In the waiting room, it was kinda awkward. Niether 'verse wanted to be the first one to speak out, so the room was silent and alot of staring occured.
AAl rolled his eyes. They were never going to get anywhere like this. So he walked up to the middle of the room.
"Hi, I'm Alphonse. Nice to meet you." He said. The older boy who he had assummed was his counterpart stepped forward slightly with a confused look.
"You're me? But why are you younger? And wearing brothers coat?"
AAl opened his mouth to explain and then get some answers of how BAl was the right age but BEd still had automail when his own brother's voice interruppted him.
"How are you taller than me?" AEd was glaring up at his counterpart who just blinked. He moved his hand from his forehead to the top of AEd's head and smirked. It was true: BEd was a good couple inches taller then his counterpart.
"I guess you never got northern automail?"
"Northern automail?"
As BEd and Winry explained northern automail to their counterparts, and the Als explained how they got their bodies back, the Mustangs and Haweyes were also having a conversation.
"So... the eye?" BMustang asked awkwardly. He knew that this converstion wouldn't get anywhere until that topic came up, no matter how awkward it was. AMustang sighed.
"Near the end of a coup, a soilder shot me in the eye. Freaked the Lt. out when she found me, covered in blood like that." AHawkeye glared at AMustang for that comment and AMustang grinned cheekily.
BMustang winced. Why was it always the eyes? His Hawkeye apperently thought the same thing.
"Why was it always the eyes sir?"
"What do you mean?" AMustang asked. "Your eyes look fine to me."
"I was forced into human transmutation and the Truth took my sight so I couldn't 'see the future of this country' or something. After I used a Philosopher's stone to give Havoc's legs feeling again, I used it to give me back sight."
"Huh... I feel our, for like of a better word, adventures are different."
"So, how did you meet the Coronel?" AHawkeye asked her counterpart as the Mustangs talked.
"He trained under my father for his flame alchemy. I grew up with him."
"Really?" She blinked. "I didn't meet him until the war..."
"Do... do you have the tatoo on your back?"
"What tatoo?"
BHawkeye sighed, though her counterpart couldn't decide if it was in relief or something else.
Meanwhile, with the Hohenheims...
"So, let me get this straight. Your past is that you feel in love with someone before Trisha..."
"And then you tried to live forever with her and found a way to body jump with a Philosophers stone, causing alot of lives to be lost."
"W-well, when you put it like that..."
"And then your first son died, you used human transmutation to try to bring him back to life and it failed, like every other attempt that has been recorded, and that somehow created Envy."
"Then you decided to leave your lover and keep jumping bodies, causing in even more deaths and your lover caused even more deaths then you did because of what you showed her."
"Hey Edward?" BHohenheim called to his eldest. BEd looked over from where he was talking to AEd, the Winrys and the Als.
"What Hohenheim?"
"Do you remember what you did when you saw me right before the Promise day?"
"Do the same to him." He pointed to AHohemheim, who just looked lost. "But harder. And with the same hand."
"He's worse then I am."
Edward shrugged and walked over to punch his counterpart dad.
"Oi Oi! Wheres my counterpart!" AGreed yelled. His siblings had counterparts, even if Pride was Wrath and Pride was his Pide's adoptive son. BEnvy smirked.
"Oh, well see, he-"
"Not so fast!" Ling yelled, appearing out of nowhere. The Kimblees were talking over by the other wall and you could see May clinging to BAl's arm. Lan Fan and Fu where being ninjas. Anyway, back to Ling. "Don't tell him! That would ruin all the fun!"
AEnvy scowled. "Why should they listen to you?"
"Because I can and will make you automadtaly lose." Ling smirk.
"No you can't Young Lord." Lan Fan called out from her ninja spot. The homunculi looked at Ling smugly.
"W-well.." Ling paused, searching his mind for someway to stop BEnvy from telling the Ahomunculi the truth.
The Izumis were out on the areana, fixing it up. It wasn't long before one of them broke the silence.
"So, who was the boy you were standing so close to?" BIzumi asked.
"...My son." AIzumi answered after a moment of silence.
BIzumi stopped working and looked over at her counterpart. "Your son survived in your dimention?" She asked with a quiver in her voice.
"No." AIzumi sighed. "No he didn't. In my world, homunculi are made from failed human transmutations. That little boy was made from my son and I rather think of him like that..."
"Oh..." BIzumi said and looked back to the areana. Without her noticing, they had completely fixed the areana. She stood up and watched her counterpart walk to the waiting room to tell everyone. They got lucky, however, because at that moment, Ling ushered everyone back into the room.
"Thats enough talking everyone!" He said as the two universes went back to their respected sides of the room. The Izumis started to walk to either side when Fu called out to them.
"Miss Izumis. Don't bother walking back. I drew from the hat while the Young Lady was healing the Kimblees, and you're up next."
The Izumis shrugged and faced each other.
BIzumi was just a bit faster and aimed a punch at her counterpart before AIzumi could. AIzumi dodged and kicked up into BIzumi's stomach. BIzumi jumped out of the way and tried to clap but AIzumi knocked her hands apart. It went on like this for a bit, aim, hit, dodge, block, until BIzumi knocked AIzumi's feet out from under her. AIzumi wasn't able to keep her balence and fell. BIzumi took this distraction and clapped her hands, ready to knock her counterpart out of the ring.
Then AIzumi coughed up blood.
BIzumi paused. It was stupid, she knew, and she beat herself up over it later, but it was a reflexe. AIzumi took the pause and clapped her hands also, slapped to ground and knock BIzumi out of the ring.
"Anime Izumi wins!" Ling yelled.
"Teacher!" Ed and Al yelled from both sides.
"Mommy!" AWrath yelled.
As AEd, Al, and Wrath helped AIzumi, BEd and Al made sure BIzumi was ok.
"I'm fine. I shouldn't have paused." Izumi said as she got up. "It was just reflexe seeing her cough up blood."
"No, Teacher." Al said. "We mean, are you ok emotionally? You seem really down and you didn't seem to put in your all in that fight."
"I'm fine." Izumi said again as she watched AIzumi and Wrath.
"Next up is..." Lan Fan said as she reached for a name...
I'm afraid Izumi is OOC... oh well.