Please leave me a comment~! Your comments motivate me to write faster! I really thank you all for your wonderful comments and all your support. Truly I thank you.

Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail.


"Okay Lucy... You're lesson starts now."

Gray was sitting to Lucy's left. Erza on Lucy's right. Levy standing right behind Lucy. Lucy looked up at Mira with an emotionless look.

"First.. let me tell you about the Lucy I remember her by. She comes in every morning to say good morning. She sits right there in that seat and then fills her day with the things she loves. Things you love."

Lucy hesitantly replied "Okay."

"Now. Every morning.. you start the day with one of your most favorite things. Strawberry milkshake. Try it." Mira smiled as she pushed the shake forward closer to Lucy.

Lucy looked at the shake hesitantly.. it was just a shake.. she didn't remember anything special by it.

Mira watched Lucy and could read the celestial mages thoughts well.

"It's not just an ordinary shake Lucy. I make it for you every morning. Just for you. Because you love it. And you'll remember once you try it." Mira smiled warmly.

"It really is special Lucy. It's Mira's milkshakes" Gray said smiling.

Lucy's eyes widened slightly. Hesitantly.. she took a hold of the straw.. brought her mouth to it.. and took a sip. OH MY HEAVENLY GOODNESS..

A smile lightly grew on her face. It was REALLY good. But Mira was right… it was special. Something about it… made it that much more tasty.

"See. Now.. try the pancakes."

Lucy lifted her fork and took a little piece of the pancake. She slowly put it in her mouth… and…

Sniff… sniff…..

Gray, Erza, Levy, Mira… they all looked at her with wide eyes..
She took another bite while tears streamed down her face…

"Lucy! What's wrong dear?!" Mira said worried.
"Its… its…. Just so GOOD!" Lucy said crying..
"Oh! That's good." Mira said in relief.
"You don't need to cry about it Lucy" Gray said rubbing her back.
"No… you don't understand Gray.. Lucy's tears.. I understand them.." Erza said clenching a fist up as she thought of… strawberry cake.

Levy and Gray paled.. Mira giggled.. and Lucy continued to eat.

"Keep eating Lucy. Let me know if you need anything else. My first lesson for you is done." Mira clapped her hands together.
"Thank you Mira…." Lucy said softly.
"Anytime Lucy" Mira said gently squeezing Lucy's hand before going away to serve the others.
"I call dibs on Lucy now!" Levy chirped behind Lucy.
"Levy. Can I have Lucy next?" Gray asked politely in a low voice.. he tried to use his smoothness to try and get his way.
"Nope. Not going to work Gray. She's my best friend. I get to go next." Levy crossed her arms.
"Tch… Fine I get her after you."
"No. I get her after Levy." Erza said looking at Gray.
"What! No fair Erza!"

Erza gave Gray a death glare…

"Or… maybe not.. you can take Lucy… I can wait… hehe.." Gray said holding his hands up in defeat.
"So its decided. Levy you will take Lucy first, then I will. Gray will be after me."
"Don't worry.. she'll remember what love is after spending time with me." Levy said smiling confidently.
"We'll see. How should we set the amount of time then." Erza asked.

"How bout we do a day to each person? I think I'll need a whole day with her." Levy said thinking hard.

"Sounds good to me." Gray said smirking. He wouldn't refuse that offer. One whole day of Lucy to himself. To teach her what love is, how to love. No he had no problem with that at all.

"On second thought…" Levy looked doubtfully at Gray.. something about his response made her question his intentions..
"What? Why?" Gray asked confused.
"That means Lucy would have to spend a whole day with you too. Now Gray… You wouldn't do anything to ruin Lucy's honor would you?" Erza threatened Gray.
"Of course not! Jeez.. who do you guys think I am?!" Gray said offended.
"Hm.. right. Then it is settled." Erza nodded.

A flash of light appeared. "Nope. I want in too." Loke said smiling.

"Loke!" Gray was shocked.
"Yo Gray. Erza.. I want in too. Lucy's spirits should have some time with her too." Loke said pushing his glasses up a little with his finger.
"Fine by me. You'll be after Gray."

Gray and Loke looked at each other and nodded.

Lucy was thinking about her meal the whole time.. thinking hard about what the shake and pancakes made her feel… something warm inside.. Mira's smiles… it felt nice.

"Come on Lucy!" Levy said putting a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "You'll spend the day with me."

Lucy turned around and faced Levy. "Okay…" but soon after she faced forward and looked at her unfinished food with sad eyes..

"Oh do you still want to finish that?"
"No…yes… it's…. just too good to waste…" Lucy was frowning.. she was really hurt to not finish the good food.
"Lucy.. you don't have to finish it. If you really like it, you can get it again tomorrow morning remember?" Levy said smiling.
"That's right Lucy. Come back tomorrow morning and I'll make it for you again." Mira said warmly as she came back with dirty plates and mugs.

Lucy looked up at Mira with sparkling eyes. Mira just giggled at Lucy's expression. Lucy was rediscovering everything she loved all over again. Her first expressions to the things she loves was so priceless.

Levy took Lucy's hand and smiled warmly.

"Your second lesson… takes place in the library. The Lucy I remember her by is her love for books. Lots and lots of them."

She pulled Lucy along and soon they were off towards the guild library.

"See you later Lucy!" Gray shouted.
"Bye Lucy!" Erza shouted.
"Bye Princess!" Loke smiled

Lucy just waved as she was pulled along by Levy. But just as she was about to leave the guild hall… she saw a man.. Laxus.. sitting with the Raijinshu. Their eyes locked just for a moment.. until Lucy was pulled away.

Laxus smirked… he leaned back and linked his hands behind his head.


Something… she felt like she was forgetting something important after she saw Laxus… like.. she should have done something.. a feeling like she was in trouble.. a guilty feeling.. "did I do something wrong.. to him?"


"Natsu-san… are you feeling okay?" Wendy asked with concern.

"Yea.. I'm fine Wendy." Natsu replied back smiling.

They were walking to the Mayor's house now. Because Natsu had gotten ill suddenly.. they had forgotten to retrieve their reward money. But the whole time that they spent walking to the train station.. to the mayor's house.. he had been unusually silent.

Happy and Carla were watching him carefully.. Lisanna was worried too. Wendy had an inkling that Natsu wasn't his normal self. Possibly he was infected with a dark magic spell? Curse? All she knew was that she had to keep Natsu away from Lucy as long as possible. She would protect them both.. by preventing each other from meeting as long as possible… it broke her heart to do it…

She knew Natsu liked Lucy and vice versa. They were always together. It was such a tragedy.. that her favorite couple would now… never be allowed to happen.

Natsu couldn't help but feel like something was going wrong... his chest ached still.. and what was alarming was that it was slightly feeling worse than before.. but he kept silent about it.. he noted that Wendy was checking up on him more than usual… like keeping him in check…

"I just want to get this over with and go back… Lucy might be back… just you wait Luce.. once I get back.. ima make you buy me so much food.. and take you on a month long mission…. Muhahehehehehe…" Natsu grinned evilly.

"Yosh! Let's go Happy!" Natsu dashed off towards the Mayors house ahead. Leaving everyone else in his dust trail.
"What just happened?" Lisanna asked confused, coughing as the dust from Natsu's dash settled down.
"I don't know.. Natsu's been weird lately. I think he caught Lushy's weirdness. It must be some kind of virus." Happy said nonchalantly.
"Tch. Stupid happy. If that's the case, wouldn't you have it too?" Carla asked him.
"Nope. Cuz Im a cat! Lushy virus only affects humans" Happy said nodding his head and with his arms crossed.
"Baka… there's no such thing as a Lucy virus." Carla said shaking her head.
"But Happy is right.. Natsu has been acting weird since the hospital…" Lisanna said worried. "Are you sure there's nothing wrong with him Wendy?"
"I'm….. not sure." Wendy said softly.
"What do you mean?" Lisanna said shocked.

"I think… we should keep an eye on Natsu-san… to see if anything else is wrong with him.. maybe keep him away from the guild for a while.." Wendy said looking up at Lisanna.

"What.. you think something is wrong with Natsu don't you?" Lisanna said scared now.
"I don't know.. We can't make any conclusions right now… he could have been affected by some dark magic spell or curse… I need more time to examine him.. without him knowing."
"I agree with Wendy." Carla spoke up. "I sense something is wrong with Natsu too. I think it'd be best if we keep him away from the guild for now to see if whatever he has surfaces up."

"But if something is wrong with Natsu… we should go back to the guild.. everyone can help!" Lisanna said scared.
"Is Natsu going to be okay?!" Happy said tearing up.

"We don't know for sure if something is wrong with Natsu.. but just to make sure.. I think we should try and spend some time to see if he's completely fine.. possibly take him on another mission nearby.. see him when he's in battle." Wendy suggested.
"Okay.. I guess that wouldn't hurt.." Lisanna looked up towards Natsu's direction…

"Then that's settled. We'll have to quickly find a mission without Natsu noticing. And no one speaks a word of what we just spoke of. That includes you Happy." Carla looked towards Happy.

"But Carla.. Natsu.. he's my partner.. I can't hide things from him.. it's.."
"It's for his own good.. like we said.. it could be nothing.. so there's nothing to be worried about. We just want to make sure."
"okay Carla.." Happy looked down at his feet..

"Natsu….." Lisanna whispered.

Wendy clenched her fists… Carla walked up to Wendy and put a paw on her hand. They looked at each other..

"Everything will be fine Wendy." Carla said softly..
"Mm.. you're right Carla.." Wendy looked up ahead… determination in her eyes..

"Lucy-san… Natsu-san…. I'm sorry…" Wendy held back her tears.