Sooo this is the last chapter of Infinity! If you love it a whole bunch, I am sorry but I had to end it here, I will have a lot for the sequel /.\
Well enough of me talking… Chapter 15 of Infinity starts….. now!
I stood there, holding Lucy close; waiting for that damned interruption that always seemed to come at JUST the right moment to screw everything up… but it never came. I held Lucy closer, nuzzling my face in her golden hair and taking a deep breath. She seemed to stiffen in my arms a bit.
"S-s-s-sorry I … uh, I have to go?"
"Where on earth would you go?" I only held her tighter, even though she was starting to squirm.
"Away from here!" she shrieked, hurting my ears
"Why?" I practically growled.
"Because did you not just hear what I said! This is embarrassing!"
I smiled against her neck. "I heard you just fine."
"Then let me go!"
"I don't think so."
Lucy became deathly still in my arms. I pulled back and started into her eyes, water was brimming in the corners of them. My heart ached at the sight and I willed it to go away. So, before I had any control over my actions I was leaning forward to press my lips against hers. Her softness greeted my senses and she quickly inhaled; my chest got this hot and tight feeling, I embraced it this time though.
I don't know how long we stayed like this, it could have been seconds or hours before we pulled away. Well more like jumped back because that interruption I was talking about earlier finally decided to rear its ugly head. The dragon that had been long forgotten was still perched on Lucy's shoulders.
The golden beast hissed and snapped it small jaw at me. Lucy and I both stood there, shocked at what had just happened.
"Man, I guess we should call you 'Kyofu!"
"Terror? Seriously, Natsu?"
The dragon, named Kyofu nodded its head, seemingly liking the name. "See! Kyofu likes it!"
She shook her head, a smile on her face. Lucy tried to take a step forward, but almost fell in doing so. Of course I caught her before gravity had a chance to fully take effect.
"I guess it can't be helped!"
I swung Lucy so that she was riding me, piggyback style, and began to walk forward. The weight was practically nothing but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease her.
"Luuuuccceeeeee, you're so heavy!"
She weakly hit me over the head, noticing that it did absolutely nothing, she turned towards someone who could do something.
Kyofu immediately snapped at my ear, the sharp sting of fangs making me flinch.
"OW! Luce, what the heck!?"
I could practically feel her pouting, "Don't call me fat."
"I was just joking!"
"So!" I could feel her shaking, she's crying?!
She didn't answer, only started shaking harder.
"Lucy? Come on, answer me, what's wrong?"
Then I heard it, a sound I had missed for only days; but it seemed like an eternity. She laughed; and I knew everything was gonna be ok…
"Oh yea, Lucy?"
"I love you too!"
"I'm hungryyyyy!"
"You're always hungry!"
"Yea but this time I am hungry for something in particular!"
I could hear her sigh from her desk, putting her pen down and walking to where I was sprawled out on her couch.
"What for?"
I waited for the perfect opportunity to pounce, just as she was walking past the couch I snatched her waist and pulled her onto the couch with me. She was quickly captured beneath me and pinned to the couch.
Just as she was about to ask me what on earth I was doing, I claimed her lips. Her mouth was open so I took the opportunity to sweep my tongue inside and taste the sweet tea she was drinking earlier. She moaned softly at the contact, a fire burning lower in my stomach screaming at me to continue. Her hands snaked in my hair and tugged my closer, deepening the kiss. Our tongues continued to wrestle before we had to pull away to catch our breath.
"Are you full yet?" Her face was flushed, her lips swollen, moving with each deep breath she drew and her beautiful brown eyes dilated to the point where it was practically all pupil. She was truly a seductress.
"Hell no."
She giggled breathily and pulled me in again. Our lips met again with a spark, starting something we couldn't stop. Apparently I wasn't doing enough because she groaned and took her hands out of my hair. I took that as signal to pull away but no… she took my hands and placed them on her stomach, underneath her shirt; and took advantage of my confusion to try and dominate the kiss. But I quickly caught on, pushing her shirt higher so it rested just below her bra; not wanting to make her uncomfortable. Palming the smooth expanse of her stomach, we continued this for some time. I hesitantly brushed my knuckles to the underside of her breast. The reaction I got was astounding, her back arched and she broke the kiss to gasp deeply she grabbed my hands once again and placed them directly on her bust. She maintained eye contact the whole time and I practically lost it.
I could almost taste the instinct telling me to claim her; Gajeel had so gladly enlightened me that it was mating season so I would have to take it easy unless I planned to claim her.
Which I am going to.
"Luce," my voice sounded unfamiliar, deep and guttural, "I want to claim you."
"What do you mean?" she sounded breathless.
I pulled back, she looked disappointed but I needed to explain this right.
"Ok, so when I was little Igneel didn't explain anything but the basics about this because I was so young. But a dragon slayer mates with a single person, it is kind of like marriage but more serious. Because the bond is magic, if you die, I die too… dragon slayers live longer than normal humans, but as long as I am alive, you will be too, I have been thinking about this for a while now and I thought I should tell you, I will give you time to think-"
"Yes, I would love too, how is it done? I have a feeling that it isn't going to be signing a few papers…"
My face turned beet red as she looked so earnestly at me, her eyes lit up like the rainbow sakuras.
"I-I have to leave a mark on you... I mean, I have to b-bite you."
"Ohh. Where?"
"Nowhere indecent," unless you want it to be, "But is preferred to be visible to other males so they know to back off."
"What about my neck?"
"Are you sure!? This is permanent! It'll never go away Luce!"
She smiled at me, making my chest tighten again.
"I'm sure, Natsu, I wouldn't want it to go away."
My eyes clouded with lust as she bared her neck to me. I leaned in and kissed her pulse which was thrumming powerfully, "You have no worries?"
"None at all, I love you Natsu."
My teeth scraped the place I had designated as mine, she shivered subtly. I nipped it and licked it quickly to subdue the sting. She let out a shaky breath, her hands found their way to my hair once again, pushing me into her neck. I continued to tease the area, letting my instincts guiding me to do so until she started to shake with the sheer need of this.
"N-natsu, p-please!"
Good. She's ready…
I opened my mouth to cover the spot, my teeth pressing against the skin, she moaned as the pressure increased, I was just about to break the skin and complete the bond when I heard my name.
It wasn't Lucy
I pulled away, but it wasn't fast enough. A blue cat darted into the room; a devilish smile on his face.
His fur seemed to turn red when he saw the position we were in. Me resting on top of a madly blushing Lucy, whose top was now covering nothing, and her skirt was a mess, covering nothing either. I could only imagine what I looked like. I draped Lucy with my body so he couldn't see anything, even though he was a cat, she is mine.
He darted into the other room, "GUYS DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!"
"Why not?" it was Ice princess.
I heard Erza, Levy, and Gajeel all ask the same question.
Gajeel, I am counting on you. Don't count on it again.
"Gajeel, if any male comes in this room right now I will be forced to gouge their eyes out, don't come in this room." I spoke at normal level, knowing he could hear me. Well more like hoping.
I slumped in relief when I heard Gajeel make some half-ass excuse as to why they should go. But Erza persisted, saying she needed to see Lucy at least once before she left.
Think fast Natsu!
But Lucy was a step ahead of me, she could have just said 'I am fine Erza, there is no reason to see me right now' but no, she grabbed at my crotch; making me emit a rather loud moan that could be heard by even non-dragon slayers in the other room.
Erza squeaked a very un-Erza like squeak, Gray mumbled something about 'flame brain' and Gajeel and Levy were long gone, along with Happy.
"We're alone now?" Lucy asked innocently.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean you're safe, what were you trying to pull?!"
She winked at me and stuck her tongue out, "Payback."
I stared at her neck, she instantly understood and bared it to me immediately. I leaned in just as I felt something on my back. It nipped my ear sharply, making me jump up. Kyofu was in the air, its wings flapping to keep itself afloat. He glared daggers at me.
"Damn it," said Lucy, "we never get a break, do we?"
I really hoped you guys liked that xD
So I am gonna do one last reply to the comments and then Infinity pt.1 is officially done. I don't know whether to feel sad or relieved, this is only my second fanfiction and my longest by far, so please let me know how I did! BY THE WAY. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THIS! THIS STORY ISNT OVER! Just so you guys know :3
BlueCelebi: Thank you so much! And I hoped I answered any questions you had, I am kinda bad at explaining things so if you have questions PM me XD
SnowAngelSlayerTasha: Thanks! I am glad you weren't in a hurry cause this took FOREVER to spit out o-o sorry
Lucy Queen of the Stars: I have no idea if that is a good thing or a bad thing XD glad you like the dragon!
DarkMoonRaveWolf: Thank you so much for your support!
Erzatscarlett: I hope you found out, and I am really happy you like it! :D
PrincessVideogame: Thanks /.\ I am too young to be writing this, I haven't even had my first kiss yet! I hope I am accurate because I literally have no idea. The cerealness that it got for me there was intense. O-o I love how you put: aww so cute! Are they gonna do the nasty? XD it made me laugh :D don't kill anyone please :c I think it would be hard to explain in court: "so why are you here?" "I killed someone because something happened in a fanfiction"… XD that chapter name is a really bad pun but I am glad you liked it!
KitAlbert07: Sorry it has been so long /.\ but I hope this appeases you, I am so glad you like that XD I was pretty unsure about myself when I wrote that to be honest!
Well guys I feel like I am about to cry, but this is it, the end of my longest fanfiction Y^Y I have had some great times writing this, and I hope you had as much fun as I did! For the last time, for now at least
I love you guys, you have no idea how much you mean to me…