Disclaimer Jack and Tooth belong to William Joyce and Dreamworks

A Rise of the Guardians one shot - Bus stop part 1- Always late

A little sappy Rainbow snow cone story for you guys happy holidays this story with have five parts I should have them done by Christmas.

The morning air was cold everyone was waking up from their beds and getting their cups of coffee and heading into their cars, everyone was heading to school and attending their jobs everyone but one young teen that had forgotten that it was Monday. His alarm had been beeping away for two hours but to him it was just background noise in his dream

He was standing at the bus stop watching everyone pass by at supersonic speeds like a montage in a movie. Time kept moving and rotating back around again, again, again. He could see people getting on and off the bus watch the cars zoom by it seemed like he was going to just wait for an eternity before he finally got to leave the station. His blue eyes looking down at the ground sadly.

It has always been a fear of his to end up alone and unwanted. For as long as he can remember, he has watched people come and go from the same bus stop. But, everyone was so preoccupied with their own lives that they did not see him. It was as if they went right through him like he was invisible.

Suddenly he saw a rainbow blur he ran towards it to see a girl around his age with the most colorful hair he had ever had streaks of blue, green, purple, orange and yellow that made her black hair stand out her unnatural violet eyes looking over at him. She not only looked at him but she walked towards him and said,

"Are you okay"?

He was speechless; this girl would go out of her way to help a stranger even though they might not return the same kindness? She was pretty her long black hair was pulled back with a single ponytail, she wore a green hoodie she was short compared to him but most people are. She was fairly small for most girls her age he did not care Jack thought she was very, very pretty.

He was lost in her eyes, and she seemed lost in his and for a moment it seemed like they were going to lean in but all they did was look deep inside their souls it was as if destiny wanted them to me. It beckoned for them to follow the same route, on the same day in the same bus.

Jack did not know if he believed in serendipity or the red string theory but he did believe that anything could be possible that things happen for a reason and that it was people's choice to go and make the best of the life that they had.

She turned towards him and said, "Jack, Jack! God damn it Jack wake up do not make me get my air horn mate because I will scream bloody murder"! His older brother Aster's voice rang.

Jack did not budge he just stared at her with confusion when suddenly he heard a loud screeching sound enter his ear drums.

"AH"! Jack jumped up from his bed and glared at Aster who just smirked at him and said,

"Consider that payback for last Easter Frostbite".

"How many times have I told you not to call me Frostbite my name is Jack, okay say it with me J-A-C-K. Does that sound like Frostbite to you Kangaroo". Jack said as he sounded out his name with irritation.

Aster smirked and said, "Whatever you say Jack, Mom says you need to get ready because we need to take Emma to school".

Aster was not his biological brother but Jack felt really close to Bunny. Mr. and Mrs. Overland had adopted Bunny seven years ago nobody really knew what happened to the Bunnymund's, the orphanage did not even know. They just dropped Aster off and said they would be back for their son soon but they never returned they either forgot or were dead.

Jack stretched his arms out and let out a loud yawn as he sat up from his bed pulled out a navy blue shirt from his drawer and put on his favorite hoodie that he had gotten five years ago. It was a blue sweatshirt with beautiful frost designs. Jack loved winter and it wasn't because he was named after the legendary winter spirit Jack Frost. It was because during the holidays responsibilities and work were pushed aside for family and fun.

Jack went over to the kitchen and poured a bowl of cereal and sighed dreamily as he slowly spun his spoon around the bowl, Jack was too distracted by the girl in his dream to eat. She was so pretty too bad she might not even exist let alone live around Burgess.

"Jack what do you think you are doing Mate will you pay attention to your food Frost you are getting milk everywhere".

Jack blushed he did not even see Bunny come in here, Jack was so surprised at how fast Bunny was it was as if he made secret tunnels to get around all the time. Bunny was sitting down at the table sketching designs for next year's Easter egg design contest held here in Burgess. The winner gets five hundred dollars and an art scholarship.

Jack knew that Bunny was going to win he won almost every year. But last year a new person entered the contest and made integrate egg designs made entirely out of wood. The guy did not even like Easter but he did it to challenge himself, Jack did not remember the guy's name all Jack remembered that he was Russian and was very tall for his age.

"Remember Jack that mom and dad will be away for three weeks and they left me in charge so you better do what I say".

"Ah come on Bunny are you saying you do not trust me". Jack said as he patted his eyes and smiled at Bunny innocently

Bunny frowned and said, "Rack off you bloody show pony you might look innocent right now but you cause nothing but mischief and you know that you are not getting presents under the tree with that behavior".

"I thought you said Easter is more important than Christmas".

Bunny blushed with embarrassment and then cleared his throat

"It it is but I thought you wanted that new snowboard you saw last summer in the catalog".

"What's in it for me?".

"If you behave I will take you to see that band that you like so much what is they called again"?

"The guardians, that is what they are called Bunny". Jack said

"Who are the members again"? Bunny asked Bunny was always so busy painting eggs that he did not really get into music all that much.

"Sandy, North, and Toothiana".

"Oh that reminds me I saw a girl that looked exactly like Toothiana" Jack said as he took a bite of his cereal.

"Oh so that is why you were distracted it was because of a girl huh"? Bunny taunted

Jack blushed and said, "Shut up Cottontail

"Guys stop it is too early for you guys to act like this". Emma said as she rubbed her eyes and sat in the chair next to Jack.

Jack smiled and said, "Good morning Emma did you sleep well"?

Emma frowned and said," I do not want to talk about it".

Jack gasped when he looked at the clock and said, "Bunny what time does it say on your watch". with Panic Jack was so excited at the thought of winter coming that he did not bother to change the time on the wall clock in the kitchen.

"7:30 why"? Bunny asked

"Oh no Iam going to be late"! Jack rushed over towards his backpack packed a few things for lunch kissed Emma on the cheek and headed out the door not even bothering to clean his cereal bowl or push his chair in.

Bunny sighed and said "Is he like this every morning"?

Emma nodded and said, "Pretty much Jack is always late".

Bunny smiled and said, "You would think after five years of living here I would get used to it".

Emma laughed, "Don't worry I have lived with Jack my whole life and I still do not understand him".

Jack ran towards the bus stop as fast as he could not stop for breaks he had to get there in time he just had to. Jack frowned when he noticed how crowed the bus stop was people were bunching together like sheep as the rain began to fall.

Jack was not worried he had his hoodie besides Jack loved the rain. He loved to watch the kids have fun and enjoy themselves sometimes he even joined them. But they were so caught up with playing with their friends they do not notice him, he hated being walked through he tries to make friends but every time he does people do not see him. Nobody needed him the only people he had was Bunny and Emma.

Suddenly a umbrella with humming bird designs on them came blowing near him he bent down to picked up, he looked around the bus stop for the owner but he did not see anyone. Just when he was about to turn in the umbrella someone bumped into him and gasped with excitement.

"You found it thank you for picking it up most people would have watched it blow away I tried to hold on to the handle but it is really windy today".!

Jack smiled and turned around "It's no problem here let me help you up". Jack said as he offered out his hand to the girl it was then that Jack recognized her as the girl in her dream!

She smiled and him dreamily and hypnotically said, "You have the most prettiest teeth I had ever seen". Suddenly she realized what she said and immediately turned scarlet red.

Oh no I meant to say thank you, now he is going to think Iam some weird teeth geek! Even though that is not exactly far from the truth why do I have to be so weird? She thought with embarrassment

Jack blushed and said, "Thank you" What are you doing you idiot tell her she is pretty too he cursed to himself in his mind.

Jack was shocked at the compliment she gave him. It was not every day people walked up to him let alone compliments his teeth! He was so shocked that he did not say anything for a while; he just stared at her looked at him shyly turning her head slightly as she played with a few strands of her hair.

She smiled and said, "Oh my god you are getting soaked come on let's talk under the hanger you must be chilly by now".

Jack shrugged and said, "Not really I hardly ever get cold".

She gasped at him with amazement and said, "You are kidding Iam shivering to the bone I just moved here a couple of weeks ago and Iam still getting used to the cold weather".

"Its not that bad once you get used to it". Jack said as he watched the rain pour down on the ground he had missed the bus by helping the girl out but he did not regret it, she was even prettier in real life than in his dream.

She looked over at Jack and said, "What is your name"?

"My name is Jack". Jack said kindly as he offered his hand over to the girl and asked

"What is yours?"

"My name is Toothiana". the girl said cheerfully as she shook his hand. The smile that she gave me was whiter than the purest diamond it light up my day Jack thought, she was a little odd, but he did not care. He wanted to be next to her, to hold her close. But she probably did not like him that way.

At least not yet he thought optimistically

Jack gasped and thoughtsomething tells me that Iam going to look forward to going to the bus stop now if only to see her smile at me like that again.

They looked into each other eyes as they sat in the bench they did not notice that their hands had grazed each other until they looked down and blushed. Jack looked at Tooth and Tooth looked at Jack and for a moment just like in his dream it looked like they were going to lean in.

Suddenly the two disorientated teens looked up when they heard the familiar screech of the bus pulling into the bus stop. Jack and Tooth ran towards the bus and had sat down and talked until it was time for them to leave to go their classes. They had both decided to be friend first before they go further after all they had just met!

Still Jack felt like he had known her forever the smooth melody of her voice made Jack wonder how he ever lived without Tooth by his side, As they sat and talked Jack learned a lot.

One She Loves teeth she had explained that her father Haroon was a dentist. Two, She was very kind and protective of her baby sister, Jack had seen a picture of her, and thought she looked like a mini version of Tooth that he called her baby tooth. Three, She loves to draw he had seen some of her sketches and thought they were really good.

Last but not least she loves winter! Despite all the cavities kids get around the season, she admired watching the Christmas lights in the houses and huddling near a fire place and reading stories to the little kids when Baby Tooth's friends come over.

Jack watched her leave the bus in a hurry and blushed

I hope I see her again. Jack Thought as he walked up to his class not caring about the lecture that was to come.

End of part 1

Author's note : So, I have some writter's block lately for my other Rise of the guardian stuff so I did this as a sort of writting exerise to get me back into the ROTG mode.

Lately, all I have been doing is drawing and I do not want to leave my readers hanging so here a super cheesy Rainbow snowcone short for you guys.

This is based after a little comic strip sketch I did last June that I will probably never post on my Deviantart or will I don't know. I hope you like the story. It will consist of Five parts so this only the beginning.

I do not know why I made the guardians an old school punk band and their Manger is Mr. Moon with Toothiana as the singer, Sandy as the guitar player, and North on bass. They moved to Burgess to find a keyboard player and a drummer since their last ones Nightlight and Katherine moved away to go to collage together