Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley were both six years old when Ms. Applemore decided to have her class watch a film on Halloween, instead of having a party. She set up The Labyrinth, it was a good theme for the holiday and it had her favorite singer in it more over. It was just as soon as the goblins had finished taking away Baby Toby that Dudley was repeating Sara's lines word for word at his cousin, shouting them in fact. Ms. Applemore scowled at the boys in the dark, but said nothing and noticed just as much.
By the time the film was over Harry was long gone and nobody in the room remembered that he ought to have been where he wasn't, or even that he had ever been around at all.
Harry himself had been rather roughly and quite rudely removed from his classroom by many grubby hands, pulled and pushed and then dropped into a room with nothing human in it but him. A large empty chair stood in front of him, but more importantly about a dozen or so nasty looking little creatures were milling about the room, chattering in an intimidating manner. They must be goblins; he almost recognized some from the film. And Dudley had just made them take him away! What was he going to do? The goblins had him completely surrounded, how was he supposed to get back?
Harry was just wishing that the movie had run a bit longer before Dudley had called the goblins when he had an acute sense of déjà vu.
That's him! The Goblin King. The same figure he had barely gotten to see in Sara's window was suddenly seated on the throne.
Don't freeze. "S-sorry s-Your Majesty! I mean, I er-"
"You're a bit taller than the usual lot" the Goblin King interrupted "and a good deal older too. Should be interesting to have a goblin that was something other than a baby. Tell me your name then."
"I'm Harry."
With no further ado the Goblin King smacked his hand on Harry's forehead and pushed in some Change. Almost instantly there was no more human in the room.
Where Harry James Potter the human being had once stood there was now a goblin. This goblin had a great big mane of messy black hair, a half decent pair of horns on his head, which weren't quite sharp and a mouth full of fang that were. His ears were big and pointy, and good solid claws adorned both hands and feet. A tufted tail long enough to drag on the floor was behind him and he was covered over in brownish stripes that looked a bit like war paint on his face and more like badly drawn tiger stripes over the rest of his body.
"That turned out rather splendidly." the Goblin King grinned looking feral and twirled his fingers in the air. Harry numbly turned about on the spot in response.
The boy was very much in shock. Harry wasn't human any more. He could feel it! Not just his numerous physical changes which had tingled quite a bit, but in his very being, like he was the same person on top, but deep under that, in his blood, something that had always been there, and had always been permanent, had changed. He felt rather like a river that normally flowed steady but was currently subjected to a terrific rain storm. It was confusing and it left Harry entirely disoriented.
"Hairy, was it? Suits you well enough anyway. You look like you could be a smashing fighter." the Goblin King appraised. "We'll have you hanging out with the village militia for now, and as soon as I can drum up an excuse for one, I'll send you off to the war." The rest of the goblins in the throne room were hooting and shouting approval of the plan.
That shook him out of it. "War?" Harry queried, puzzled by both the appearance of the topic and the excitement he felt at the prospect.
"Certainly, we have to keep those fluttering fairies in their place don't we?"