Chapter Six
Kissing Jay Hogart
She couldn't believe he kissed her. She didn't move when he had leaned into her, she kissed him back and even more strange she actually liked it. Now he was looking at her silently. She's thinking it's too good to be true and it's hard to keep her feet on the ground after just one kiss. Kissing Jay Hogart isn't something you tell people, not that you're embarrassed but because it's just he isn't the type of person to kiss and tell. He's not the guy you bring home to your parents. Kissing Jay Hogart is something you save for your diary because something like that would never happen again. You'll want that memory to play back in your mind and be clear so you can go back to it again and again. She often wrote about her kisses in her diary and she hoped to do the same with this kiss because she's never been kissed like that before, and he's never looked at her that way before. Not even Chris or Sean had ever looked at her in that manner. Again consciously she has to keep her feet on the ground she mustn't let herself believe that Jay could actually have feelings for her beyond the occasional hookup. Now that he's kissed her, he should know it could never go further than that.
Jay interrupted her thoughts with a question, "Emma, something wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong." She told him as a soft smile played upon her lips. Something in the way he looked at her made her melt. She just couldn't believe any of this was happening. She didn't have a thing for him she couldn't possibly. She always thought he was good looking and the definition of hot. He had that bad boy look in the bag. He's rough and tumble, he's always in Raditch's office, he's always doing the opposite of the right thing, he steals and lies and yet all at once it appeals her at the same time. She could taste the nicotine on his breath.
"Did you like that because if you didn't I won't do it."
"No, I liked it and if I didn't I would've stopped you."
Jay confessed, "Anyone ever tell you you're a good kisser?" He then realized he maybe shouldn't say that soon, "Don't bite me for saying that."
She shook her head, "No and no I don't bite. You're just saying that."
"Not at all, and not even Cameron?"
"Not that I could remember." Seriously she thought, never. She and Sean were so young when they shared their first kiss. She had no experience and it wasn't like Sean told her right after, 'Oh Em you're a fantastic kisser'. "It wasn't like I had anything else to compare it to."
With Chris they mostly were little pecks on cheek and on the lips in passing and she felt nothing. She went on a few dates and make out parties with Manny before the rave last year and most of those experiences were messy. Jay the kiss, the one kiss was simply mind-blowing. That's when she knew Jay was experiences. He had his picks, he kissed more than one girl, he's had flings and he was saying she was a good kisser. It made perfect sense for him to make a statement like that.
"Sorry, I mean about yesterday I crossed the line when I said I didn't think you kissed a boy before. Are you saying Cameron was your first kiss?" She looked away and didn't say much of anything. She didn't want to think or talk about Sean for the majority of the day he was on her mind. For the first time she feels like she wants to move out from under the shadow of their relationship. It was like a rock she'd been living under. She looked as if she had moved on and for a long time even she believed it to be true. She simply runs away from it. With him out of town she can have somewhat of a fresh start and move on for real this time. The possibility of him never coming back was real. "I take that as a yeah."
She nodded; it was kind of bittersweet talking about him. All she could say in response was, "Yeah."
"How old were you?"
"I was seven."
"Feeling nostalgic? Who was the lucky lady?"
"Whoa you two go way back."
"We do and over the years we grew apart but I don't want to talk about Alex anymore."
"I don't want to talk about Sean." She confessed honestly.
"We won't talk about them anymore."
"Thank you."
She whispered coupled with a yawn. She didn't sleep much the night before. She kept having reoccurring nightmares and for the first time in a long time Sean went to bat for her. She'll never forget. It all happened so fast.
"Want to play skeletons in the closet also known as 21 questions until you fall asleep?"
"Yeah, why not? You scared?"
"I'm not afraid of anything."
"Favorite thing to do in your spare time?"
Plainly and proudly she answered, "I knit."
"What?" He questioned, "Why would a girl as young as you knit? That's for old people."
"No knitting is very current. You know knit scarves, blankets, and hats? I know how to make them. I took sewing as an elective last year and we did a unit on sewing."
"I don't have a knit scarf, Emma. There's no need to get defensive."
"Okay I'll make you one some time."
"You don't have to." He shook his head, "I believe you. So what other hobbies? You don't seriously sit around and knit all day do you?"
"I like to dance. I've taken dance lessons since I was little, ballet. I love it it's really cool."
"Very nice no wonder you got nice," He looked down at her legs before finishing the statement and back at her eyes, "Legs."
"Jay!" She exclaimed throwing a spare pillow at him knocking him down a peg as he lay on his stomach pretending to be dead and in pain. I laughed as down feathers blew through the air, not many just a few and one landed on the bridge of her nose and dappled through her hair.
He laughed as Emma shook her head as a few feathers fell onto the bed. He got up off his stomach to sit up as he and ran his hands through her hair to remove the remaining feathers as she stayed still and then he kissed her yet again softly. "There no more feathers and it's your turn to ask a question."
She wasn't going to confirm or deny how she felt about the kiss. She just asked a question, "What about your hobbies?"
"What do you think my hobbies are?"
"I don't know hence why I ask you."
"Cars I like cars. Collecting cars, collecting things about cars, working on cars. I'm all about cars."
"Alright cool. Sorry for asking."
"My turn, do you want to go downtown with me, blow off school? I know I asked you earlier but you never answered me."
All she could say is, "Yeah," She let out a nervous laugh, "I'd like that."
"Great, Nelson your turn."
They continued asking questions the more questions they asked they more they discovered about each other. The more they realized how much in common they had with each other. The more she realized there was something wonderful about him and she was too quick to judge him. She realized he's not as much of a badass as he says he is. She let her anger and resentment for him influencing Sean the previous year blind her and he isn't the person he thought he was. She noticed what he does for the most part was a front. His way to cope with life is to act out. She slowly started letting her guard down and suddenly she wasn't so scared anymore. It started to get late they both slid under the blankets but they didn't want anything to do with sleeping. He hesitated for a moment before she slowly leaned in too and then they kissed.