Chapter 2


Aoba squeezed through the narrow alleyway making sure not to let her uniform or bag catch on anything. Leaning down to catch her breath as she finally pops out the alley way, Ren pops his head out of the hole in her book bag and asks if she's alright.

"Don't worry Ren I'm just a little out of breath", saying that she stretches and takes a deep breath. When her breathing steady's she looks around, she sees a number of students in her schools uniform's chatting and walking around. Her school sat the end of this main road, it was a huge school though it was only 3 stories. While it acted as the main school for all the residents of Midorijima, an island off the cost of japan, it was just prestigious enough to get people from all over the country.

Aoba yawned a bit before asking Ren the time, 7:20 huh? If she kept on this path she was confident she'd make it on time with room to see Haga and not be late for her late class. With that she started off at a reasonable pace, she didn't want to be too active but she did want to keep on schedule. Ren kept his out this time sensing that the pace would be smoother from here on out.

He panted slightly taking in the cool breath, Aoba smiled. When he did things like that he almost seemed conscious. Well she was sure it was the programming but it almost made her feel like he was special. Thinking that Aoba looked ahead the building was getting closer and closer but the crowd of students was becoming thicker, usually there's a large group but more thinned out then this. Up ahead she could see the crowd spread out over a single area need the side of the street.

She could feel tension in the air, a gut feeling told her what it was but curiosity getting the better of her she hurried her pace and told Ren to get inside. He gave a quick be careful before slipping into the hole. The energy of the crowd was large and some people were chanting in unison. It was fight no doubt. Sensing that she pushed through the crowd to get a clear view of the situation before making her way towards the center front.

She gasped a bit at what she saw that a boy who didn't look that much younger then her , was standing off against two obviously older guys. They were built and looked they wouldn't hesitate to beat up someone no matter how small or harmless they were. They were wearing her uniform so she assumed they must have been seniors, maybe even older then that if they were held back. They weren't wearing it properly though. One had his shirt open with a zebra print tee-shirt underneath, he also had multicolored hair and tattoos all over his face. The other one was only wearing the school pants and had the shirt around his waist and was wearing a blue wife beater, his hair was spiked and an obviously dyed color.

The boy on the other hand, was small and looked scrawny. Though he wasn't much different than them in appearance. He had a number of piercings on his face, and he wore an eccentric green hat on his head. Though his uniform was at least somewhat correct, he wore a white shirt underneath his school shirt but it was open and both shirts were untucked. She wondered what kind of crazy person would pick a fight with too guy who could easily pass a yukuza grunts without at least back up.

The boy didn't seem fazed by their presence his face was calm and emotionalist. She wasn't sure if he was overly confident or just didn't care. Suddenly the zebra print guy spoke, "A little bitch like you challenging us? Don't make me laugh." He gave a deep chuckle as his friend spoke up "Bro he must be really stupid to think he can do this. Let's mess him up bad in front of all of these people" His friend joined in the laughter and the boy clicked his tongue.

"Are you two going to keep laughing like idiots or are we going to fight? "After saying that he put on a serious expression and got into a fighting stance. Aoba though he was crazy and the laughter between the two delinquents stopped fast, both of their faces turned angry after hearing the insult. Not bothering to respond they both leap forward at the boy, Aoba thinking there was no way he could take both moved without thinking.

She quickly ran in front of the zebra shirt guy and kicked him in the stomach before sweeping her leg forward to kick him in the jaw. Hearing a crack the guy groaned and fell down, breathing heavily she could see that he was missing some teeth and was now unconscious. She heard the boy click his teeth angrily and she turned. Her eyes widen as she watched the boy do something's she didn't expect would be possible from someone like him. Moving fast he before the other guy could react to the scene before them, he landed a punch in the stomach before grabbing onto his shoulder and flipping him onto the ground. The impact stunned the man and it didn't seem like he would be able to move anytime soon.

The crowd was speechless for a moment before cheers resonated from the crowd. Lucky rabbit Noiz wins again. Lucky rabbit? Aoba thought starring at the boy in awe, it appeared that he did substance some injuries but he once again had a calm composed look on his face. She walked up to him about to express her amazement but was cut off," No one asked you to join in." The boy had an angry expression on his face and his eyes were cold. She took a step back intimated for a moment before stepping forward and balling her first.

"How dare you I was only trying to help, the least I could get is a thank you", she was shaking she felt a slight urge to punch him form inside her. Her rage boiled over as he stared at her for a moment before clicking his tongue a final time and walking off on towards the small alley way between the buildings. Aoba angry at the unexpected remark and him ignoring her shouted "Fine, I see if I help you next time Asshole"

He didn't turn back nor did he make any indication that he had heard her and before long he disappeared from site. By that time everyone had cleared out, going on about bets and who one. She sighed, she let herself get into a fight and angry without meaning to. "Aoba," Ren called from inside he book bag she could hear the concern in his voice and she reassured him by saying" It's fine Ren, I'm sorry but you'll have to stay in there for a little while longer." Without even looking at the clock she knew this little distraction had killed some of her leisure time so she would have to pick up the pace.

Giving a disappointed sigh, Ren said alright and Aoba heard an electronic sound which mean he went back into sleep mode. She gave a quick apology in her head and started off towards the school again.