30 days.

It was 30 days.

How could he have failed. He's made deliveries in less time than this. He was the Captain Olimar,the only employee of any merit at his company!

But…this wasn't that simple. This was a battle for life and death. And the outcome of the battle was as clear as day.

He bobbed his head up trying to get a look at his newly sprouted leaf stem. Being right on top of his head did make this difficult .Although, he had to admit it was nice to be able to finally take his helmet off somewhere other than his ship.

Not to mention he could finally examine more of what this mysterious distant planet had to offer! All the discoveries he could make ! Most of what this planet had could blow people's minds , and wait till he told others about the Pikmin!

….But..he really couldn't anymore could he.

The promise he made to his children,bringing them otherworldly souvenirs. Spending more time together.

And his dear wife, what would he tell her, how could he even explain himself.

Was it even possible to get back home now? He didn't even breathe the same air anymore. He was a completely different species now.

Interrupting his own self loathing the reason he went on this vacation in the first place came to light.

In an ironic way he got what he wanted.

He was finally truly alone.