Shadow Clone

"Everything I said I'd do, I did."

I bite her lip.

And I shudder under her touch.

Her hands are gliding down my abs, caressing them inch by inch, until her fingers are tugging at the waistband of my briefs. My lips are on her neck now. Kiss. Lick. Nip. My fingers are dancing around her thighs, brushing lightly against her smooth skin.

My hand dips slowly between her legs and her breath hitches, and I can feel how wet she is.

Her hands have pulled my briefs down now and her hands ghost over my hard, throbbing length. She starts slow, fingers sliding up and down gently, building a rhythm as her lips catch mine. One of her hands trails down to my own, guiding my fingers in and out of her, and I can feel the heat and longing radiating from her.

She moans, back arching against me.

My tongue trails down her alabaster skin, working its way across her body.

There's a few, small white pills lying innocently between her supple breasts.

"Take them", she whispers huskily. I look up at her face, and I can see the lust in her eyes, excitement sparking in her dilated pupils. She's writhing under my touch still and I can tell her body is aching.

So I take them.

The pills rest on my tongue one after another, bitter.

I swallow.

Then suddenly she's on top of me, pumping my length up and down, rubbing her wetness against me and moaning into my mouth.

She's fucking excited. And so am I. So I let her take control.

And time just blurs.




There goes my heart. Thump. Thump. Beating a fucking staccato into my ribcage. I can feel the sweat trickling down my forehead, dripping onto my chest.

I throw my head back and let out a low moan, fingers gripping the soft leather of my couch. Colors are dancing in my vision. Blues, greens, purples and silvers flash across my half lidded eyes. My whole body is tingling and it feels so fucking good.

Her lips run up my cock, tongue swirling around my head. Her hand is sliding up and down rapidly, my length slick with her own saliva.

My body shivers in undisguised pleasure.

She takes me into her mouth, fingers now gliding over my thighs. Deeper. She's playing with herself now. Farther. The tip of my length touches the back of her throat.

I run my fingers through her violet hair, gripping her scalp as she takes me even deeper.


She's mind-blowing. Blowing my mind.

This is a feeling almost impossible to describe.

And she knows it.

My cock leaves her mouth with a wet 'pop', and her tongue flickers out, licking her lips as she looks up at me. She just stares, locking her amber gaze with my own as I throb against her.

"Feeling good?" She croons, hand gently pumping me again. I twitch in her hand, balls tightening. I've been on the brink, so close, and she just keeps me going.

I can only murmur an agreement. My mind is lost in pleasure, eyes glued to the sexy woman on her knees in front of me. The shadows and the lights dance against her face, and my mind and my vision are going crazy.

I want her.

And she knows it.

So she just smirks, crawling from her knees to hover over me. Her lips touch mine and my eyes close. It feels like heaven. The greens and purples and blue are back. But now they are joined by pinks and yellows. I open my eyes to see her grip me, guiding my cock into her wet folds. My vision wavers, flashing in and out and my mind is a haze.

I slide easily into her. She takes all of my length at once, throwing her head back with a loud moan as her pussy contracts around me.

My body is lost. My mind is lost. I am drowning in ecstasy. My hands fondle her breasts like a blind man, my hips thrusting up into her as she grinds down on me. She's tightening around me, biting my neck as she moans over, and over and over…

We don't sleep.

Long live the roll.

Naruto sat on the roof of the Hokage tower, blue eyes glaring sharply down on his village. His high from earlier had since worn off, though the tingles of ecstasy would run down his spine every so often.

Anko had gone to wherever she usually went and the building was quiet, devoid of its normal ANBU guards

For the time being, Naruto was alone.

A cigarette sparked in his hands.

His open shirt fluttered in a momentary breeze, wind winding over his exposed skin as he stared out into the night. He took a deep drag, slowly exhaling as the tobacco filled him.

A lazy trail of smoke drifted through the air, tendril slowly expanding into the gray sky.

A sardonic voice carried into the night.

"You know, those are going to kill you some day."

Naruto snorted, eyes flickering to the approaching figure, barely glancing over silver hair that shone in the moonlight.

"Doubt it. Nothing else has killed me."

Wind laced with chakra swirled around the smoke, dancing with it in the darkness. A spark of electricity shot toward the smoke, but the wind laced chakra simply carried it farther away before dissipating calmly.

A soft chuckle reached Naruto's ears as Hatake Kakashi sat himself down on the edge of the roof, legs folding inward as he fixed his one eye on the stoic blonde.

"I see you've been enjoying yourself", said the copy nin, nose crinkling beneath his mask. "Well, more like I can smell it."

Naruto laughed, exhaling smoke as he did. Kakashi had always had the most accurate nose, even amongst ninja. His mind flickered briefly to the violet haired woman that had shared his bed hours ago.

"More than you know sensei", he said, tilting his head back, "More than you know."

"I won't ask", said Kakashi, hands moving to his pockets.

Naruto took another drag before offering it to the silver haired man. There was a brief pause before Kakashi reached out, simultaneously pulling his mask down to put the cigarette to his lips. Naruto stared for a second before chuckling, turning his gaze away from the older ninja.

"So", started Kakashi, smoke drifting from his lips, "Where's Naruko?"

"At home", said the blonde, running a hand through his hair, "She's been so busy remodeling the house that she's been ridiculously tired. I work late so she can sleep in peace for a change." Naruto grimaced, "The nightmares keep her up."


Silence fell between them.

"So let's cut the bullshit sensei. What's bothering you?"

The copy nin glanced at the blonde, taking another pull from the cigarette, ash falling away. He exhaled, eyeing it after a second before flicking it away. It was almost burned down to the roach anyways.

"…Sakura's been asking about you", he said.

Naruto frowned, rummaging in his pockets as he looked for another cigarette.

"Way to ruin my mood", he muttered.

Kakashi let out an exasperated sigh, pulling his mask back over his face.


The blonde merely waved him, pulling a cigarette from his shirt pocket, eyes inspecting it for a second.

"She knows where my office is and how to schedule an appointment if she wants to talk", he said, "She shouldn't be asking people to play messenger because she's too afraid to see me."

Kakashi's mask creased, "Well, she didn't ask me. It's what I've been hearing through the grapevine. She heard you and Naruko moved in together."

Naruto scoffed, fingers coming together in a spark of chakra to light his cigarette.

"And what? She's worried about my mental stability? Did she and her little crew of doctors and med nin get together to sign another petition that I'm unfit for duty again? Please. Baa-chan must be rolling in her grave."

Kakashi was silent, considering his words.

"She's genuinely worried, I think", he finally said.

'We all are' lingered in the air unspoken.

Naruto shifted, cigarette dangling between his fingers, and barked out a harsh laugh.

"Sakura? Worrying about someone other than herself?" He shook his head, "That's rich."

"Naruto, she just wants to know if-"

Naruto cut him off, "Honestly, should it matter to me what she wants sensei? I thought I was as good as dead to Sakura. I know she's as good as dead to me."

He exhaled more smoke, looking at Kakashi out of the corner of his eye. The older man looked stricken for a moment.

"Don't say that", he whispered.

Naruto felt a pang of guilt lance through him. He mentally berated himself as he flicked ash from the tip of the cigarette.

"…Sorry." He said after a moment.

"You know I hate this", said Kakashi, voice low.

Naruto looked at his cigarette, still burning halfway through. Suddenly, a smoke wasn't so tempting. With a disgusted grimace on his face and a mouth filled with the taste of tobacco, he snuffed it dead and flicked away into the dying night.

"…I know sensei", he said after a moment of silence, "But my addictions and my vices are none of her concern. And if she ever tries to pull that petition shit again, I won't let it go. You know that. It's as good as treason."

"I know Naruto", murmured Kakashi, a resigned sigh coming a heartbeat later.

The blonde slowly got to his feet as Kakashi fell silent, buttoning his shirt halfway as he did.

"Enough of this depressing shit. It's almost dawn. Breakfast?"

Kakashi scoffed, rising to his feet as well, stretching to kinks out of his body.

"Hah! You have time for this old jounin? Well, as long as you're paying."

Naruto rolled his eyes

"…Cheap bastard", he chuckled, before reaching out and putting a hand onto the copy nin.

In a flash of gold they disappeared.

My name is Uzumaki.

And I am the nine tailed demon fox who tore the world asunder and reduced it to nothing but husk and ash beneath its feet.

My name is Namikaze.

And I am the Rokudaime Hokage who took a broken world and recreated it with his own two bloodied hands.

My name is Naruto.

And I am the lonely boy who sacrificed his eternal soul and shattered himself to save a world that didn't deserve it.

I am the child who was naïve enough to think he could change the world through peace and love. I am the shinobi who put himself before others in a world of cheating, lies, and backstabbing. I am the man who sacrificed every bit of his humanity to salvage a ruined world, for nothing.

Jiraiya was wrong. So was Nagato.

But I didn't realize that until it was too late.

I didn't realize until the blood stained my nails and skin red. I didn't realize until the scars were so deep that even the vaunted passive healing ability of the Uzumaki bloodline could not heal them.

I didn't realize until I watched my deranged teammate try to kill the closest thing he'd ever had to a father.

I didn't realize until I listened to my last teammate try to justify his insanity.

I didn't realize until my sensei was a broken man with a scattered team.

I didn't realize until I walked through hundreds of acres of burned and salted farmland littered with the bodies of children and women.

Do you know what it's like to walk amid a field of death? Do you know what it means to look into the eyes of a little boy or little girl, and see nothing staring back at you? Do you know what it is like to realize that you were too late? And that you will always be too late? That you cannot save everyone? That you will stare at the bodies of mothers shielding their children, that you will kneel over the bodies of your dismembered comrades, that someone you are all but blood related to, will die?

Do you know what it's like to stare in the eyes of another and order them to die for you? And for them to look back at you so blindly and say, "Yes."

Jiraiya and Nagato were stupid. And it pains me to say it. It is impossible to bring peace to a world of shinobi.

Because in a world where people will die loyally and without a thought for a cause that is just as obscure as the next, peace is a delusion.

There is only war and death where kunai and jutsu fall. There can be no peace with shinobi.

Thus, the only logical path to peace is that there can be no shinobi.

But this is impossible as well.

So instead there is a world held together by a steel will, a silver tongue and an iron fist.

And behind all three of these things is a broken man, drowning in his own vices and his own troubled thoughts. Behind these things, is too much alcohol, too many drugs, too many women and too much power. Behind it all is darkness.

Because how can you forget ordering children barely into their teens to die for you?

My name is Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto.

I am a playboy, a drug addict, and a born sinner.

And I am the exhausted steward of a continent re-forged in unholy, demonic fire.

An: I'm good. I'm trying. Let me know what you think.