Hi… so uh… I have been resurrected? Yeah… sorry about not updating for a few years… Real life is a bitch… Oh and ASSASSINATION CLASSROOM ANIME FCK YEAH!

But anyway here is chapter 8… again… sorry…

Disclaimer: Oh thanks Matsui-sensei I would take good care- Wait what! What do you mean you're not giving me assassination classroom!

Warning: Yaoi is love, Yaoi is forever.

I yawned as I walked to school. I am rather early today… that would be an understatement cause currently its only 4 am. The reason why I am this early was because Koro-sensei would not be living in the school building today and is actually staying over night at Korea. (Cause he stayed overnight to line up for the newest release of some figuring… again!) So I took this chance to see if I could set some traps to kill him.

So I arrived at the school building and as I walk past a room I heard a muffled scream… I narrowed my eyes before immediately opening the room while my other hand reached for a pocketknife I had in my pocket only to see… Maehara and Isogai? Wait why is Isogai half-dressed... why is there a bit mark on Isogai's neck?

I stared while they stared back in shock…

"U-Um! K-Keichi-san! This isn't what it looks like." Maehara stuttered out as Isogai quickly covered himself and both of them are in a shade of red that would make apples jealous of them.

"So… when did the class Casanova became interested in the class chairman."

They blushed red again while I sighed.

"If you two actually want to do something go do it in your own bed room or worst case scenario do it in the bathroom."

"E-Eh! You don't mind…"

"No… But I do mind if you still date other girls while dating Isogai or go at it like rabbits in school building. I am pretty sure we will be using this room today."

After saying that I closed the door and walked away… that was really unexpected…

Of course Maehara and Isogai went to talk with me after that and I promised not to say anything to anyone if Isogai don't want me to (because lets face it. Isogai is obviously the uke and so he should get special privileges) and I also gave them a healthy talk to both of them about the importance of using lube to a male companion that have them blushed completely red for an hour.

Needless to say they probably would lose their virginity and have fun tonight.

Todays went like the norm with us failing to killing Koro-sensei, Koro-sensei annoying the hell out of us, Bitch-sensei sexually harassing us.

So overall it went well…

Well that is if your ignoring the fact that I could feel someone spying on us the whole entire way through nobody else seems to notice though.

I narrowed my eyes… did the government hire another assassin here?

I apologized to Karma and Nagisa during break time for not joining them for lunch and I spend the time to spy the classroom from the tree nearby the class…

And saw Bitch-sensei almost assassinated.

Lovro, the "hitman dealer"…

So he is Bitch-sensei's master… and also a hitman trainer.

I narrowed my eyes… Is he looking for a potential heir here? Or find more employees here?

Either way Lovro is dangerous to us currently...

Though I did sweat dropped and almost fell when Koro-sensei suggested the master and student mock assassinate Karasuma-sensei… I thought they are here to assassinate Koro-sensei?

I suppose I will just ignore what they are doing for now… Lovro currently is not doing anything that would be dangerous to us for now… I will still have to keep my eyes on him…

We are children that came close to doing something that any adult in the military have yet to be able to do… I suppose in the future we will continue to attract more undesirable characters…

I sighed… it is getting rather tiring… Koro-sensei is one problem as we still have yet to find a way to kill him.

Lovro is another problem as I can picture him threatening any of our class to work for him.

The government would be another problem as I am sure they will want to eliminate us after we killed Koro-sensei cause we will be to dangerous to keep alive.

The board chairman is another problem as he will be sure to make our class a living hell to keep up with his goddam stupid educational system.

I narrowed my eyes… and his son. I suppose I really pity Gakushu Asano having a father like Gakuho Asano must have made his childhood the definition of "fucked up" He is growing up to be the exact clone of Gakuho Asano heck even their name is similar.

But his son is going to turn into a bother soon… he is now too curious about our class 3-E's activities and knowing him… I suppose him finding out about Koro-sensei existence is just a matter of time…

It is rather interesting though to be honest… putting two people with superiority complex in a same room and they will still try to fight regardless of being related…

I wonder if Gakuho will force Gakushu to come to 3-E?

I smirked to myself… if that happens… I suppose our class would really be more… interesting…

Bitch-sensei won the small competition by the way.

"I am going to Hawaii to see a movie ' Sonic Hero'."

I sweat-dropped as Nagisa and Karma immediately dropped our conversation and looked at Koro-sensei in interest before sending me an apologetic look. I smiled and signed a 'never mind' and urged them to go.

They smiled at me before running towards Koro-sensei…

"Ritsu…" I muttered.

"Hai? Keichi-kun?"

"Follow them please… make sure their alright… and make sure Karma don't try assassinating Koro-sensei."


I sighed as I hid in one of the trees and waited for them to return.

5 hours later they finally came back and I sighed in relief… I would have thought Karma would be stupid again and try to kill Koro-sensei.

I was about to leave when I heard.

"How about it? Were your eyes able to follow him?" I tensed.

I peeked from the tree I was hiding in and looked… there was a guy dressed in white and a… boy with white hair?

"Excellent… you should be able to kill him."

I widened my eyes… so this is another assassin that will be arriving in our class…

I stared at him before narrowing my eyes… the way he moves… efficient… his eyes seems to be really empty… he is a child soldier… no emotion at all…

I flinched as he turned around suddenly and jumped off immediately as he flings a tentacle at my direction.


I narrowed my eyes at him and jumped off the tree I was on onto the clearing. The tentacles returned to his hair…

Superb observation skills and powerful tentacles…

So he is similar to Koro-sensei. Which means anti sensei materials would work.

"Ah! So you are a member of 3-E aren't you?" The guy dressed in white asked.

"I apologies for Itona's actions… he is rather excited. I will see you tomorrow."

They left… I stood up before realizing my hands were trembling… Itona… was seriously about to kill me just now.

Itona… seems to be very similar to Koro-sensei… that would mean Koro-sensei is an artificially created being as Itona seems to be created after him…

I narrowed my eyes… this would be bad… I would not put past anyone from kidnapping us to make us into beings with similar powers to kill Koro-sensei…

And not to mention Itona is going to be a problem…

As I walked back home my phone ringed

"Ah Ryu-boy" My veins pop

"What the hell do you want dad? It's freaking late."

"Ah well its morning right here! We just finished selling a bunch of our products and I am just calling to check on you. Is there anything going on?"

"No not really, we are fine thank you… wouldn't hurt if you would send back some cash. So how is mum? Is she still alive?"

"Well she was the last time I saw her… which was a few months ago…"

From the background I could hear "Lehm! Don't hog the phone I need use it now!"

"Hai, Hai boss so yeah sorry about that duty calls bye!"

"Bye…" I sighed… before my phone ringed again…

"Hello this is Keichi."

"My little cub!" My eyes twitched…

"Mum… what is it?"

"Hm~ my little cub is still the same as cute as ever."

"You can't even see me…"

"And not from the lack of trying! You know how Kasper like to go all around the world! Anyway how have you been? And what is going on?"

My eyes narrowed…

"… Is there is something going on that I should know about? Dad called just a minute ago."

"Hm~ Lehm beat me again huh… well I suppose it would hurt to tell you the HCLI satellite detected something… unusual that has been flying around japan recently… you wouldn't know something about it wouldn't you?"

I smirked.

"Ah… about that would you mind telling them it's not really a problem… I wouldn't want them to interfere… That is my prey."

"Hoh… you are growing up to be like Lehm everyday… Okay then I will tell them not to worry."

I drop the call before smirking… when had this become personal?

Well I suppose Koro-sensei just have that effect on people…

The next day everyone was excited about the new student.

I sat quietly at the corner contemplating…

The door opened and the guy in white walked him… what impressive aura… and then he performed a magic trick and completely eased the tension.

"Sorry I must have frightened you… I however am not the transfer student. I am his guardian! Well I'm dressed entirely in white so just call me 'Shiro'"

I looked around the room where is the other person?

"Hey! Itona! Come on in!" I immediately felt the killing intent behind me and Itona burst into the room and sat immediately down.

I flinched… he is looking even murderous then before…

"I… am victorious. I have proven myself stronger than this classrooms walls… that alone is enough."

I sweat dropped… that amount of killing intent towards a wall?

"This is Horibe Itona please call him by name… Oh, and I've spoiled him a bit so for the time being please allow me to watch over him." Shiro said…

I narrowed my eyes what is he planning…

"Hey Itona-kun its kinda been bugging me, but you weren't carrying anything when you came in just now right? So why aren't you even the slightest bit wet when it's pouring out side." Karma he noticed too didn't he.

Itona looked towards him and I tensed

"You are probably the strongest one in this class… but don't worry." He walked up to him petting his head.

"You're weaker than me… so I won't kill you."

He started walking to Koro-sensei.

"I think I only want to kill those who might be stronger than me… in this classroom that means only you Koro-sensei."

Koro-sensei giggled before green stripes are formed on his body… he is mocking him. As he munches on this snack… when did he have that?

"Does that talk of 'strong' and 'weak' refer to fighting Itona-kun? In a contest of strength you wouldn't even be able to stand in the same dimension as me though."

"I can."

Itona pulled out the same snack

"Because we are brothers related by blood."



Ah… my son is growing up so fast… His is really skilled.

But that is rather to be expected considering who his mother is.

He may not be the best brawler but he skills with knives and guns are definitely up to par with his mothers.

There will probably going to be a sea of blood from his enemies in the future… after all that is expected from the son of Chiquita and me

Its rather short I know but expect more from me soon my engine is still restarting.

Also bonus points if you recognize Keichi's father and mother.