I'm sorry for the long hiatus. I've had serious writer's block. This is not a new chapter but the rest of chapter 9. I hope you guys enjoy because things are about to get interesting.

Elijah's perspective

"Dammit Niklaus what are we doing here?" Elijah looked around at the abandoned warehouse.

Klaus looked over at him as he pulled open the door, "Call it a hunch."

He smirked and said, "A hunch or compulsion?"

Klaus laughed lightly and said, "You know me so well brother."

As they walked through the warehouse it appeared empty all for what looked like a locked up deep freeze. They both looked at each other and moved towards it. Klaus quickly broke the lock and pulled the lid up. Klaus pulled out a few files with what looked like paperwork on the lumber that Marcel was getting from the senator. While Klaus flipped through the paper work something caught Elijah's eye, a brown box with another lock.

He carefully pulled the box out and broke the lock when he lifted the lid he saw a wooden stake. He thought to dismiss it and close the lid but he stopped. He lifted the lid again and looked at the stake. Marcel had gone to all this trouble for a plain old stake? Paying a senator from another state for lumber and keeping it quiet, for what? He went to touch the stake and stopped, feeling an unease creep up his back. What kind of wood is this, why would it be kept secret?

"Niklaus look at this?" Elijah said as he pulled it out.

Klaus looked up and paled. "What the hell is that?"

"I don't know. It can't be what we're both thinking. We destroyed those trees and this lumber is from Mississippi, not Virginia." Elijah said as he twirled it around in his hand.

Elijah watched anger flood his brother's face. "Put that back in the box it's coming with us. I don't know what Marcel is up too but if that's what I think it is he's dead, damn Rebekah's feelings."

Klaus threw the paper work back in the freezer and closed the lid. As they made their way through the warehouse and to the door they met dozens of Marcel's minions.

They looked to each other and Klaus smiled and said, "This should be fun."

Leah's perspective

"Le-le let me in. What does it say?" Caroline kept asking through the door. Leah continued to stare at the pink plus sign staring back at her. She felt like if she kept staring it would change and she wouldn't be pregnant but it wasn't changing and she was pregnant. She felt the first tear rolled down her cheek as she collapsed on the bathroom floor. She continued to sob as the door lunged open with a very concerned Caroline standing in the door way.

"You're pregnant." Caroline whispered and Leah knew that it was statement not question so she didn't answer just continued to cry.

She felt more than watched Caroline move to sit beside her. They sat in silence until Leah was able to control her sobs into mere sniffles. "What am I going to do Care? I have no job, no car, and no home. I can't provide for a baby."

Caroline pulled her so they were sitting face to face on the bathroom floor. "It's gonna be okay. We can get jobs, find a place, I told you I'd help."

Leah was hesitant before speaking, "What if I wanted to go back, to Mystic falls? Would you come with me?"

Caroline looked torn and said, "I've made a life here Le, I don't know if I can leave."

Leah looked at her and studied her for a moment, "What life Care? All you had has Klaus and you two aren't even together. Please explain, what life?" Leah felt bad when she saw the tears beginning to form in her cousin's eyes but she wouldn't take it back. Klaus is the one that had a life here, Caroline was just here.

"You're right. I guess we're going home."

Caroline's Perspective

Caroline was sitting in the cab as it made its way back to the hotel. She hated that her cousin was right. She'd thought that her life with Klaus was perfect but it wasn't. She never even finished college; she had no job, no money that was hers and not one single friend here aside from Nik and his siblings. What kind of life had she been living, why had she thought that all of this was okay? She felt tears but she pushed them back she wouldn't cry over this. She was going home and she'd start over, maybe even go back to school and take a few classes while she looked for a job. Maybe this is what she needed a fresh start without Nik, without the man she loved. With that thought she couldn't push the tears back, she was leaving and Nik was staying here.

By the time the cab was dropping her off she'd stopped crying. As she was walking to the elevator her phone began buzzing. "Hello?"

"Caroline, its Elijah we need to talk."

Caroline sighed as she stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the 4th floor. "I have something to tell you too and it can't wait. We're leaving, going back to Mystic Falls."

She heard the pause and a crashing sound, then a scuffle, "What are you talking about?" Her breath caught when she heard Nik's voice.

"You're not leaving. You're coming home right now, even if I have to come get you myself." Caroline became anger at his demanding tone.

"No! I'm leaving tomorrow and starting over. I need something real. I want to make something of myself."

"You can do that here love, you can't leave."

Caroline shook her head as she watched the elevator doors open and she stepped out. "Yes I can. I love you but this life isn't enough for me. I want more and you can't give me that. I won't sit in that big house for eternity."

"Caroline, love, you can't leave. I won't let you. I'm coming to get you."

"Stop it! This is why I'm leaving, you're so selfish. You aren't even listening to me."

"I'm listening love but now I'm telling you, you're coming home NOW!"

Caroline was right in front of her door, anger bubbling over, she had to do it, he'd never let her go otherwise. She felt the tears fall as she said, "I don't want you."

She held her breath waiting for him to fight for her, say that he'd change, that they could fix this, that he'd come with her but instead he says, "Fine." She heard a click, signaling that the call ended.

She squared her shoulders and pushed the door open. She saw that Leah had already packed both their suitcases and that their clothes were already laid out for their flight in the morning.

Caroline looked as Leah moved around and called over her shoulder, "I put your bag together so we could sleep as long as possible before leaving tomorrow." She turned around and Caroline watched her stop and move quickly towards her. Caroline realized she must look like hell if Leah was so concerned.

"Care talk to me, what happened?" Leah asked as she pulled her to a bed to sit.

"He's not going to fight for me, you were right, this is no life."

Leah looked guilty as she said, "I'm sorry Care. I shouldn't have asked you to leave with me, it was selfish. Maybe you should go over and talk to him."

Caroline shook her head, "No it's done. We're over. I don't blame you either. I just hate that you were right." She laughed at the last bit but not because it was funny but because she didn't know what else to do.

Leah leaned over and hugged her tight.

Leah's perspective

Leah looked at the message for the umpteenth time, Meet me? –E, she closed her phone again and looked over at the other bed. Caroline was sleeping but not restfully, she kept tossing and turning. She felt awful for making Caroline chose. She knew that Caroline wasn't really choosing her over Klaus but more like choosing a different path.

Her cousin was a beautiful, smart and witty person. She deserved more than what she was getting. She knew Caroline had never even finished college. The Caroline she remembered would never have left college for anything let alone some guy. She just wished Caroline could have both guy and the life she always dreamed of. Who is she kidding that doesn't happen at some point you have to choose?

She rolled over and looked at her phone clutched tightly in her hands. This would be her last chance to see him. She wasn't really afraid of him exactly, more like terrified. He could break her so easily, more so than Mitch ever had. Elijah was everything she'd ever wanted in a man and yet he wasn't a man he was a vampire, an Original. She wasn't even sure what that meant.

She rolled over again and stared at the wall. What could one night really hurt? She'd see him and then leave tomorrow. No harm, no foul. She snorted because she knew better. If she went over there she knew what would happen, they'd have sex and he'd try to convince her to stay. She huffed knowing that if he knew the truth he wouldn't want her to stay.

She sat up and moved away from the bed as quietly as she could. She grabbed a pair of shorts, hoodie and shoes. She looked back over her shoulder at Caroline. She went to move back towards the bed thinking about how selfish she was when she heard Caroline's voice whisper, "It's okay to want one night with him Le but we're still leaving in the morning." Leah smiled softly even though Caroline couldn't see and walked out the door.

Elijah's perspective

He kept looking at the message he'd sent Leah and every minute that went by without a reply tore at his heart. He put the phone down on the bar and picked up his drink. He couldn't even get drunk because he knew it'd only make it worse. So he slowly sipped his bourbon while he turned around and saw Klaus throwing back shot after shot at the pool tables. He's worried about what Klaus will do once Caroline leaves New Orléans.

He knew that Caroline saying she's leaving and actually leaving were going to be two very different things. He picked up his phone shoved it in his jean pocket, grabbed his glass and made his way to the pool table.

"Finally decided to stop wallowing and join me brother?" Klaus asked trying to act like he wasn't dying inside because Caroline was leaving him.

"I'm not wallowing and I only came to watch." Elijah said as he leaned against the table as Klaus took a shot and sunk the ball.

"There's plenty of women out there Elijah. Beside Leah was too much trouble, damaged goods." Klaus ducked as the glass flew past his head. "Now, now brother."

Elijah felt like ripping out Niklaus's tongue for that but he knew that his brother was just trying to ignore his own pain, so he let it slide.

"How can you act like it doesn't bother you?" Elijah asked quietly as Klaus took his shot. His brother tensed and missed.

"I'm fine. I'm not going to let some slip of a girl destroy me brother. I suggest you take the advice." Klaus said as he grabbed two shots off the waitress and threw them back with an anger scowl.

"This isn't just some girl Niklaus. It's Caroline." Elijah watched his brother's walls crumble and he saw how broken he looked.

He watched as Klaus pushed back tears and choked out, "She made her choice." As soon as the words were out the walls went back up and all one saw was Klaus's blank face.

Elijah shook his head counting his brother a fool for letting Caroline go. Was he really fighting for Leah? All he did was send a two-word text. He looked down at his phone again and he stopped breathing. Where? –L

Elijah quickly texted back after his shock and moved out of the bar so fast that he didn't hear what his brother yelled to him. He just had to get to her. Make her change her mind. She belonged with him just like Caroline belonged with his brother.

So that was the end of Chapter 9 (Reminder: Chapter 1 isn't the first chapter it's like a very short prologue. The 2nd chapter is actually the first.) What did you guys think? Do you think Leah and Caroline will actually leave? What do you think will happen when Leah meets up with Elijah? Reviews!