Vampire's Curse

By The Chuckinator and UltimateLifeFormACYP

Chapter 1: The Vampire's Bite

The sun went down in the sky as night came. Sonic was watching TV with his friend, Tails, and sighed.

"I think I'll go for a run," he told Tails. "Want to come along, or are you going to stay here?"

Tails shook his head. "I'll stay here. I'm tired."

Sonic nodded and looked outside. "Alright. I'll be back soon."

He walked over to the door, opened it, and ran outside through the woods, enjoying the feel of the cool night air. A few minutes later, he thought he heard something and stopped.


Suddenly, a menacing laugh echoed throughout the forest, sending chills down Sonic's spine. He spun around, looking for the source of the laugh. There was no one there. The laugh came again, closer this time. Suddenly, a dark figure came up behind him and grabbed his neck, turning Sonic around. Sonic gasped in fear and recognition.


Mephiles chuckled. "Hello, Sonic...I bet you weren't expecting to see me!"

Sonic struggled to pull away from him, but it was no use, Mephiles had too strong a hold on him.

"What...what do you want with me?" Sonic asked.

Mephiles grinned and opened his mouth. Sonic could see the long, sharp fangs and gulped.

"I will tell you in time," he said. "But I can make you suffer!"

His head shot forward as he sank his fangs into Sonic's neck, causing the Blue Blur to scream in pain. Sonic's eyes widened as he felt the blood being drained from his body. Mephiles ripped his fangs out of Sonic's neck, his mouth and lips full of blood. He sneered as the hedgehog fell to the ground, faint.

"You'll turn soon, Sonic. And when you do...I will come back."

With that, Mephiles transformed into a bat and flew away, leaving Sonic on the forest floor, weak. Sonic stirred weakly, then he stood up and began to stumble towards home slowly.

Back at the house, Tails was napping on the couch. He jolted awake as the door slammed open and Sonic stumbled in. "Sonic! What happened?" He leaped toward Sonic and caught him as he fell.

" back..." He said, and then fell to the ground, unconscious. As he did, Tails noticed two bite marks on Sonic's neck.

What happened to him? I'll have to ask him when he wakes up... Tails thought. He laid Sonic down on the couch, then he flew to the phone, which he picked up and quickly called Silver. The phone rang, and a few minutes later, Silver picked up.

"Hello?" Silver asked.

"Silver! Sonic just stumbled into the house! Just before he passed out...he said..."

"What did he say?"

Tails sighed. "He said Mephiles is back."

Silver dropped the phone in shock and picked it up again. "I'll be right there," he said, and hung up. A few minutes later, he arrived at Tails' house via Chaos Control, and looked at him. "Where's Sonic?"

"He's on the couch still out cold," Tails told him, and then he hesitated. "There's another thing..."

"What's wrong?"

"There's a bite mark on his neck, and I don't know what bit him."

"Interesting," Silver said. "We'll have to ask him when he wakes up. Should we call anyone else?"

"Why not Blaze and Shadow? They might be able to help us," Tails suggested.

Silver nodded. "Sure," he said.

Tails walked back to the phone and called Blaze and Shadow, who both agreed to come as fast as possible, which in Shadow's case took a second. Blaze arrived not too long after.

"So...I hear that something's wrong," Blaze said.

Tails nodded, then he quickly told them what was wrong. "Yes...Mephiles is back, Sonic is out cold on the couch and there's a strange bite on his neck."

Shadow looked up when he heard the name and growled in anger. "Mephiles? He's come back?"

Silver nodded. "We need to find out what we're dealing with."

A few minutes later, Sonic groaned, woke up, and noticed everyone was looking at him. "What are you all doing here?" He asked.

"Tails called us after you passed out just after you told him Mephiles has returned!" Shadow replied.

Sonic nodded and stood up. Shadow saw the bite on his neck and frowned.

"How did you get that bite? What bit you?"

" was..." Sonic hesitated, wondering if he should tell them.

"What?" Tails asked.

Sonic sighed. "It was...Mephiles."

Shadow's eyes widened. "Why would he bite you...?" A dark thought arose in his mind. "No can't be...!"

Sonic looked confused. "Shadow, what's wrong?"

He sighed. "The only reason Mephiles would bite if he was a vampire."