Thetrueazure: Hmmmm
Ritsu: Penny for your thought?
Thetrueazure: SWEET MOTHER OF RAIKOU! Don't scare me like that!
Ritsu: Then don't watch the Conjuring…anyways, it's time for the sequel?
Thetrueazure: Yes, yes it is. LET'S GET THIS THING STARTED!
Ch.1 A New Enemy and War.
In an unknown place within a dark room with two cloaked figures standing in the center with seven flames surrounding them, you could practically feel the combined malice from the flames as they continued to burn.
"Have the preparations been made?" The cloaked female asked as she looked at the other cloaked figure.
"Yes, we found the other candidates for our masters." The cloaked male responded with a grin. "Why? Are you getting anxious?"
She grinned. "Perhaps I am, it's been a few years since I dueled, but I can hold out for a while longer." She walked over to one of the flames and placed her hand on it. Surprisingly, it did not burn her hand at all. "We have the element of surprise so it'll be worth the wait."
In the Himuro Household.
A girl who looked about eighteen was sitting on the couch reading a romance novel, the girl had waist length cobalt blue hair and violet eyes, and she wore a dark purple shirt with a black leather coat and dark blue jeans. Around her neck was a heart shaped locket with amethysts dotted around it. The girls name was Yuzuki Kagiri; daughter of Mirai Kagiri and Crow Hogan.
Yuzuki took a break from her book and placed it on the table. "A whole year, it's been a whole year since Ritsu destroyed Apollyon, looks like things are starting to return to normal now."
"I OVERSELPT?!" Ritsus voice echoed through the house while Yuzuki just sighed and shook her head in amusement.
"Or as normal as can be." She said to herself as she heard rapid footsteps as Ritsu skidded to a halt. Ritsu, now 20, still had his hair in the same fashion a year ago with his right eye being covered by his bang but today he was wearing a duel academy instructor's uniform and was trying to put his tie on.
"Yuzuki, why didn't you wake me up?!"
Yuzuki placed both her hands on her hips and looked him right in the eye. "Because it's not my responsibility to be your alarm clock Ritsu Himuro."
"Ouch, she's got you there Ritsu." A voice said in his head.
"Shut up Raikou." Ritsu said in his mind, Yuzuki walked over to him and started to work on his tie. "I don't get why I have to wear this stupid uniform when teaching."
"Because it's part of the job description Ritsu." Yuzuki finished and dusted his uniform off. "There, you look really professional in that uniform."
Ritsu smiled and kissed her on the lips. "So what are you going to be doing while I'm gone?"
"I'm going to be hanging out with Keira and Nami, you know, girls day out." Yuzuki said with a smile. "Hurry up or you're going to be late teaching your first class."
Ritsu looked at the clock. "Right, have fun." Ritsu kissed Yuzuki one more time and ran out of the door.
At Duel Academy.
"Hey Kuraki, did you hear? The first year class is getting a new teacher today!" A girl with shoulder length fiery red hair and green eyes wearing an academy uniform asked the other girl named Kuraki. Kuraki had shoulder length black hair and blue eyes while wearing the same uniform.
"Yeah, I think I know who's teaching them Asuka." Kuraki said as Asuka started to bounce a little bit with a grin on her face.
"Who? Who?! Tellmetellmetellme!" Asuka said as Kuraki thought that she was on a sugar rush.
Kuraki sighed knowing that Asuka would not leave her alone until she told her. "It's Ritsu Himuro."
Asuka stopped bouncing and looked at Kuraki with a wide eyed look on her face. "Great, now I wish I was a first year student."
"Wait a minute, you graduated last year, so why are you here?" Kuraki asked as Asuka clutched her chest in a mock hurt fashion.
"You wound me madam." Asuka laughed slightly. "Kidding aside, I applied to be a tutor for the students here."
"You? Tutor? I think the world is ending." Asuka slapped Kurakis shoulder in a playful manner.
"Quiet you, now get to class before you're late." Asuka said as Kuraki laughed and went to class.
In first year classroom.
The first year students were in their seats chatting with one another, they heard that they were getting a new teacher and were wondering who they were. The door opened to see the principle walk through with Ritsu behind him, the students were shocked and surprised to see the winner of the Dragon's Cup in the classroom in a DA uniform.
"Hello, some of you may know me, for those who don't, my name is Ritsu Himuro, I will be teaching you guys this year." Ritsu said while he nodded at the principle who nodded and left the room. "Now, before we get started, does anyone have any questions?"
A female student raised her hand as he pointed at her. "Um, how old are you?"
"Ok, we'll start off slowly, I'm 20 years old." Ritsu said. "I lived in the satellite for most of my life and moved here with my girlfriend." Some girls slumped over when he said that.
Another hand shot up. "What deck do you use?"
"Well, I mainly use a dragon type deck." Ritsu answered.
"I have a question." Everyone turned to see Asuka standing in the doorway. "Do you want to duel for the kids Ritsu?"
Ritsu thought about it for a moment. "Hmm, it would be good to pump them up for this year, plus I've been wondering how Asuka duels."
"Kill two birds with one stone." Raikou said in Ritsus head as he nodded.
He looked at Asuka. "OK, you got a deal Asuka, but not right now, after class will be better." Ritsu said as Asuka smirked.
"Sounds fair, you better be at your best Ritsu because I've been watching you duel since the Dragon's Cup!" And with that, she left Ritsu to teach his class.
With Yuzuki, Keira and Nami.
"I can't see Ritsu being a teacher." Nami said as she took a sip from her drink. "I usually saw him being a mechanic."
"He tried, but last time that happened he nearly blew up the garage." Yuzuki cringed at the memory of her boyfriend testing a new engine that did not agree with him and went haywire.
"Still, I'm surprised he took the job." Keira said. "You think he could teach Krad how to Turbo Duel?"
"I think so." Yuzuki said. "Speaking of Krad, did he go to that place?"
Keira gave a sad smile. "Yes, he wanted to pay his respects to them."
In an unknown place.
Krad Kenshin, dragon slayer and wielder of the shadow dragon Belial was standing in front of a wrecked building with a flower in his hand; he placed the flower in front of it and prayed.
"Mom, Dad, Sis, I promise, on my honor as a Kenshin, I will find those who were responsible for your deaths." Krad said in his mind as a dark scaled dragon appeared beside him, the dragon's name was Belial, the Dragon of Shadows.
"You won't be alone my friend; you have Ritsu, Keira and everyone else by your side." Belial told him as he nodded.
Within a Dark Room
The cloaked female looked at the fire to see an image of Asuka looking at her deck for her duel. She then smiled. "Time to get to work." She placed her hand on one of the flames. "That fiery attitude will be good for Ira, though you will get a small fraction of his power to see how their leader holds up."
The dark red flame began to flicker madly and then calm down.
She gave an evil chuckle. "And now we wait."
Ch.1 END
Thetrueazure: Ok, this is a short chapter I admit, but I am busy with school and trying to find a job. I have a new role sheet for you guys, you can send it in a review or a pm, I would much prefer it to be in a pm but that's your choice, I am looking for:
Deck: If OC deck, pm me the list.
Love interest: If you want, it's your choice.
Affiliations: Elemental Users, Sin Dragon Users, or Order
I am looking for four right now, but I will reopen the role sheet later on in the story. I need four OCs for the sin dragons
Superbia – Dragon of Pride: Taken
Ira – Dragon of Wrath: Open
Gula – Dragon of Gluttony: Open
Acedia – Dragon of Sloth: Open
Invidia – Dragon of Envy: Open
Luxuria – Dragon of Lust: Taken
Avaritia – Dragon of Greed: Taken
The names of these dragons belong to Juno-Uno from deviantart. Other than that, I shall see you all in the next chapter of Yugioh 5D's Advent of the Destroyers, until then, Ja Ne!
Ritsu: Me and Asuka are going to have our duel, but she's been acting strange, she seems…angrier then when I last talked to her, I just hope it'll stop after the duel.
Next Time: Yugioh 5D's Advent of the Destoyers; Raging Inferno.
"What the hell is that?!"