…TETSUYA! WAKE UP!"


In a decaying world, how will you find happiness?

In a world filled with hatred, how will you find love?

In a world filled with darkness, who'll become your light?

In a world of survivor, who'll volunteer to be your hero?

There are three of every of us: The future, whom we'll mold.

The present, who slowly tells us what we'll become in the future.

And ourselves from once upon a time, who seemed like a distant memory now.

He closed the book he had in his hands and followed the flow of the wind. "Looks like it will be great day."

"I'll go ahead!" He heard someone shout.

"Be careful!" Another replied.

He looked up as the gates opened, and a warm smile greeted him. "Good morning."

Akashi took a step forward, and pulled Kuroko. "Good morning, Tetsuya. It's great to see you can finally go back to your normal life."

As Kuroko went to sit on the passenger's seat, Akashi began to trip.

They talked about a lot of things until silence suddenly enveloped them.

"I am meaning to ask you for the last few days since I woke up, but Sei-kun?"


"What…how did you find me on the backyard?"

Akashi blinked. "Something glowed. Something glowed with the setting sun's help back then."

As Akashi pulled over beside Seirin's gate, the two rummaged inside their wallets before synchronically took out a pair of tear-shaped gems.

They stared at each other in bewilderment. After awhile, both made a surprised chuckle.

"I'll pick you up later." Akashi murmured and squeezed Kuroko's hand as the latter went down the car and ran after Kagami.

The taller red-head turned, saw Akashi through the side mirror, and nodded.

Akashi nodded back.

With that reassuring gesture, he drove away.

Knowing that what happened few days ago were just part of themselves from once upon a time.

And this time, Akashi wouldn't mess it up.




