A/N: Goooooooood evening my Imperial Storm Army! And welcome new Padawans to the Dark Side! What's this? A new Winchester Adventure?! *Gasp* Lol! Anyways, in my last adventure I asked you guys to pick a story for me to write next and this one was the most popular, and my beloved Jedi DjinnAtwood has been wanting me to write this for a while. So my beloved DjinnAtwood, you get your wish! *Throws confetti* Whee! Lol! So what do you say we get the show on the road? Let's go!

Summary: A vision leads Sammy to Silent Hill, or was it something else? While in Silent Hill Sam finds out the truth about what happened 30 years ago. Wanting to do something Sammy promises to help. Can he keep his promise and find his way back home? Stay tuned. Will follow the movie (which I'll be watching as I'm writing)!


All mistakes are my own!

This is no sleepwalking


"Bobby he's not here! SAM! SAMMY!" Dean cried.

"Dean! He's over there!" Bobby shouted as he pointed to a ledge from his perch in the big tree.

Sam had wandered off in the middle of the night and Dean couldn't find him. He and Bobby looked everywhere in the Salvage yard. They then started looking in the back yard and when they found Sam's boot prints they feared the worst. It wasn't like Sammy to just wander off in the middle of the night like this. Especially to the cliffs and ledges.

Dean sprinted as fast as he could spotting Sammy too close the edge of the cliff he was on. When he got closer he could see the vacant expression on his face when he got his visions, not only that he was swaying so much the wind could blow him over. Dean thanked whatever God that it was a warm windless night.

"SAMMY! HOLD ON!" Dean shouted.

Sam wasn't listening to anything but the voice calling him. Hell. He wasn't even awake. He swayed as he walked but he had to listen to the voice. It was calling to him. Begging him to come. Moaning could be heard and the ground fifty feet blow the cliff turned into a metal mine-ish thing, and there stood a little girl. Was she the one calling to him?

"Home..." Sam mumbled.

He was about to jump down to the girl when he felt his brother tackling him to the ground away from edge. He began writhe as if pain, and he was screaming and moaning.

"HOME! Home!" Sam screamed in his sleep.

"Shh Sammy. We're going home. Wake up. Come on buddy." Dean soothed lifting his brother in his arms and rocking him.

"Silent Hill! Home! Silent Hill!" Sam moaned.

Bobby walked up and knelt down to them.

"Bobby. He said it again. But this time he called it 'home'. There's no way this is a vision." Dean said warily.

Bobby nodded and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Let's get him home and back into bed." Bobby said.

Dean nodded. He got up and lifted his brother into a firemans carry. It was easier now since Sammy was fallen back into a deep peaceful sleep. Dean had carried him all the way back and gently placed him on the couch. There was no way Dean would be able to sleep so he might as well keep an eye on his slumbering brother. So tucked his baby in and took a seat on the floor next to him.

Dean was brought out of his thoughts when a coffee mug came into his view. He reached up and took it.

"Thanks." He said softly.

"Welcome." Bobby said and went to sit at his desk

Dean took a sip and sighed.

"What are we going to do Bobby? This is the fifth time this week this has happened!" Dean exclaimed softly.

"I've been looking into it and Silent Hill isn't anywhere on the maps. The town doesn't even exist." Bobby said.

"If it doesn't exist, then why is this happening?!" Dean asked.

Bobby sighed. "I don't know Ace. I don't know."

Dean sighed again and began stroking Sammy's hair when he became agitated. After the accident Sammy had refused medical treatment leaving Dean to wonder if he slammed his head and his dreams were being affected. So he and Bobby forced him to the doctor. The doctor just said that Sam got all twisted up and indeed hit head, but it wouldn't be enough to affect his behavior, so they put him on special medicine but it wasn't working. Sammy was have dreams about a place that didn't exist and was sleep walking if you could call it that. Dean felt like tying Sam up and locking him in the panic room to protect him.

He sighed once more and finished his coffee, then laid down and fell to sleep.

The next morning.

Sammy woke up with a headache. He had that dream again, or rather he thought it was dream. He grabbed his sketchbook and sketched what he saw. When he was finished he saw his brother coming in.

"Morning Sammy. How ya feeling?" Dean asked silently looking him over for injuries.

"I'm good. I have a headache but I'm good." Sammy said.

Dean nodded. "Well let's get some food in you and then some pain killers."

Sam nodded and went to the kitchen and found Bobby already making breakfast and went to help.

Dean sighed. He wished Sam would open up to him and tell what goes on in the dreams. He was about to head into the kitchen when he saw the sketchbook lying open. He did notice Sammy sketching something. He picked up the sketch book and looked at the drawings. As he looked he grew more and more worried and agitated. Some had a man with pyramid like helment holding a huge knife. Others were of a burning city and monsters everywhere. One with a woman burning on the stake. The latest was a chruch. The sketch was mostly black, but the chruch was still there, and gravestones, a darkened sky.

Dean closed the book and put it down. He and Sam were going to have a talk. This wasn't normal. He sat down at the table and kept a light conversation.

"So Sammy. I was thinking." Dean started.

"Uh oh. That's not good." Sam smirk.

Dean chuckled. It was nice to hear Sam joking with him. It had been a while.

"Anyways, you were saying?" Sammy asked curiously.

"I was thinking we should take a vacation when the Impala's finished." Dean said around a spoonful of scrambled egg.

"Where would we go?" Sam asked.

"Anywhere." Dean said.

Sam pondered for a moment and decided. "How about Vegas?"

Dean smiled a mega watt smile. "Sammy boy you have spoken my language. Vegas it is!"

Sam laughed. He knew his brother would go for it. He finished his breakfast and headed for the shower. He heard the sounds of metal being pounded into shape. He closed his eyes and allowed the hot water to soothe him.

When he was finished he helped Bobby translate some things into Latin, and some Latin into english.

Later that night found Sammy lying in bed listening to his brother soft snores. He didn't want to go to sleep although his medicine was making him sleepy. He didn't want to keep taking it as it didn't him like Dean and Bobby told him. Dean made him take it because it made him sleep. Dean didn't want him to stay up all night like he did when Jess had first died.

The medicine was pulling him to sleep. He didn't want to sleep. He didn't want to go there, or here that voice. That town he dreamt about scared him. Sure he had seen pretty gruesome things, but this was down right awful!

Soon without his permission his mind and body gave in and the pull of sleep took him under.

About an hour later.

"Bobby! Sammy's missing!" Dean cried.

Sammy was gone and so was one of the cars.

Oh no! Sammy wandered off again! Well guys there's chapter 1! I hope you like it so far!

Until Next Time! Dean: Seriously?! Me: What?!