A/N: I really need to stop making such long chapters that they are broken down into two parts! Dx

Anywho~ thanks for taking interest in my fanfic!

DISCLAIMER: Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo. I only own Luna, Nox, Euthymius and Akira.

Let me explain Luna, Akira, Nox, Euthymius and Shiro's name meanings, huh?

Luna Thanatos: Moon Death.

Akira Noctis Shirosaki: Bright Night White Destiny.

Nox-Noctis Thanatos (Nox): Night Death.

Euthymius Deus (Akira's father): Good-spirited God.

Hichigo Shirosaki: The one that protects white destiny. (or Strawberry White Destiny XD) (The H in Hichigo doesn't really change the meaning of Ichigo, right?)

Have fun!~

Chapter 5: Santuario (part 2) and Seizuban (Drifting)

Previously on the last chapter:
Luna pulled away and looked at Shiro. "Hey, Shiro..." she paused until Shiro gave her his full attention, "there was this orange-haired man that said he knows your pain and he wants to see you? His name is-"

"Kurosaki Ichigo..." Shiro finished off in disbelief and he did not blink.

"Yeah!" His mother beamed, oblivious to Shiro's inside turmoil and exasperation.

Oh shit...

Was it even possible for the colorless male to even lose more color? He sure hope it was impossible because he then would even be more pallid of a corpse. His body stood stiffly at the mention of his new boss and he did not want his mother or the rest of his family to get suspicious. Hichigo felt his blood run cold and he just really wanted to shut down completely. His yellow orbs stared widely ahead of him, gaping at the scene of the impressive iron-wrought bars of the black gate that enclosed the graveyard in front of him and his family. He scarcely heard his mother and Kaien speaking in an odd conversation about weapons and how their how their significant others were both highly skilled in sword wielding. Piercing yellow hues derisory gaze had swept over the various rows of tombstones. The sunlight's golden rays eerily casts its glowing haze upon the path that lied ahead; it seemed to beckon with a deceivingly incandescent radiance that none can resist. The albino felt an immense feeling of dread as he thought that that particular heavenly light would pull, push, and drag its victims that were silenced by the beauty and terrified by its ethereal power. Deeply inside the graveyard existed a relentless misery of all those who pass through it. The deafening silence was pierced abruptly by the deathly shriek of a blackened crow. Again the bird shrieked and again. Its call sounded like a screaming child who had witnessed an unforgettable event, or some terrible beast, and Shirosaki thought that neither of those would seem unlikely in a place like this that was all about death.

The sunlight's beams were broken by the overhanging branches of the trees and gave off the illusion that vivid green leaves were transparent. A loving breeze danced through the treetops and blew every single pedestrian's hair tenderly. A rusty creak filled Shiro's ears and he cringed as the lichgate's large twin doors ghostly opened by themselves. White petals fluttered along the wind's tides and unbeknownst to Hichigo, one had landed on his shoulder just like every single member of his family, and no matter how much power the winds demonstrated, the rare petals did not fall off. He lazily let his gaze wander over each passing family member, but Renji and Nox paused and stood next to him stiffly.

"Ya know, Aibou," Nox began softly," Renji here told me that you lied to Orihime, not that I blame you, but...is it about Ichigo? I know she is madly in love in with the carrot top..." Bright blue irises slid unhurriedly to look at Shirosaki from the corner of their eyes and a slight crazed grin stretched pink lips. Shirosaki smirked back at his older brother and looked over at the unusually quiet redhead. He did not reply to the question.

"Pineapple, are ya okay?" Shiro asked in a sneering tone. It was never his specialty to express concern unless it was Grimmjow or Ulquiorra or his mother. "Ya look like yer dead," he joked. Renji shook his head and glared hardly at the albino. Nox chuckled at his aibou's tone.

"No, dipshit, I'm fine!" Renji growled, "I am just thinking that it has been twenty-years of visiting our father's grave and how much I miss him! You are acting like you do not care at-"

"We do, Renji! Trust me, we do," Nox interjected sharply,"but Shiro is not trying to think of the negativity right now. Neither should you. Remember Akira's wish was to live life to its fullest. He would be upset if he saw you like this, cherry," Nox reassured. He smirked toothily at Renji as the redhead sighed in frustration. He deliberately left out the very important fact that Shirosaki had forgotten that today was this specific day. "Renji," Nox called out, "I know today is a very sentimental for you and the rest of us, but you have to realize that we do have lives today and that new people will come and go. We all will never forget our father and we all will live our lives to their full potential just as he wished," he said soothingly as he rubbed Renji's shoulder with relaxing movements of his hand. Abarai sighed as he physically relaxed and his anger had simmered away. The trio walked in the beautifully ominous grave site and saw their mother, Kaien, Toshiro, and Tensa waiting patiently for them. Hichigo blinked and rubbed his eyes as he took full notice of all the white petals that were resting on everyone's shoulders no matter what. A cheerful gale blew and Shiro along with the other, minus his mother, had placed their hand up in some sort of salute to protect themselves from the strong wind. Luna cheered and swung her arms back and forth in a humorous fashion. He could not help but chuckle at his mother's goofy child-like persona. His mother never was the one for seriousness.

"Dancing wind!~" his mother cheered as Kaien sweat-dropped and Toshiro and Zangetsu sighed in annoyance. "H-hey what are you doing, Toshiro?!" Luna exclaimed as Toshiro suddenly began to drag her along behind him and Zangetsu . She struggled in vain but no prevail. Luna unwillingly allowed herself to be dragged like a rag doll but then soon gave up with a immature huff of air from her petulant anger.

Nox, Shiro, and Renji trailed behind the small group in front of them and then Nox suddenly asked, "Mom?" A visible silver hue glanced up questioningly at him. "Where's old man Euthymius? Ya know, Grandpa?" His mother blinked before smiling brightly.

"He's already at Akira's grave!" she chirped and earned another tug at her collar from the back by Toshiro. Thanatos Luna's lips formed into a puerile pout and feebly glared at her smallest son. "Awww come on, Toshi, I am not a puppet!"

Hitsugaya frowned at the nickname and had let out an exasperated sigh. "You are very irresponsible, mother. Now please let's just visit the grave," he said in an annoyed voice. Luna and Kaien exchanged small smiles at each other when their eyes met while Shiro and Nox did a loud gagging noise. But then Nox, Shiro, and even Renji watched open-mouthed as their goofball of a mother unexpectedly flipped herself over and jumped on Hitsugaya's head before swiftly jumping off and lunged forward aerially towards Akira's grave; the tombstone was crowned with a beautiful grieving angel draped of the grave entirely. The epitaph was inscribed in ornate cursive and read: A restless spirit full of vitality and serenity. A persona famously known as Shirosaki Noctis AKira: a loving father and a loyal husband whose heart will forever enter eternal slumber. A heart that permanently changed the views of others. May this peaceful spirit rest in its deserved peace.

The grave was encompassed by a variety of swords. Six of them to be precise. His father had more than swords than that...

"Well, look a' who has decided ta show up!" A watery voice intoned as a man with genuine gray skin, silver, spiky, medium-length hair, closed eyes, and a silver robe stepped out of the shadows that rested under the tall Sakura trees. A gentle breeze blew and Luna shouted out excitedly as she practically glomped the elder man.

"Euthymius!" The man now known as Euthymius smirked as he hugged the blue-haired woman back. Despite not being able to use his eyes, Euthymius lifted his head up and pointed his face towards Toshiro, Shirosaki, Nox, Renji, Tensa, and Kaien's direction.

"Hey, ya shitheads," Euthymius greeted with a crazed grin that easily surpassed Shiro's own. "Good ta see ya all again...except fer Luna here." He teased as the woman deflated to the ground at the jab. It was funny and yet ironic how Akira had such a strong personality and full of life, while his father enjoyed destroying people's pride, beating them up, or just plainly taunting them. It had puzzled the whole family strongly. Shirosaki laughed in his lilting voice as he watched his grandfather guffawed. But the laughter was tuned out by his unusually silent mother, Thanatos Luna. She heard them without hearing them as her gaze locked onto the inscribed name that was on the grave that held her deceased husband; she stared, her hard longing gaze searching the cold stone. Her crescent fallen expression screamed that she had expected to see, witness something related to Akira. Like she would be waiting here and he would happily pop up like he always did. Key word: Did. A delicate breeze caressed her pale cheek and she closed her eyes to feel more of the soft touch. Luna then slowly reopened her eyes and stared at the tomb briefly once more before she got herself up. She brushed off the few dirt splatters off her attire and sighed quietly to herself and spun around with a pretense of an inane smile. Everybody knew that Luna had a bright personality, but it was only her family that knew when she was upset or feeling any simple negativity. The blue-haired mother opened her mouth to utter something but was interrupted when a calloused hand gently grasped her shoulder. Silver eyes rapidly adverted towards the hand's owner and blinked when they landed on Kaien. Shiba's lips pulled up into a tender smile that had hid his own inner pang of his heart; Kaien's aqua green hues softened at the shocked expression on his crush's face and lightly chuckled.

"Hiding your emotions will get the best of you, Luna. One thing you cannot hide is when you're crippling inside," he whispered in a soft, knowing tone as if he was a professional and was highly experienced with a familiar situation. He was actually. Kaien had lost his wife the same time Luna had lost AKira. It was funny how the two met literally a week after their loss.

Luna smiled dainty and nodded. Her silver on black hues slowly looked over to her four sons and her nephew, who were all getting beat up by Euthymius. Shiro kicked Euthymius in the, well, low belt and the gray-skinned male fell to his knees. Shiro chortled at his grandpa, while Nox chuckled silently in a slight maniacal voice. Renji rolled his eyes and silently cursed the elder man and tensa remained impassive as he made his way back over to Luna and Kaien.

"Ya little shit!" Euthymius crackled and stared at Shirosaki with mirth, despite his eyes being closed. "ya suck ass, ya know tha' Snow White?" Shiro frowned at the nickname but shrugged it off and helped his grandfather up. Nox's blue hues glistened with amusement, and both Toshiro and Renji both huffed in annoyance. Toshiro and Renji shuffled over towards their well-respected father's rave and silently prayed for him as Luna and Kaien waited patiently for Shiro, Nox, and Euthymius to get over as well. After a passing moment, all three crazed males made their way over and soon joined in praying towards their father's grave.

Tensa's slate eyes stared blankly at his uncle's grave and he sighed. "I hope you are happy wherever you are, Akira." Tensa voice was barren for he had never really expressed emotions such as grief or sorrow. His face always remained the same-serene and untouched by feelings. Non-expressible.

The tender winds softly echoed throughout the graveyard and the petals had never left their shoulders.

"Momma," Shirosaki piped up after a few soundless moments of strong-felt remembrance. His golden irises flicked over to his beloved mother. Her azure hair trailed along the wind's quiet path and she smiled kindly at her son, giving the albino her undivided attention. "Where is Ichigo?" he inquired succinctly. Luna blinked before looking at Tensa for help. She was too busy thinking about food to hear what that oddly orange-haired man had sprung out of his lips. The brown-haired teenager sighed quietly and indifferently stared at his pale cousin.

"He is on the other part of the graveyard along with his family, Orihime, and Rukia. Rukia should be here soon, though." He replied simply before allowing his dark eyes to wander around the scenery aimlessly. Shirosaki groaned in despondent and frivolously crossed his arms over his chest. He pouted.

"I do no' wan' ta see tha' bastard's face," Shiro growled brusquely. Luna raised an thin, blue eyebrow at her son's claim and tilted her head slightly to the side in bewilderment.

"Why not, Shiro?" She asked. Shirosaki rolled his beautifully magnetic eyes and sighed tiredly.

" I don' like 'im," came the simple reply. " I mean he is a brat an' didja know tha' he is my new boss? Ever since I had met th' pansy, he had been poppin' up everywhere...unwanted," he finished tonelessly and plainly stared at his mother before traveling his empty gaze over the rest of his family members and Kaien. Euthymius cackled.

"Tha's 't, Shiro! Preach 't!" the silver-haired elder male cheered and clapped his hands as Nox smirked devilishly. Renji nodded his head in agreement and his face was locked in a thoughtful expression, meanwhile Toshiro could only shake his head lightly, for he did not know a simple thing about this Ichigo person. He only that he had annoyingly colored hair, knew Shiro, and was now his new boss. Hichigo grinned toothily at his family and Luna smiled lightly at her son's usual behavior.

"Just do not kill him, Hichi," she mother ordered delicately and Shirosaki instantly dropped his hands and his mouth was agape. The pale man had resolved that his mother was party-pooper. He could not just quite believe it. He knew he was staring. Gaping, in fact, and abruptly shut his mouth and lifted his eyes to hers.

"Mama! Ya can' take th' fun out from me!" Hichigo cried as he flew his arms up in the air.

Even at the age of 47, their father, Kurosaki Isshin was an idiot.

"Ugh," Yuzu grunted as she walked up the tallest hill of the graveyard, a tender frown tugging at her lips. "It is still hard to get up here." Even at 18 she had trouble walking up this damn hill. Karin boredily looked up ahead and walked at a moderate pace.

"Not for me," the raven-haired 19-year-old commented blankly.

Isshin's head immediately shot up. "C'MON YUZU! YOU CAN DO IT! I"LL SHOW YOU HOW!" He exclaimed loudly as he easily flipped from his legs to his hands and began to rapidly paste up the hill. Karin rolled her ebony eyes and she casually placed her hands in her pockets.

"Do not make any eye contact, remember? It only encourages him more," Karin droned with slight annoyance. Yuzu blinked owlishly and meekily nodded as her idiotic father ran by them on swiftly on his hands. Isshin dramatically gasped and shouted.

"I DON"T NEED ATTENTION, MY LOVELIES! I GET ATTENTION BECAUSE OF AN AWESOME FATHER I AM!" Karin simply rolled her eyes at her father's theatrics and Yuzu only giggled nervously. The blonde-haired female, despite her struggles, jogged up and caught up with her older sister, Karin. She offered the stoic teen a warm, content smile and Karin could not help but return the bright smile with a small one of her own.

Isshin quickly strolled by them on his hands and Yuzu asked, "Where is Ichigo? He is usually the first one here..." she piqued up and Karin nodded in agreement.

"Ichigo had told me that he will be late since Kon is pestering him this time and that Rukia and Orihime will be joining us this time," she informed her younger sibling and Yuzu could only nod and kept her smile at the newly given information. Yuzu ran a hand through her short blonde strands and kept on strolling up the hill wordlessly. She shifted her gaze to watch ahead of her and finally paused when they reached on top of the hill. Karin's dark gray eyes aimlessly wandered around the enclosing area. Eh, nothing exciting. In fact, nothing should be exciting in a grave yard. Karin Kurosaki blinked in mild surprise when her bored eyes landed on a particular oddly unique appearing family. They were a few meters below them due to the fact that she was currently on top of the hill, but they seemed to be having fun. The long-haired albino, with his pure whiteness, was was so alluring, so pulchritudinous. White petals seemed to only surround that individual family. The family that was currently smiling and laughing, even the noticeable hot-headed redhead seemed to have his lips quirked in a cocky grin as he said something inaudible to the gray-skinned elder man. Her calm exterior did not change when she witnessed the gray-skinned male drop kick the redhead in the face and stomp his face into the dirt comically. The pale man with beautiful. silky white hair laughed loudly and the watery voice echoed piercingly throughout the grave yard. Karin did not plainly notice Yuzu and her idiotic father glancing back questioningly at the abrupt sound as she continued to stare down at them. The woman with long, indigo-colored hair was talking to a man that resembled Ichigo a lot, but he must've had been older since the way he acted so formally and respectfully. She could easily see the wide grin on the man's face as he talked with the female. But then...

Her eyes slowly traveled over to the spiky-silvered hair man that had tanned-skin just like Ichigo's and her silver orbs widened slightly at the familiar sight of that hoodie. Without taking her curious gaze off the familiar man, she called out softly towards her twin, "Hey, Yuzu," she waited until Yuzu made a soft noise of acknowledgement in order to continue on. "Isn't that the person that saved Kon's life a few years ago? Nobody has silver hair like that or that custom made hoodie..." she added thoughtfully. Yuzu hummed in the back of her throat in consent before she gazed down at the man Karin was referring to. "It has to be him. You can see that scar a mile away and the scar is his most distinguishing feature..." Karin said.

Yuzu stared at the silver-haired man from afar. "But Kon said it was a female with long silver tresses that feathered beautifully against tan skin and how the deeply light shade of blue of her eyes were like the sky reflecting on the most heavenly seas..." she finished, lost in her own thoughts. "But the scar Kon did mentioned. Didn't he say that even though it was darker than the abyss, it matched the face angelically?" Karin shortly nodded and then gently took a hold of her sister's wrist and walked over next to Isshin. The trio waited calmly for Ichigo, Kon, Rukia, and Orihime to arrive.

"Why do you have a black Mercedes, Rukia?" Ichigo asked skeptically as his mocha hues traveled over the obviously well taken care of vehicle. This so did not belong to Rukia, for there was not a single Chappy the Bunny in the car. Rukia huffed from behind the carrot top and Orihime giggled nervously, easily sensing the quick flared anger bubbling up in the short female. Ichigo leisurely turned half way at his waist to glance at Rukia curiously over his shoulder. His right orange eyebrow arched slightly quizzically. Kuchiki rolled her luminous, large violet eyes in annoyance before deciding to politely answer the question.

"It belongs to Shirosaki. I took it because I had to drive his two kids, Grimmjow and Ulquiorra, to school today. I will have to pick them up in three hours since it is only a half day," she replied plainly, despite her annoyance for her friend, Ichigo. "Where is Kon?" she asked. It was Ichigo's turn to roll his eyes. He threw his hand up in a dismissive hand gesture, expressing that he did not really care for his obnoxious twin.

"He is probably walking there. We had an argument earlier after Luna had left..." Ichigo blinked when he saw Rukia's enormous eyes blinked widely.

"You saw Shiro's mother?" He nodded in response. "Oh, I miss her. She is a loving person but sure can be a handful. I sometimes feel as though she is an idiot like you, Ichigo, but when she gets serious..." she trailed off and bit her lip, "that is where Shiro got his sadistic personality from. From his mother, but Luna needs to be pushed to the limits to become that persona. Unlike Shiro and even Grimmjow who are just like that naturally," she added offhandedly. Ichigo barely nodded as his thoughts drifted back to the mysterious albino. "Nox is worse than all of them, though," Rukia whispered. Orihime smiled solemnly and intently listened to the information she already knew. "You see, I know I should not be telling you this, but I am pretty sure you wondered why Nox had never uttered a single word to you, no?" It sounded like more a statement than a question. "Well, Nox got that scar from the day they had lost their father and the same day you had lost your mother. But they had lost their father a year before you lost your mother, Ichigo. Nox always had kept to himself and when he went to school, he was bullied for his flaw and it became so intense to the point where Nox became a hermit. Shiro, Renji, Toshiro, Kaien, and his mother tried everything to cheer him up but failed. Nothing had worked. Nox stayed away from everyone-thus you being included. Nox's silence is keen and that is how is he a crazed man. You never know what he is thinking and if he is thinking to attack to you, you never know when or how,' she finished off sternly. Ichigo pursed his lips out in puzzlement before realizing what Rukia had said. Luna did not seem the type to be sadistic. She was quite the opposite and Nox...

"So Nox is stronger than Shirosaki?" Kurosaki asked hesitantly. He now understood why Nox would stay away but Ichigo himself was not a bully...

Rukia curtly nodded. 'What about his sons? The two boys look nothing like the man..." He paused when he saw Rukia scowl at him deeply. Ichigo stuttered and scratched the back of his neck nervously as he looked away. "I-I mean one has blue hair and blue eyes and is tall for his age and the other is so silent and has green eyes and dark hair. Their polar opposites compared to their father figure. Grimmjow has anger issues and the other boy is silent and just blankly stares at you..."

"Shirosaki can have anger, too. Trust me on that, Kurosaki-kun," Orihime spoke softly and offered a small, happy smile. A smile that did not reach her eyes. "Just yesterday, Shirosaki told me that he was worried about his sons getting home and that is why he had left in a hurry. It wasn't because of you." Rukia secretly shook her head. The short female knew Shiro had told a lie to Orihime and that Ichigo was the entire reason the albino had left in such a hurry. The doubtful movement did not go unnoticed by Ichigo, but the orangette simply locked the action in the back of his mind for a later time. "But we should be getting going. You have to visit your mother's grave, Kurosaki-Kun!" Orihime smiled and gently grasped Ichigo's wrist with a pink blush in her cheeks. She entered the back seat as Ichigo entered the passenger and Rukia into the driver's seat. The black Mercedes luxury interior was comforting. Ichigo glanced over quickly when he heard Kuchiki curse Shiro under her breath about adjusting the driver seat to average standards.

"You and Shirosaki must be close if you are living with him," Ichigo piqued up in a dull noted voice. Rukia paused in her struggle to get the seat belt strapped over her petite body and looked surprised at Kurosaki. Ichigo had a calculating expression on his face as his index finger and thumb cupped his chin thoughtfully. "Judging by your face, Rukia, I would say so. I am just confused as to why you've never introduced us..." he ended his sentence as he glanced sharply at Rukia from the corners of his eyes,secretly reading her expression for any faults.

"Of course Shiro and I are very close. We knew each other since childhood." She replied defensively. "But you two had met. You just don't remember it. It was never direct...but it was something." Something special was left out of her words purposely and died down in her throat.

Ichigo scowled. There it was again. Another person saying he had forgot Shirosaki. He did catch Renji mumbling under his breath about it and now Rukia had directly said it to him.

Orihime was uncharacteristically silent as she sat in the back seat and nervously played with her fingers. Her silver eyes strongly watching the scene before her. She had met Shiro when she was hired 3 years ago. She knew him for a lesser amount of time Rukia did but knew so much about him as well. Ichigo silently sighed and lowered himself in the leather seat and rested his elbow on top of the door and next to the drawn up window. His right cheek rested in the palm of his calloused hand and the extremities lightly grazed upon his smooth cheek and rested slightly below his brown eye. He boredily stared out the window and took in all the scenery that rapidly flung by his view. All three were silent as Rukia drove them to the cemetery.

Ichigo's thoughts were not revolving around on his mother like they should. Instead, his mind was clouded up by a particular white cloud and that white cloud was no other than Shirosaki.

During the short drive, all three occupants remained to themselves. It was best to keep quiet at the sentimental moment like this and they knew it in their hearts and intelligent minds. Rukia sighed as she unfastened her seat belt and Ichigo followed in suit. Orihime was not wearing the seat belt currently and during the drive. Inoue could take care of herself and she was more safe in the back seat than the front two. The well-endowed female got out of the care and closed the door gently behind her, not daring to put on scratch on Shirosaki's ride for a clumsy mistake. That would just cost her her life. No biggie. She rolled her eyes at that ludicrous thought. yeah right. Shiro would most likely slaughter her and his laughter would be the last thing she'd ever hear. She valued her life dearly. She waited with a bated breath when she watched Ichigo get out of the car, but she exhaled deeply in relief when Kurosaki closed the door carefully. Orihime smiled at Ichigo when he thrown an unsure look at her since she was staring immensely at him for no reason. Talk about creepy.

"Alright, let's us go," Rukia called out sternly and Ichigo nodded in agreement. Inoue also nodded enthusiastically and followed the other two closely. Ichigo was about to open the gates but then an irritating voice yelled,

"ICHIGO!~" Kon yelled and pounced on his twin and comical, false tears flowed down his face and snot poured of his nostrils. Ichigo growled and tried to punch Kon off.

"GET OFF ME!" Ichigo ordered angrily and kept trying to push his troublesome brother off. Rukia sighed tiredly and Orihime cupped a hand over her mouth and muffled her nervous chuckle. The twins pulled unwanted attention towards them and the two females were embarrassed.

This was going to be a long day.

Dark, as if a black piece of velvet had been blanketing the blue and sparkled with shinning, luminous, faintly azure balls of flames known as Stars covered the sky. The serene night was alluring and the stars gave harmony to the obsidian sky. Bright, alluring golden hues gazed up upon the Night fall and unconfined, white stands of soft tresses blew in the soft breezes. The tree branches broke the moonlight and irradiated the unpigmented petals sublimely. Shirosaki hummed to himself as he stood under the lone bleached Cherry Blossom that was planted next to his father's grave. He had his arms crossed over his chest thoughtfully and stared longingly at his deceased father's name that was inscribed onto the stone. His colorless lips were set in a slight frown as he kept thinking deeply to himself, searching in the scrapes of memories he had of his beloved father. Hichigo was alone on this beautiful night of June 17. He had ordered his family to leave him be just like he did every year. Nox had offered to stay of course just like every year, but Shirosaki told him he would be fine. Rukia and Orihime had never visited his father's grave since they had accompanied Ichigo with his problem. Shiro was still oblivious to the fact that he and Ichigo had lost a loved parent on the same exact date.

Hichigo blinked when his phone vibrated from within the confines of his denim pocket. His reflective mind process was disturbed and the albino reached into his side pocket and fished out his cell phone. Hichigo sighed when he saw his screen flash, indicating he had just received a new message. He quickly hit "read message" and skimmed over the words. He smiled softly when an attachment was a picture of Grimmjow and Ulquiorra pouting. The message simply read from Rukia:

They wish you were here. Come home soon.

Hichigo chuckled and sent a quick reply stating that he will be home in a few minutes. He shut his phone's screen off and placed the cellular device back into his allotted pocket and sighed softly. His smile dissipated and leisurely was replaced with a deep frown. Shiro sighed in resignation before gazing up at the dark sky. A few moments of staring blankly at the night sky passed by with Shiro. Shirosaki had never negated that he was a family oriented man, but surely one cannot spend their life with just family alone. Shiro was silent and the sound of feet pressing amongst the prairie was what filled the late June night. All was peaceful as the approaching person made their way meaningfully to Shiro. A handsome man with orange spiky hair and almond-colored eyes stopped behind the peaceful bleached man and stood next to the white Cherry Blossom. From what the orange-haired male could see, Shirosaki was standing here without a care in the world at this time of night. A tan hand gently was raised from a pocket and soon rested softly against the lush and knurled tree bark. Closing his mocha eyes slwoly for a brief moment before opening them again, the male could not help but smile lightly as he finally got to meet up with Shiro as he previously planned. He glanced up at the stars and the full moon, mentally going through how start the conversation. But he must've stepped on a twig because instantly the pale man spun around and growled at him before his golden eyes widened in alert.

"I-Ichigo?" Shirosaki asked in awe as he stared at Kurosaki. Ichigo nodded with a small smile before walking closer to his employee and leaned against the tree next to him. The colorless petals fluttered around them gracefully in the kind caressing winds. The calm scenery seemed to only add beauty to this haunting place. Shirosaki visually lowered his guard slightly but not fully as he stood next to Ichigo.

Ichigo looked over at Shiro and said, "I told your mother I wanted to meet with you." His ochre irises then glanced down at the vivid green grasses. "But I had to stay with my family. We were visiting my mother's grave since today is the anniversary of her death." Ichigo whispered solemnly. Shirosaki blinked at the new information and inwardly frowned. The albino crossed his arms tighter over his chest.

"Oh.." Shiro began awkwardly, "Today is the anniversary of my father's death..." Ichigo nodded with a lightly sad smile without taking his eyes off the grass.

"I know. Your mother had told me. I am sorry..." he said apologetically, sincerely. Hichigo shrugged barely and glanced at Ichigo.

"I don' want yer pity, bu' 'm sorry too..." Hichigo whispered in his distorted, watery voice. It held a little pity in his own tone, but most was kept under a bland quiet tone. Ichigo slowly glanced up at the colorless man that stood beside him and nodded.

"Don't pity me, Shirosaki. We both share this pain. It is alright.." Ichigo reassured. Shiro huffed.

"I wasn' piting ya!" He contradicted stubbornly. Kurosaki could not help but to chuckle softly. Shirosaki growled and glared at his new boss half-heartedly.

"Whatever you say, Shirosaki..."

"Shiro," Hichigo corrected. The orange-haired male rubbed his eyes with the sides of his lightly balled fists in bewilderment.

"What?" Ichigo asked.

"Shiro. Ya can call me Shiro, dumbass." Shiro said plainly. Ichigo smiled warmly and nodded.

"I have to go, Kon is waiting for me..." Shirosaki waved his hand dismissively.

"Ya, ya, go. 'm sure my brother is by th' gate too..." Shirosaki Hichigo then huffed and left, leaving a warmly smiling orangette behind. Despite knowing the pale man for two days, Ichigo had taken a small liking towards him. He soon found his small smile widening at that thought.

"Alright. I will see you later," He whispered to no one in particular, "Shiro..."

Ichigo, without that small smile exiting his lips, left to meet Kon by the gate. Not even that idiot could wipe away his smile.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Had been busy. I suck at writing, yes I know :c

But please tell me what ya think!~ Again, sorry for the long wait.