This escalated quickly. Also Nasod Technology is far ahead of any human technology in Zero no Tsukaima. Eve once built the solution to human waste and starvation; a machine that could turn the former into the latter.

Disclaimer: Zero no Tsukaima belongs to Noboru Yamaguchi and Elsword to KOG Studios or whatever publisher it is.

Eve waved her hand and a screen of the humans presented itself. The live feed from a Nasod drone gave the live feed of a small band of humans that were scaling the mountain to investigate all the strange noises and lights.

Behind her were her two usual servants alongside the newest knight: Ferdinard. The room they were in was the control centre of the entire facility and where the Core was located. As such there were a number of Nasod present.

As the drone shifted; the Type-R4's 'Rifle' came into view. Their grey forms hidden in the rocks up above the humans as their three mechanical eyes homed in on the human party. Their standard laser rifles trained on the human intruders.

"They are nearing the entrance." Ferdinard said. The newest Nasod Knight was dressed in a long white long coat that reached his knee joints and several blade sheaths hung around his waist. His golden visor covered the eyes that now scanned the screen with his queen.

Eve didn't respond as the humans drew near Gate 3. There were several installed defences that would make short work of the humans; though she would rather they not find the gate at all.

The Nasod Rifles were only to mop up any humans if they discovered the gate and tried to escape.

The humans were getting closer to the gate. Only a few more steps and they would trigger the defences.

"Let's stop here for a moment." The lead human declared as he stopped short of the near transparent green alert laser. The remained seven humans responded immediately by plopping down onto the largest rock nearby for a seat.

"Are we done yet? Sure there are strange noises and all but there's nothing here. It's probably just the wind." A young blonde human complained as he pulled of his helmet. There were grunts of agreement as the others relaxed themselves.

"Yeah! My cousin's out there fighting for Albion and what do I get? Mountain duty!" Another chipped in.

The leader grunted as he listened to their complaints. He rubbed his head in frustration as they piled on top of each other. "Fine, Fine! We'll leave, we'll leave!"

There was a small cheer as the humans packed their gear and prepared to leave.

"Ferdinard, I want the humans captured." Eve ordered. Their conversation implied that they were in the army meaning they were likely more knowledgeable about the current affairs of the Kingdom of Albion than the usual highwaymen the Nasod captures.

The Elrios human saying: "Knowledge is Power" was a suitable proverb for this situation.

Ferdinard opened a communication link with the squad of Nasod Rifles and passed on his queen's orders. "H1 Patrol 13B, new mission objective assigned: capture all the humans."

The Nasod Rifles were equipped with the standard Nasod LX-11 Laser Rifle with grenade launcher attachments capable of launching fragmentation grenades and stun grenades. It was the latter of the grenades that one Rifle fired into the humans.

The sudden flash of light blinded the human soldiers who predictably started reaching for their eyes. The Nasod quickly hopped down the mountain, another of the Rifles firing off a second stun grenade igniting a second blinding flash.

The humans fumbled around as they realized they were under attack. Two of them managed to draw out their weapons with unsteady hands but didn't dare use them in fear of hitting a friend. And the Nasod were upon them.

Eve watched impassively as her Nasod heavy handily captured the humans. "Ferdinard, I leave their interrogation to you. All information is to be added to the system as soon as possible."

"Yes my Queen." Ferdinard replied in a monotone. The white knight glided away to complete his task.

Eve was processing the data obtained from the human captive and already formulating her next move by the time Ferdinard was finished.

Before her was a large holographic map of the Kingdom of Albion constructed from a piece of parchment that one of the soldiers were carrying. She was aware that the region that she had set up in was called Pemsbrikshire and the mountain: Mt Brierach.

Her assumption that Pemsbrikshire was but a small region was correct. It was merely a small duchy part of a wider region called Cymry; which was comparable to wider regions on the map such a Yorkshire and Midland.

According to the confessions of the soldiers; the front lines of the civil war was concentrated in Yorkshire and Humberside as rebels pushed towards the Royalist fortress of Newcastle. Both far reached from Cymry.

The majority of fighting men in Cymry had already been called away to reinforce the Reconquista armies; along with the majority of mages and nobles. There were only token garrisons left and this small excursion of soldiers was already a decent fraction of the troops that the garrison could offer.

With the region so empty of a fighting force; it was a ripe opportunity for the Nasod to emerge. Striking now when the human factions were busy fighting each other was the logical choice for her to make.

The Nasod had no need to take over the Kingdom of Albion. Cymry by itself would suffice for centuries as they could build more underground facilities or even an airial facility if there was no other choice.

But that was assuming that the human's information was correct. She had already taken the liberty of sending out drones to confirm their information. A move she had never taken in the past since drones were easily spotted and visible in open air.

She just had to wait and see. If it was true then she would commence the operation to take control of Cymry. If not then the Nasod would have to wait even longer.

The Nasod activated its combat forces. Rifles Type-R4 made up the bulk of the Nasod military. Hundreds of them slowly began to march out of each of the various entrances into the facility and out into the world. Their grey white ceramic armour glistening in the sun's light.

Acting as the vanguard to Rifles were Type-M4 Shields. Their distinctive red tower shields and electric blades designed to combat the melee infantry that human armies tended to employ. Their black, white armour made a fit tight on their large bodies.

Groups of Type-L3 Scouts scurried ahead of the main forces. The tripod like forms holding up an 'eye' which both sends back live feeds of what it was seeing and capable of sending out a blasts of energy and lightning.

And leading the mass of Nasod were Type-E5(F) and Type-E5(W); the Nasod's answer to the human mages. Type-B7 Class Nasods capable of firing blasts fire and water respectably out of a cannon built onto their right arm. They were painted in the same colour of their respective elements.

Acting as individual commanders would be Type-GUARDIANs. Programmed with the latest compilations of all known military tactics, human and Nasod, they were to command their own sections of the Nasod army.

Eve didn't watch them leave. Instead she was cooped up in the control room with the only other three High-Class Nasods in existence. Projected from the table was the holographic strategic map for which Eve, or Ferdinard and Oberon really, could co-ordinate the Nasod forces.

And the details of such a takeover plan were long thought out. Adjustments would have to be made for the supposed decrease in resistance but that would actually make things easier rather than harder.

"What shall we do with the humans?" Ferdinard asked the question.

"Once Cymry is fully taken; they are to be relocated to Abergavenny, Monmuth. Once fully assembled; they are to be sent into Reconquista controlled territory." Eve answered.

The question on what to do with the human population had been solved by her with hours of thinking.

Humans never had a place in the past Nasod Kingdom, and EVE doubted they would have one now. The manner in which Nasod and humans work in society was not compatible with each other. Humand and Nasod could work together, but they couldn't work with each other.

That meant the human population of Cymry would have to be dealt with so that the Nasod could take over.

EVE's Viable Solutions:

1)Kill the human population of Cymry.

This was an option she considered only for a moment. For reasons unknown to Nasods; according to past interactions; humans find the wholesale slaughter of people 'evil'. This is despite the humans killing thousands of their own race in battle yet attach more positive connotations to such an event. Therefore killing the population of Cymry would likely be considered 'evil' by all humans and the Nasod didn't need more enemies than it was already going to get with this takeover. Aggravating the entire human population was inadvisable.

2)Imprison the human population of Cymry in camps.

This was a more plausible option but would require constant upkeep and maintenance. Large quantities of Nasod troops would be required to maintain such camps and then they were already short on combat Nasod. All of them were being sent out for this operation. It would be wasteful to allocate some to guard such camps.

3)Relocate the human population of Cymry elsewhere.

This was the option that EVE had chosen upon. It was also the ones that provided the most benefits. The humans would be gone and they could provide more liabilities towards either Reconquista or the Royalists; depending on where they sent them. A sizable population appearing in your territory would be a distraction that could provide enough time for Eve to consolidate Nasod control of Cymry.

"Yes, your highness." Ferdinard said.

"Then you are dismissed." At those words; Ferdinard disappeared in a shimmer as he set off. He didn't need to ask what to do if the humans resisted.

The protocol was the utter annihilation of hostile forces whenever possible. Leaving enemies functional to return and fight another day was illogical and inefficient.

Ferdinard did not speak out about the human garrisons and peasant resistance. Those were expected and he was certain that the queen knew about them. Nasod doctrine advocated that resistance was to be destroyed to the last strand to not allow it to return stronger another day.

Nasod couldn't understand the human emotion called 'hate'. But they knew the effects of it. All of it was recorded in the database of the Core of which all Nasod had access to.

'Hate' had made the human children become full bloodthirsty warriors' intent on killing the Nasod. 'Hate' had made the humans hunt down all the Nasod they could find.

In order to not create enemies for the future, Ferdinard had to stem the 'hate' before it comes back as future trouble. If there was resistance; then all humans present would have to be eliminated, there would be no exceptions. If there was no humans to 'hate' then there would be no humans returning against the Nasod for 'revenge'.

For the resurrection of the Nasod Kingdom.

Type-R4 Unit C523, assigned to AF-4B, S3, T3, U9, watched on as the small forms of humans mustered on the walls of Pembrook castle to prepare to repel the attackers. Hundreds of other Type-R4's formed up near the North Bridge of the castle beside him.

Protocol called for a parley with the defenders before any form of hostility was to begin. The Nasod had already received their response in the form of a fireball.

Logically; an assault onto a heavily fortified position was inadvisable. Military Doctrine advised that concentrated artillery or support from airships on the castle was a better solution than a direct assault.

However; the Marshall's, and by extension the Queen's, orders were clear. All Nasod forces were to be at the boundary of Cymry as soon as possible to prepare for any possible retaliation and there were to be no humans left behind them. A castle garrison could not be left behind.

The Nasod currently had no airships due to being based in a mountain for the past years and the time for an artillery position to be constructed was too long. All Type-C Engineers were already being sent to the border to fortify positions.

The Type-GUARDIAN had chosen to begin a frontal assault and that was what they were going to do. Protocol dictated that the orders of the superior must be obeyed regardless of individual thoughts otherwise.

AF4B: S1-S5, advance across North Bridge.

AF4B: S1, spearhead assault.

AF4B: S2, secure Mill

AF4B: S6, suppressive fire on NW Battlement.

AF4B: S7-S8, suppressive fire on Quay.

For the Resurrection of the Nasod Kingdom.

The orders spread across the Nasod and they began their attack. Those Rifles commanded to provide suppressive fire formed several wide lines and opened fire onto their designated targets. Red lasers flashed and the screaming began.

C523 steadily advanced behind the cover of S1, a section of Type-M4 Shield, as the humans retaliated. The humans fielded gunpowder weaponry including muskets and cannons. While not as powerful as their Nasod equivalent; it was sufficient to kill.

An explosion of heat and shrapnel met C523's head and he ducked down to reduce the damage. Soot and black smoke filled his view as he picked himself back up; his sensors flickering as the green outlines of the Shields in front of him disappeared.

3 Type-M4 Killed in action. Location: North Bridge. Source: S3, Type-R4, Unit C523.

A blue outline moved in front of him and hopped over what must have been the remains of the Type-M4s. C523 reconfirmed his grip on his gun and picked himself off the floor. Making sure his balance was steady; C523 quickly marched across the cobblestone bridge.

The black smoke was everywhere and C523 was forced to rely on his allies outlines on his scanners to determine where he was going. Up ahead red outlines were forming as Nasods marked human targets.

AF4B: S1-S5, caution; melee hostiles on North Bridge.

C523's sensors flared as a human ran towards him. A battle cry could be heard from the human as he lifted a mace to smash in C523. It took only an instant C523 to align his gun to the human's head and pull the trigger. There was no missing this close.

The humans head burst open in a gush of red, spraying C523 with blood, as the laser went through his head. His entire body collapsed in an instant and the mace fell with a clatter by his side.

Melee Enemy Killed

Paying no heed to the blood; C523 continued. His system was flooded with reports as Nasods killed and fell. So far the kills far outweighed the casualties.

Mill on North Bridge has been captured. Source: S1, Type-R4 Unit F127.

The red outlines of the humans were fading as they retreated to the bailey of Pembrook. Yet the black smoke remained as the humans continued their bombardment of the bridge. In fact it appeared they were targeting the structural support of the bridge rather than the attackers. It appeared that the humans were going to-

The cobblestone Bridge collapsed in a barrage of fire bringing all the Nasod down with it. The Nasod sections fell down in silence as they meet the cool water of the river.

-collapse the bridge. C523 was sinking and soon his body hit the bottom of the river. A cloud of sediment arose as more and more Nasod followed suit.

Stone pieces from the bridge sunk with them; crushing any Nasod who was caught under them. The few humans still on the bridge didn't sink with the Nasod. They made of flesh and blood unlike the Nasod.

AF4B: S1-S5, continue assault on North Bailey Gate.

From C523 eyes the world was completely dark blue underwater. It was probable that the humans assumed that they were fallen due to sinking in the water. The assumption was incorrect.

Rusting was a problem but such an effect could be tended to at a later date. The immediate problem was assaulting the North Bailey Gate.

The Nasod continued their attack; their mechanical bodies slowly advancing under the weight of the water pressing down on them. Their feet planting one foot in front of the other as climbed the banks of the slope and out of the water.

Pushing out of the water; C523 found himself in front of the bailey. Shouts of alarm were called across the battlements as human ranged units braved the barrage of incoming lasers to fire at the returned Nasod assault force.

The barrage of cannons returned as their human operators spotted the Nasod coming out of the water. The screech of the cannon balls swung overhead as C523 advanced towards the gate.

AF4B: S3, breach the North Bailey.

C523 primed the grenade launcher of his gun. Others nearby in his section did likewise and a target was selected by in an instant.

S3: T3 concentrate on gatehouse.

The unfortunate humans on the guard house screamed as the flurry of grenades detonated on impact. The gatehouse itself collapsed as the stones were blown apart.

AF4B: S1, charge the breach. S2-S5 follow S1 into breach in North Bailey Gate.

The Type-M4 Shields shouldered past C523. Their large forms rushing through the rubble, using their tower shields to push away any stone in the way. Their blades held over their heads as they brought it crashing down onto the humans beyond.

It was then a wave of fire swept over the Type-M4's at the gatehouse. Those Shields not covering behind their tower shields were cindered as the humans counterattacked. In the lead was a armoured human wielding a wand in his right hand and a sword in his left.

Human mage spotted. Location: North Bailey Gatehouse. Source: Type-M4 Unit A420

Assistance required.

Thanks for reading.