Summary: Harry was left at the mercies of the Dursleys by Dumbledore. But, while living there, he meets a cheerful boy and his father who can't believe the way he was abused. The Boy-Who-Lived gets adopted into a powerful family and now has a protective older brother and an equally protective Father. The Wizarding world won't even expect what happens next.

This should be fun. It will be HarryxOC; and the OC is a guy so be warned. But if you don't mind, enjoy!



Chapter 1: Harry James Potter-Sharp


He sniffled. The brunette lay on the ground, not moving. He just lay there, behind the school, waiting for the pain to pass. He was bruised and battered; Even so, the young boy was glad his glasses weren't broken again. It was an easy enough fix but it just made them look worse and worse every time. He was seven and he knew he shouldn't be like this, but he couldn't help it. Harry had learned that it was best to keep quiet and suffer through it then fight back. Fighting back only got him in trouble and locked in the cabinet under the stairs.

Harry eventually pulled himself up, cringing at the pain. He didn't know what he had done to make Dudley and his gang go so hard on him this time. In all honesty, it was a miracle his bones weren't broken. He knew that he would just get yelled at for being late to class if he went in; the Dursleys were secretly quite well off and avide supporters of the schools near him. So really, that meant the teachers and staff were under their influence as well. Harry had only known one teacher that wasn't and she was promptly fired for reasons the boy never heard. Sighing, Harry began the long, painful walk to the nearby park.

The wind swirled around him, as he limped along, depressed. Why had he been cursed like this? Harry knew from what his Aunt and Uncle had told him was that his parents had died in an accident. They were quite clear about the fact they had been, against their will, been dumped with a freak whose parents died by their own stupidity. Harry knew that that wasn't true; his parents weren't stupid. They were probably kind, and loving, and smart, and really cool... Definitely not stupid people. Still, he never talked back, never questioned them. It didn't pay to pull a stunt like that.

He sat down on a swing, and slowly went back and forth, back and forth. The young boy gasped as his nose began to bleed a bit. He quickly tilted his head back and applied pressure to his nose; the brunette had gotten them before. A lot of them actually. He was too busy with this fact to hear another person skip up. "Hi there!" A cheerful voice rang out. Harry was so startled that he fell backwards, out of the swing and into the ground. He gasped as his head hit the mulch. He laid there, dizzy as the boy's happy voice drilled into his head, "Bloody hell! Sorry for scaring you, I thought you had seen me!"

Harry felt surprisingly strong hands pull him up as a concerned boy Harry's age looked him over. He was a little tall for his age, with shining gold blond hair that swept around his head. He had a dazzlingly white smile that was concerned but also ridiculously happy. And his eyes... Harry was mesmerized. He had beautiful and unique eyes; his left brilliantly blue while the right was emerald green like Harry's. The brunette couldn't help but not stop looking into them. He was woken up though when the blonde waved a hand in front of his eyes. "Good, just wanted to make sure you were alright. You seemed a bit dazed there for a moment."

Harry finally got himself to speak, barely mumbling a thank you and then apologizing for doing that. To his surprise, the blonde waved his apology away, "No need to apologize; I was the one to scare you after all! My name's Veritas!" Harry's lips smiled around his bruises as he giggled a bit, "That's a funny name!" The brunette's eyes widened with fear, "I'msorry, didn'tmeanthat, pleasepleasepleasedonthurtme." Veritas' eyes widened with surprise and concern at the fear shaking the other boy, "Wow wow wow, it's okay mate! I don't mind, It's an interesting name for sure!"

Harry sniffled a bit; was the guy joking? "So you're not mad? You're not going to hit me like everyone else does?" Veritas looked concerningly into the other boy's face. He pulled Harry onto a bench, "Listen, what's your name?" "Frea- n-n-n-no I mean Harry, my name is Harry." Veritas was really concerned now, "Why would you almost call yourself a freak Harry?" The other boy sniffled a bit more, "Cause that's what they call me. I thought I was named Freak until I was about three and a half or four."

The blonde's hand clasped around his, "Harry, listen to me." Veritas' had cupped Harry's chin and tilted his head up to look into his eyes; Harry's breath hitched as he made eye contact, the other's eyes bearing no judgement. "No matter what they tell you, don't listen. I don't know who gave you these bruises or called you such a mean thing but, Harry listen to me; you are not a freak." The brunette's eyes widened and internally he gasped, the other boy's words resounding in his young head. Not a freak. Not a freak. Not a freak. "You are a nice person Harry don't let them tell you otherwise," The boy held up Harry's hand against his, "My daddy told me my name means "Truth". So let me tell you the truth Harry. I refuse to see you treated like this. I will be your friend. I will be it now, I will be it later, I will be it when you die. You have my word; and Daddy taught me never to go back on my word."

Harry was stunned. Friends?! Someone who thought he was something, that he was someone, a person who cared about him?! The brunette threw his arms around the other boy, hugging him tightly. Veritas was a bit suprised at first but then returned the embrace. He soon heard Harry crying and quickly pulled the boy away to look at him. "Harry? What's wrong, why are you crying?" The blonde said as tears slowly ran down his new friend's face. "I'm just... Just so happy. I have a friend! A real friend!" The brunette beamed a smile even bigger then Veritas'. Said blonde grinned but internally thought, 'Those people. Whoever they are; I'm telling Daddy about this and he'll show them that you can't just do this to people.' He then got up and held out his hand to Harry, "C'mon, let's play!"

The beaming boys happily played for hours before Harry realized that he needed to start heading... "Home". His shoulders sagged from this thought. The blonde noticed and offered to walk to Harry's house with him. The brunette perked up a bit at this but was still sad. He didn't want to go home; home now seemed to be with Veritas, where he was able to be happy and free of judgement. At least he had a friend now, a friend that would stand by him. His hand grabbed Veritas' hand for comfort and the other boy have the hand a squeeze. The blonde hated leaving Harry with them even a minute more. These people had gained his eternal hate.

They parted ways in front of the Dursleys' house. "I'll be at the park everyday. Come by if you are allowed to. I'll wait for you." Harry's lip quivered, but he nodded. The boy sulkily walked up to the door and knocked. Even though he was now down a block, he could hear Mr. Dursleys' rage. Veritas' hand clenched in anger. "It's sad isn't it?" The blonde looked up in surprise. Sitting on a nearby bench was his Father. "Daddy!" He said happily, running up and hugging the man. He laughed, "Hey kiddo, good to see you too!" The young boy's face looked up at his Father's, "Father did you hear? Did you hear him? They call him a freak and torture him!"

The man growled a bit, "I heard son. And I am not amused in the slightest." The young boy had a fearful look on his face, afraid for his friend, "What are you going to do? Daddy, what?" His father picked up his son and placed him on his lap, "Harry needs help. He needs to be taken out if that house. Honestly, I think the Dursleys wouldn't mind getting rid of him. But I don't think he should be put into an orphanage or a foster system. He'd just get bullied again." Veritas watched his father think it over, "Hmmm... Say, son?" "Yeah?" "How would you like to have a little brother?"


His father was true to his word. After Veritas played a couple more times with Harry, his dad introduced himself. Harry was quite taken back. The man was an imposing figure; he was tall, slim yet obviously muscular, wore a black trench coat and slacks with shiny black shoes. He had a scarf wrapped around his neck. The brunette thought this was a little odd, as it was the middle of summer. But for all this toughness, he had bright cheery eyes and the kindest smile Harry had seen... Well, besides Veritas'. When they had first met, Harry was scared senseless. He had stood there shaking behind Veritas, using the blond to shield him from the adult. "Harry, come here," his voice said, paradoxically gentle and firm at the same time. The brunette had shuffled out from his hiding place, Veritas gently pushing him in front of his father.

"Why are you scared of me Harry?" Sniffling, voice quivering, Harry spoke after a quick look at the blonde, who nodded his support, "Ev-everyone hates me. The adults say mean things and don't care about what the kids do to me. They just yell and yell and call me a freak, and-and," the boy stopped as the man knelt and wrapped Harry in strong loving arms. "Listen to me Harry. You are not a freak. You are not messed up or screwed up or a burden. You are a handsome young boy that deserves better than what these people are doing to you." Harry was shocked once again. This couldn't be real. First Veritas, now this man had said it. Not a freak. He felt like crying; this curse that was killing him was being broken. Then his heart sank, as he remembered where he had to go after their meeting was over. More tears ran down his face.

"Harry, tell me what is wrong?" The boy sobbed, "It's just I won't be able to be with you two all the time. I have to go back to them. And they'll just throw me into that cabinet again." Rage flickered through the father's mind. How dare these people do this to such a young boy, the Boy-Who-Lived at that. "I-I wi-wish tha-*sniffle*-at *sob* I could live with you guys." Veritas looked at his father hopefully; the man nodded and pulled away Harry, holding him at an arm's length. "Do you want to? Do you want to be part of our family?" Harry's eyes widened, was he hearing him right?! "I've heard from my son about you and especially now that I've met you, I can't stand it. I wish I could have known you sooner and saved you from so much. Do you want me, as your father and Veritas as your brother? I promise you will be loved, not a freak, not thrown in a closet. I promise you the same love I give my son. Do you want that?"

Tears of joy flowed from Harry's eyes, "Yes! Yes oh Yes! Thank you thank you! ...Father." He saw how the boy hesitated at the word. The man knew it'd be a while before he was completely comfortable with that word, but the man vowed he'd do everything in his power to make it easy for the boy. He chuckled a bit, "I'm not technically not your Father yet, but I am personally taking you back to your house to talk to your relatives." Father hugged his new son before letting him go. The brunette flung himself around the blonde boy's neck, "Yay! You're my brother, my big brother!" Veritas smiled and hugged his new little brother as he made his own vow; he'd never let anyone harm this sweet little brother he'd been blessed with.

They walked to Privet Dr. as one family happily laughing and talking. Harry found his brother's full name was Veritas Peter Sharp and his father was Alek Sharp. He also found out they had actually new his parents. Harry had tentatively asked his question, "Did my parents die in a car accident?" Both were shocked, "A car accident?! Is that what they told you?!" Harry had nodded, although fearful that something worse had happened. "I can't believe they told you that. I don't think this is the time or place to tell you the story, since it requires me to tell you some other things as well, but I will tell, don't worry."

When they arrived at the Dursleys', Alek gave Harry's shoulder a comforting squeeze. Harry smiled timidly, and Veritas put an arm around his shoulder. Father turned and knocked on the door. After a few minutes, Uncle Vernon opened the door, "Hello, what can I-?" His eyes narrowed when he saw the young Harry. "YOU. What are you doing out again?" His face grew redder, as the brunette clung to his big brother's side, fearful. "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED OUT UNLESS YOUR CHORES ARE DONE!" Mr. Sharp cleared his throat and Vernon quickly turned to the man, "I'm so sorry this boy is bothering you, thank you for bringing him back." Dursley reached for Harry, who was whimpering, when Alek reached out and stopped him.

"I would like to talk to you and your wife. May we come in?" Vernon gaped for a moment before quickly nodding. After Alek went past him, his Uncle leaned down and whispered into Harry's ear, "Go to Dudley's second bedroom and stay there until he leaves." Harry turns, looking at the blonde who still had his arm wrapped around his slightly younger brother. Veritas caught his Father's eye, who nodded, before going with Harry to the room. "Pat! Pat! Get some tea for this man." Petunia gasped at the man and smiled and begin heating up some tea.

After they had handed out the tea, and had chatted a bit, Alek leaned forward, "Now, Mr. and Mrs. Dursley. I have reason to believe you don't like your boy Harry," He secretly took glee at their faces. "In fact, I'd say you hate him. And I have this on good authority. Now, I could report this to the police and you all would be arrested." Their faces paled. "However, I'm sure that Harry would only get abused by someone else. So, I want to make a deal." Vernon and Petunia exchanged looks, "What.. Deal?" Said Vernon fearfully. Alek smiled, "I would like to adopt him." The couple was stunned. Alek pressed on, "You'd be rid of the boy, I would completely legally responsible for him, you'd be able to wipe your hands of the situation. What do you think?"

Petunia was sputtering, while Vernon was thinking it over, "It's not a bad idea. In fact, I really like your idea. We'd be rid of that boy for good." He eyed the man who was the solution to their problems, "And you won't report us?" Alek seethed on the inside but kept calm and nodded, "I really should, but I won't report you. I'm willing to take him now and just pay you visits to get the paperwork done." Vernon gave Petunia a questioning look; she nodded, very glad that that cursed child would no longer be a threat to Dudles. Vernon nodded to Alek, "We accept." The man smiled and handed Mr. Dursley a card with his information on it, "Call me; I'll be sure to call you so we can get this over with quickly."


That day, Harry became Harry James Potter-Sharp, heir to the Potter family and son of the Sharp family. And he couldn't be happier. He got to be with people who loved him, and wasn't treated terribly like he used to. The brunette was fed well, and he was treated with so much love and kindness. He absolutely lived being here; it helped that Harry adored his older brother. Harry was shorter than the boy, and the abuse had made him very shy. Still, he was the nicest boy you would know and Veritas loved his brother with no limit. If it wasn't for Father's promise, he would have murdered the Dursleys himself.

Harry was told about his parents and about the wizarding world. There really was no way around it and he needed to know. He had cried for a while, all the time being held by his older brother. The Boy-Who-Lived soon had come to terms with it. It wasn't like he didn't have a family that cared about him. He wished he had known his parents, but he was happy living with his new family. And there was his pet.

When Father had found out he could talk to snakes, he was elated. He said it was a very rare ability that many took as a sign of evil but of course he disagreed. Daddy knew that Harry wasn't evil and bought the boy a pet snake. The beautiful snake at first was startled by the Parseltongue but quickly took a liking to the boy. The brunette loved the creature's elegence and they became excelent friends. He named the snake Schlange, and to his family's amusement, he had a tendency to hide in the boy's robes. A few family friends were scared senseless when the first saw this; Veritas always nearly died from laughing when it happened.

Unlike many rich magical families, the Sharps did not mix very often with other rich families. Harry wished they did, but he was content with the company of Schlange and, of course, his older brother. Father told Harry that they weren't full-blooded wizards, and that's why they were always kind-of loners; the Sharp family was actually something much more. Back when the concepts of Light and Dark were in their infancy, two twins worked individually on the two recently discovered aspects. They way the two magics differed caused them to debate over which was better and safer. It progressed to the point that that both brothers wanted to kill the other. In an attempt to decide once and for all, the Dark brother mastered his magic to where he actually manged to fuse the Spirit of Darkness into himself.

But in that final battle, the Light brother did something unsuspected. He harnessed the ultimitium of Light's power, a power that surpassed all the hate he had. As cheesy as it sounds, he harnessed the power of Love. It was in that moment where he perfectly understood his brother and loved him. It is argued that he was the first seer; the Light brother saw how his sacrfice would change his brother would change his brother from the path of evil and willingly gave himself up. This unselfishness ripped apart the still living brother's heart. The Love he had just seen displayed changed him and the Darkness. They did not believe that Dark was the only power worth using anymore. They turned from the path of evil they were traveling.

They brother took on a new name and created the family now known as the Sharps. Harry had listened to this story, enthralled. "You see Son, Dark does not mean evil. For our family are the Dark race, and we fight for justice." Harry couldn't believe it, it surpassed anything he had heard before. He looked at his Father frowning, "So am I part of this race?" Father laughed, "No Son, you are not," Seeing Harry's sad face, he quickly amended his statement. "Not even Veritas is." The young brunette was now very confused. His Dad picked up and put him on his lap. "Whenever those in the Sharp family turn 11, we do a ceremony were the All-Father of our kind, which is currently me, infuses some of his blood into the child. This tranfers and begins changing your body, giving you many physical improvements and giving you the powers of Darkness. You in the cremony become one of us, one of the Deti t'my, as our kind's native tongue says."

Harry says, "I can't wait a couple years to do it!" His Father smiled, "Patience Son. It is not something we can hurry. Your body must be strong enough to handle it. So train, and be ready for that day."


Hope you enjoy this series. It will be Harry and Veritas paired up. I don't know how exactly everyoe will be paired up, so if you have any ideas let me know.

Also, Deti t'my means "Children of Darkness" in Russian... at least, that's what google says. If anyone speaks Russian and I'm using the wrong phrase, please let me know. Anyways, enjoy the series! Next chapter we'll be getting ready for Hogwarts and doing the ceremony for Harry and Veritas.