I'm a fucking peice of worthless adolecent shit. I'm the definition of failure and laziness. I'm sorry.
Chater 78:
Natsu covered his eyes, sheilding them from dust "Stop with the bullshit Laxus!"
He yelled over the static wind howling in his ears.
"What guild will there be if everyone is dead, are you crazy? Are you going to kill your grandfather as well?"
Laxus ignored him, the golden ball of magic growing in his palm. Malevolent light radiating in the air.
Gajeel gripped the ground, "This is...the spell that defeated master Jose instantly?"
A new higher pitched voice joined from behind them, "Stop Laxus!"
Natsu and Gajeel glanced over to the battered entrance where Levy stood, tears in her eyes.
"Dumbass what are you doing here?" Gajeel growled but the blue headed girl ignored him.
"Laxus, please stop. The master...your grandfather! He's going to die!"
Everyone paused. The magic dulled slightly and Laxus turned his white eyes to the small girl. Natsu stared at the floor, eyes wide and unbelieving.
"So please Laxus! Go see him!"
Natsu looked back at her, "The old man's going to die?" he whispered to himself.
"Laxus!" Levy cried out again, desperation in her voice.
Laxus stared at her for a while, face blank before a new smile broke across his cheeks.
"Well that's convenient!"
Natsu turned his head to give Laxus a cold void glare.
"Now i don't have to worry about killing the old man myself, my chances just keep getting higher and higher!"
The ground cracked around him, light glowing from the floor.
Laughing sinisterly he took a step forward.
"Die Fairy Tail! I'll build you again, but stronger! The ultimate guild that will make everyone tremble in fear!"
"Bastard!"Gajeel yelled.
Levy fell to the ground in tears.
"Fairy Law! Activate!"
Natsu watched as the light expanded, engulfing them and the town. He expected pain, he felt none. He was still breathing. The magic wasn't working, he was alive. And somehow, he was disappointed.
The light eventually dulled away, letting all of the dust and small debris the spell had picked up fall back to the floor.
"I did it, I've finally surpassed him,"
Laxus smiled looking up at his work, the grin quickly slipped away as he gazed at his failure. Levy was still by the door, now on her knees and sobbing quietly. She stared wide eyed at him confusion clear on her face.
Gajeel mimicked her expression, but relief saturated his eyes.
Laxus clenched his fists.
"How are you all still aliv-gah!"
The (retarded) blonde soon found that he couldn't breathe. The force of a knee smashing his diaphragm and up into his ribs knocked the air out of him. Then the hand around his throat kept him from inhaling.
Laxus let out a choking sound as he was blasted into the far wall, his attacker never letting light of his grip.
"D-am-n it Na-tsu! Get off!"
Laxus returned the rib crushing favor and kneed Natsu hard in his chest sending him to to roof. Laxus stood up sweating and wheezing.
"None of you...! How! No one should be able to survive an attack of that magnitude!"
A person began approaching the open doors, they walked slowly wobbling and holding an injured arm. Their green hair was disheveled few blood splatters staining it, Freid.
"You can't betray your heart, Laxus. You care for your comrades, you could never kill them,"
The battered male spoke calmly as he used the door as support. Levy standing up quickly to aid him.
"This is how you truly feel, Laxus,"
"You're wrong! They are all my enemies! Anyone who gets in my way is my enemy!"
Freed sighed leaning off the wall towards Laxus.
"Come on, it's over now. Just...go see the master,"
Laxus sneered at the rune mage.
"I don't care about that old shit! I am my own self! I'm not just his grandson! I'm Laxus!"
A rock shattered on his head from above, the blonde turned his face up towards the culprit.
"Shut the fuck up,"
Natsu growled at him, though his voice was passive, tossing another piece of granite in his hand.
"Stop being so conceited, we know who the fuck you are. Being Makarov's grandson doesn't make you special. You're still an annoying little shit,"
Now Laxus growled, balling his fists covering them with static.
"Shut up,"
Despite the fierce voice, Natsu continued covering his own fists in flames stepping a bit back from the hole in the roof.
"Stop being so hung up on a blood relation, the people at the guild actually give a damn about you. Stop acting like a little bitch and accept them!"
"Shuuuuuut Uuuuuup!"
Laxus leaped up to the roof fist poised, Natsu raised his blazing fist not moving.
"Disappear! Natsuuuu!"
Laxus bellowed as he flew towards Natsu his fist buzzing with magic.
" Just die already!"
Natsu made no comment as Laxus reached the roof and their fists collided. Magic blew out behind him as the spells cancelled out throwing the two the either side of the building. They both quickly regained footing and returned to their earlier action of bombarding each other in hails of magic powered punches.
Sparks and embers flew from their blows, each trying to gain the upper ground. Natsu grit his teeth as he began to turn and quickly withdrew, jumping back.
Against his expectations, Laxus followed in a blind anger attacking him mindlessly. The battle turned to a game of dodge as Natsu looked for an opening.
Finding one quickly Natsu crouched down-Laxus's fist narrowly missing his head and upper cutted the blonde hard in his already bruised gut.
Laxus coughed blood as he flew up landing on his back a ways away.
"I'll kill you!"
He screamed scrambling to get up. Natsu panted walking towards the wobbling mage.
"This, is the end...Laxus,"
Laxus smirked gathering magic, his eyes wide and unfocused.
"The end? Yes, it seems it is for you!"
Natsu paused as Laxus formed a spear, some blue electricity dancing around the usually yellow on the ground, the others watched in worry. Freed's eyes enlarging dramatically as he saw the spell.
"Stop Laxus! You'll kill him!"
Laxus grinned wider. Elation embraced him knowing that this spell could kill the mage before him.
"Lightning Dragon's Heavenward! (?)"
The spell was to fast and Natsu was too close to be able to dodge. He barely had enough time to throw his arms up in an X before the attack hit. He was blown through the bell tower of the chapel. His arms were crushed to his chest, the high volts of electricity shocked his heart momentarily stopping it.
Natsu choked when he landed, he couldn't breath. In the distance he could hear Laxus laughing, a dark maniacal laugh. Natsu coughed as he got up, hands clenching around the rubble beneath him.
He unsuccessfully tried to rubbed out the blistering pain on his arms and chest staring at the figure in the distance. His vision blurred in and out of focus, standing slowly became difficult.
"Sorry Makarov...your grandson might not come back today,"
Natsu growled quietly to himself raising an arm. By this time Laxus had realized that he was still alive and backed up from the edge of the roof frustrated, infuriated.
"Th-this can't be...YOU CAN'T STILL BE ALIVE!"
Laxus flared his teeth and snarled bitterly paying no mind to the magical circle below him.
Natsu stared at the delusional man, arm outstretched, palm to the sky. With a deep labored breath he flicked his fingers muttering a spell and watched as Laxus' body burst into flames. The man yelled in pain and surprise before falling and writhing in agony as the flames receded inside of his body, burning him within.
Natsu fell back to the ground coughing blood, he kept his eyes on Laxus clicking his tongue when the body seemed to stop moving.
"Damn, I tried to not kill him,"
He sighed and ran a hand down his face, exhausted.
"Sorry, master"
Thank you everyone for still staying with me. And thank you guest for the song recommendation, i already knew of it and I suppose that it does fit Natsu well.
The song is badapple
Also thank you mmallek, this chapter is actually a combination of two. I hope that even after all this time that it was long enough.
I love all of you, weither you reveiws, follow, favorite, or not.
Thank you for reading.
I won't ever stop this story...until it ends.
Creepy Natsu: You really are a little shit
Me: Kills CN, I'm bringing these little conversations back!...sometimes.