Another "Not a chapter" Really sorry (It accidentally deleted the first time I tried to upload)
Hey guys, I hate to do this to you all again, especially after the double cliff hanger, but after another two month delay I felt like I should touch base and explain myself.
Unfortunately I don't have a chapter ready for you guys, and it may be a little longer before I do. I'm really sorry but I just started my first semester of college a few weeks ago, and it's been a difficult adjustment. I hate to make excuses, I really do, but the fact is that I've had to get used to a new schedule and a new kind of work load.
I hope you guys haven't been discouraged from by another hiatus but I promise I have the chapter all planned out. I've also set up a new time management schedule so I hope to have it posted within the next couple weeks.
Sorry to annoy you with another "not chapter" full of excuses, and I understand if you're starting to get impatient, but I hope you understand why it's been so long since the last chapter. I promise I'm working as fast as I can and I hope to have the next chapter up soon.
Thanks for indulging me, and once again, sorry to do this again. I hope you all understand and I hope to hear from you all soon. Shifting Tides is far from over so stay tuned.