It was a dark, cold, and windy night in the North Valley Kingdom. All the families were inside their homes, and their children tucked warmly underneath their blankets. The night was calm and still outside…..But it's what the inside that counts.

Inside the Kingdom's castle, mostly everyone was asleep. All, but Moe the great and mighty royal wizard, was either working on spells, or teaching his young granddaughter. Moe, indeed, was working on a spell, a spell to aid the King's.

Light footsteps were heard down the hall. Felicia, also a royal servant, was finally able to take her rest for the night. Instead, she decided to do one last thing, and bring her loving grandfather some tea. She grasped the black iron handle of a huge wooden door, and opened it, while holding the tray of tea firmly in the other arm. Her right hand held the one side of the tray again, and she carefully tip-toed down the spiral of stone steps. The young lady grew a warm smile when hearing her goofy grandfather. She giggled lightly and smiled.

"Grandfather!" she called out lightly.

"Hm?" the wizard hummed out. "Felicia, is that you I hear coming down those steps?" Moe turned to see a giggling young female wolf. He fixed his glasses a bit and chuckled.

"I brought you some tea," Felicia said, "The King let me get out of my chores early tonight. I brought some honey, too."

"Oh! Goody!" Moe spoke out in glee and clapped his hands. "Do poor me some tea. I would myself, but as you can see, I'm preoccupied at the moment."

"I see. Working on another spell?" Moe's granddaughter asked, "What's it for this time?" Moe was very happy she asked. He quickly shuffled to the side over to his shelves of books.

The old wizard's hands pulled out a huge, royal blue, history textbook. He opened it, and quickly flipped through the pages, licking his thumb now and then, making it easier to turn each slips of paper to the other side of the book.

"Ah!" He sighed. He pointed to a spot into the book, and summoned Felicia to come closer. She took a few steps towards him, and looked over his shoulder. "You see," Moe began, "during the past week, Shadow and I were sent to the royal library, by the King, to research the jewel."

"I don't mean disrespect towards our King, but, shouldn't he just give up looking for that gem? Everyone is saying it's a myth and a legend." Felicia interrupted.

"Wait, child," the wizard said, his hand in the air, motioning her to stop, "let me finish? You have to work on speaking when someone is done speaking their story. You can learn things, and if you interrupt that person, you could completely ruin the story."

"Sorry, Grandfather," the young girl nodded, "Continue, please."

The wizard looked back down at the text. "We were in the library for hours, reading every book we could possibly find. Now, you've been in the library before. You know how many of books there are, right?" The old man looked up at her.

"Oh, yes, hundreds and thousands!" She responded.

"Yes and boy were we tired. Now, you know me and the prince, we both love to read books. I think we read at least 50 each!"

"Be thankful you two are fast readers," the young lady implied.

"Shadow told me to help him put everything back, but I wasn't done. I found this book, the History book. I told Shadow, 'Give me a moment to skim through this one book.' He nodded, and went back to, carefully, putting his books back on the shelves. I sat down and read. You know me, I can never actually skim through a book. I was halfway through this text, and found something that could lead to many answers for the King."

"What was it, Grandfather?" Felicia asked.

"It was a prophecy. It spoke of a young, heroic, white hedgehog, which would one day come to the King of the land and lead us the way to the Dragon's Eye." He smiled up at her.

"Wow!" Felicia gasped. "So, the King was onto something about that jewel after all!"

"Yes, my young Felicia." Moe squinted to the book, re-reading. "It says… that this hedgehog was from another dimension, though."

"Dimension…?" Felicia looked at him confused, and then sighed. "Grandfather, as brilliant as you are, I'm afraid that there are no other dimensions. What you have found was another false fable." Moe just stared at her for a moment, but then continued on.

"I went to tell Shadow, and it took a little bit to convince him to believe my findings. The prince instructed me to take the book to my spell room, and keep it safe, while he would inform his brother. I nodded quickly and came down here. I've been looking through every spell book I have, trying to find a way to get to this dimension."

"Grandfather, what is so important about this jewel?" Felicia asked, turning back to the tray to finally get his tea ready. "Honey in your tea?"

Moe nodded, "Yes, please, and that jewel? Well, that's a story for another time, my dear." Felicia mixed the tea and honey together in the cup, while Moe turned back toward the empty space he was once before.

"Mohana, polo mafesa. Alica mowa shadpa." Moe spoke out in foreign language, slowly waving his glowing hands in circular motions.

"Oh, and speaking of the Prince, I should remind you that-" The girl was cut off from a huge flash. She shrieked and collapsed to the floor, her arms shielding her eyes. Everything was white, through Felicia's eyes. Luckily, though, this only lasted for about fifteen seconds. Felicia blinked a few times and gasp at the sight in front of her. It was a portal, a ring surrounding it. Moe was jumping and clapping in glee.

"Yes! YES! It worked! I finally did a spell and nothing went wrong!" Moe burst out in joy.

"I.. It.. That thing… Wh-what… HOW?!" Felicia was very confused. She knew her grandfather was indeed powerful, but never actually thought that even him could create a portal to a whole other dimension. It was truly an amazing sight to behold!

Moe looked at his granddaughter and his eyes widened. "Oops!" He scurried over to her and helped her up. Standing up, her knees from the fright of the flash, she looked at him nervously.

"Gr-Grandfather… Is this even safe?!" She asked, as if he was insane, which he slightly was.

"Of course it is, Sweetheart!" He grinned and chuckled nervously. "….I think."

"What's going on down here?" A voice spoke up from behind.

"Y-you're highness!" Felicia finally felt the muscles in her leg and stood straight. She curtsied out of respect to the prince. "I was about to remind my grandfather that you were coming."

Prince shadow nodded. "I see." He responded with a firm tone. He walked by passed her and over to the new strange portal. He looked at the wizard over his shoulder. "Let me guess, Moe. You couldn't resist in finding a way to break through dimensions?"

"Yes, my prince!" Moe nodded and walked up next to him. The wizard raised his hand towards the portal. "This, sire, is only the beginning! It may not lead to where we find our legend, but it proves that I DO have the ability to cross worlds! We can do so much with this!"

"Such as...?" Shadow tapped his foot, waiting impatiently.

"What you can ever imagine!" The old man's lips grinned and stretched from ear to ear. "Now, here's the question: should we go inside, your highness?"

Shadow shook his head. "No, it's far too dangerous. For all we know, Moe, is that you could accidently send one of us to a void." He started walking towards the steps. "Shut it down for now."

Moe's grin faded quickly. "But, this may be our only chance, my prince! What if this doesn't happen for a second time?"

"If you opened it up this time, it will work the next." Shadow turned back to him. "Shut it down."

Felicia took a step back, knowing that an argument was about to start.

"No! I won't shut it down! You can't make me!" Moe crossed his arms and stood up straighter.

Shadow growled and stepped closer. "Shut. It. Down. Now." He spitted out through his teeth and clenched his fist.

"Um, my prince, couldn't he just keep it up and keep an eye on it..?" Felicia softly asked out, her voice gentle and frightened.

"No! It's too dangerous to risk it!" Shadow yelled, almost screaming at her.

"Don't scream at her!" Moe growled and glared at the prince. The two men stood face to face, their noses touching each other. Both stared daggers into each others' eyes.

Shadow was about to demand the portal to be shut down, again. That was, until a very faint scream was heard off in the distance. He wondered just where it was coming from. The prince relaxed his muscles and stepped aside from the old man and looked around.

"What is it, your highness?" Felicia asked, walking towards him.

"You don't hear that?" The all stood quiet, except Moe, who was gloating about 'winning the battle.' Shadow gave him a look. "You did not win," the prince grumbled.

"I did so." Moe chuckled, fixing his glasses. Shadow just rolled his eyes.

Felicia looked over towards her Grandfather. "Grandfather, you don't hear that?"

"Hear what?" He asked.

"That noise."

"What noise?"

"This noise!" Shadow spoke out, covering the wizard's mouth, forcing him to actually be quiet for a moment. All three of them went silent, and listened. Shadow then removed his hand from Moe's mouth.

"Huh," the old man began, "That's new. Wait!" He scurried over to the portal. "It's coming from this portal!" Moe poked his head through to look inside. "It's a man, screaming!"

Shadow sighed, "Moe, get your head out of there! It could explode in there for all we know." He crossed his arms, and waited for Moe to do so. Of course, Moe did what he wanted to do and completely ignore him.

"Hold on a moment," Moe paused for a moment, and then continued, "There's a figure. I can't make it out, but…" Moe's eyes widened and his ears went flat. "Uh-oh." All of a sudden, Moe let out a loud 'EEK' and was now on the ground, with a white hedgehog laying on top. The unknown man groaned and moaned. He tried getting up, but fell back down on the wizard. Moe was squirming and whimpering under the heavy hedgehog.

"Grandfather!" Felicia gasped, going over to the two, helping the young boy off Moe. She looked at him, but he was barely conscious.

` Shadow walked over to Moe, and helped him sit up. "Are you alright?" Moe nodded in response, too dizzy to even conjure up fake words. Shadow looked up at the unknown stranger, but had a strange feeling about this person. Shadow thought to himself for a moment, but had remembered the legend. Yes! The one from the legend! This unknown, white hedgehog could have been… But then again, there could be a chance he may also not be. He looked up, and the portal was now closed, meaning the stranger was stuck here for now.

"What shall we do your highness?" Felicia asked, looking up at him. Shadow looked up at her for a moment and stood up, then helped the old wizard to his feet.

"I want you, Felicia, to take this stranger to the guest bedroom," he spoke in a deep tone, heading towards the stair case. "While I inform my brother about the legend and our new guest."