The Story Of Menma Uzumaki

Chapter 9: Team Mates

The morning sun rose up shining light into his room. Laying asleep was Menma Uzumaki, a new ninja of the Hidden Leaf. And he became one the hard way. Finding the truth of his birth made Menma have mix feelings. But, that wouldn't stop him from becoming a successful shinobi or Hokage.

Smelling the scent of food stirred Menma awake. He let out a yawn, strechting his muscles. He jumped out of his bed, going over to his new headband that lay on his table. He looked at with grimace. He was so excited when he got it. Then, his day got ruined.

"What a drag!" Menma muttered.

Quickly getting putting on his uzumaki shirt and his pants, he tied his headband around his arm. WIith a look of determination, he clenched his fiist.

"All right, lets go!"

"Menma, are you coming to eat your breakfast?!"

"How the heck did she know that I was up?!" Menma thought.

"Menma!" his mother's voice rang out.

"I`m coming!" he shouted back.

Menma walked up to the academy. Inside was opportunity and it was calling. Continuing on, he opened the classroom door revealing his classmates with their headbands on.

"So Menma, you graduated too huh?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah, that test was too easy!" Menma said.

"Menma made it! I`m glad!" Hinata thought as she blushed.

"Hey Hinata, you passed that's great!" Menma said.

"Y..yeah! was easy!" Hinata stammered.

"Don't fall for it Hinata!" Kiba cut in. "If it was so easy, Menma would've passed before!"

"Who the hell was talking to you, dog freak?!" Menma shouted.

"What did you call me, you regect cat?!" Kiba shouted back. Akamaru falling in pursuit of his owner let out a bark.

"Mind your own buisness!" Menma said to Akamaru.

"Is Menma really arguing with a dog?!" Choji asked while munching on chips.

"You know Menma, he likes to fight! Its a drag!" Shikamaru said as he put his head down.

"Hey Choji! You wouldn't want a certain someone to lose their chips would ya?!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Choji said as killer intent flowed out of him. In that instant, the doors burst open with a blond girl and a pink haired girl running in.

"I got here first!" they said in unison.

"Great! Here comes everyone`s least favorite kunoichis!" Menma thought. The door opened again eevealing another figure. He had a raven styled haircut and had dark piercing eyes. He wore a blue shirt that had his clans insignia on the back. He had a sword clinging behind him as he walked pass the two girls.

"Sasuke!" they shouted. Sasuke Uchiha completely ignore them and walked to a seat in the back.

"Whoa, when did he get a sword?!" Choji asked

""Hmph, he`s totally copying my style!" Menma said.

"Year right!" a voice said behind. Menma turned to Ino and Sakura glaring at him.

"Why would Sasuke need to copy you?!" Ino said.

"He`s the best ninja in the academy!" Sakura said.

"So, you say!" Menma said.

"Are you saying you can beat me Menma?!" Menma felt something sharp on his neck. Thats when he realized the Uchiha was behind him with a blade to his neck. Everyone in the clsss was shocked. They didn`t even see him move from his seat.

"Well Sasuke, thats some speed! But-" In a puff of smoke, Menma was gone.

"I`m more faster!" Menma said behind the Uchiha.

"Woah, they're both quick!" Choji said.

"Yeah, but that idiot! When did he make a clone?!" Kiba said shivering with anger. Clearly, Menma was highly skilled enough to match even Sasuke`s speed. The whole class thought this test of speed was crazy.

"Don`t act all high and mighty! You loser!" Sasuke said.

"You wanna fight?!" Menma shouted. All the other kids gathered around them, soley cheerimg for Sasuke.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"All right, that's enough!"

"Iruka-sensi!" Iruka walkes ito the glass showing grimace. All of the students quickly got to their seats in fear of their teacher. Sasuke released a powerful glare at Menma before they both walked to their seats.

"Ok class, as of today, you are all ninjas. To get here, you all had to face difficult trials and hardships." Iruka said. "But, that's nothing! What comes next will be far more challenging!"

"Now, your only genin! All genin will be on three man team which will be led by a Jonin!"

"Woah, a three man team!" Sakura and Ino blurted out.

"So, I wonder whose in Sasuke's group?!" Ino says.

"I don`t know!" Sakura says. "Dah! I`m gonna be with Sasuke so shut up, you hag!"

"Can these two groupies shut up?!" Menma thought.

"They're all idiots!" Sasuke thought.

"We want each squad to have a balance of strengths and weaknesses. So thats how we set them up!" Iruka says.

"I will know announce the squads! Squad Seven: Menma Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha!" There was a burst of excitement that came from Sakura and a cry from Ino.

"Hold the phone!" Menma shoutes as he slammed his hands on the table. "You put me in a group with these two?!"

"If you have a problem with it, you can take it up with the Hokage, Menma!" Iruka says.

"Fine!" Menma says. "Is this his idea of a joke?!"

"Next is Squad Eight featuring: Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inazuka and Shino Abrume!"

"Damn, why couldn't have I been put in with Hinata?! Oh he`s so dead!" Menma thought.

"How the heck you were put in his group?!" Ino spat as Sakura rubbed in her face. "Ka-chimg! True love conquers all!"

"I don't get! What's so special about him?!" Shikamaru asked.

"Your so clueless! Don't you get it?!" Ino says.

"No I dont, since I'm not the one chasing after him!"

"Your so full of yourself! Jealousy is a terrible thing! I hate to be on your squad!"

""Squad Ten" Iruka said. "Ino Yakamana, Shikamaru Nara-"

"Hey, didn't you just you'd hate to be on my squad?!"

"Oh shut up!"

"And Choji Akamichi!" Iruka finishes.

"Aww come on! Not food boy too!" Ino thought.

"And those are all the squad!" Iruka said.

"Great, I'm stuck with these too! Just don't get in my way Sasuke!" Menma says.

"The feelings mutual!" Sasuke says back.

"Leave Sasuke alone Menma!" Sakura said.

"Stick a sock in it forehead!" Menma said.


"After lunch, you meet your new sensei! So class is dismissed!"

"Looks like we got a bad bunch on our hands!"

"Espically, you Kakashi with that Uchiha kid!"

"The last of his clan, huh!?"

"Sasuke, where are you?!" Sakura says. The young Uchiha disappeared as soon as class ended. She was hoping they could finally go on a date or talk as new teammates.

"I can't believe he disappeared like that!"

"Man after I get some ramen, its off with that bastards head!" Sakura turned around to see Menma walking her way. She immediatly got angery but decided to do something she regretted.

"Hey Menma-" she said with a smile. "You wouldn't happen to know where-"

"Get the hell out of my face lady!" Menma said in a monotone voice as he walked straight past her.

"WHAT! How dare you?! The one time I was nice and you-"

"Anyone could see through that fake smile! And I could sense your negative emotions towards me! See ya!"

"Damn, you Menma! Your so annoying!" Menma soon disappered from sight which was great for Sakura since came walking by her. She got so excited that she was about to ask him when he cut her off.

"Sakura, where's Menma?!" Sasuke asked.

"Why are you looking for him?!" Sakura asked.

"Me and him have unfinished buisness!"

"There's no need for you to look for him! We all know your better than him! Menma is just annoying!" Sakura says. Sasuke squinted eyes and clenched his fist in anger.

"I mean come on! The guy has no father and takes advantage of his mother!"

"Shut up! You have no idea what you're talking about!" Sasuke spat.

"Woah, what are you getting so mad over him for?!"

"Its because he saved my life that night! And I won't have anyone trash talk him! Only I'm allowed too!" Sasuke said as he began walking away.

"And the only annoying one is you!"

Continuing on Sasuke walked all the way towards a small restaurant stand call Ichiraku's. Imside was Menma chowing down on bowls of ramen.

"One bowl of ramen!" Sasuke said.

"Coming right up!" Ichiraku said.

"So, where's your girlfriend Sakura?!" Menma asked.

"Don't get the wrong idea! The ony thing I'm after is my brother! After he's dead, I'm coming after you!" Sasuke said as he began eating his bowl.

"I'm shaking in my ninja boots!"

"I can't believe it! He said I was annoying! Maybe I have been mean to Menma!" Sakura said aloud. Then, she heard foosteps approaching her. She looked up to Menma walking by.

"Maybe I should be nicer!"

"Hey Menma, do you want to-"

"Screw you!"

Sakura paused for a while. She had to absorbed what just happened. Then, it clicked.


Well thats the end of the chapter pleade review and ask any questions!