Title: Four Ways to Amaze Kurt

Summary: Kurt would never tell Blaine, but he loved when a man was just a little taller than him. He would never Adam, but Kurt loved when a man stopped double-guessing his every damn move and just went with the flow. He would never tell Rachel, or anyone in any case, but he loved when the other one took the control. He liked the taste of Elliot´s lipstick. He loved the way his eyes looked whenever he used eyeliner.

Rating: T

Gender: Romance/Hurt&Comfort

Elliot was sitting on his sofa watching a boring television series as he heard the rain fall down outside. He was sure Ney York´s streets were probably already a river so he had ordered some Chinese food instead of taking his usual walk to the supermarket to get something to cook. He sighed as he switched channels with the purpose to find something less boring or annoying. Damn it! Spending a Saturday night alone wasn´t something he liked.

Bam Bam Bam

Elliot turned as he heard the sound of someone calling at his door. Probably is the food, he thought but he was pretty sure it was something else. He had just ordered his food 15 minutes ago. He put mute on the show and opened the door slowly just to find a completely soaked Kurt standing in front of him.

"Kurt!" he screamed as he saw the younger boy shake under those wet clothes.

"Hello Elliot." answered the boy almost in a whisper. Elliot took the boy by the arm and made him enter to the warm house. It wasn´t until then that he noticed Kurt was only wearing a light sweater, a pair of jeans and converse. But the thing that really caught his eye was the missing ring.

Holly shit!

"He broke up with me." said Kurt as he stood in the middle of the room while Elliot ran around the house trying to find something that could fit Kurt. "And now everyone hates me."

Elliot was half listening to the boy half paying attention on picking up the warmest clothes he had. "We have to get you out of those clothes." he finally said as he approached Kurt. The other one didn´t respond to him.

"He…he screamed at me, he cried and then he…" the words stuck on his throat as a new pair of tears rolled down his cheeks. Elliot bit his lip and tried to pull Kurt´s shirt up.

"Kurt, you have to change…"

"Are you not listening?!" screamed Kurt making Elliot jump back.

"I am Kurt!" he screamed back. "But if you don´t take this wet clothes of you are going to get sick!"

"I don´t care!" Kurt´s eyes were half-closed like if he was trying to fight the tears that were already falling down those blue eyes. He seemed so broken, so hurt, so angry, so betrayed.

"Nobody does! Nobody cares that I was miserable! Nobody listened to me cry every fucking night during my senior year! No one believed me when I told about Scandals! No one believed me when I told about Sebastian! Nobody…" Kurt stumbled down into the floor as he covered his face with his hands and started sobbing. Elliot kneeled besides him and put a hand on his shoulder. "No one ever cares."

"I do." he whispered, Kurt shook his head but didn´t answered. He was a complete mess of sobs and high pitched screams. Elliot surrounded Kurt´s shoulders with his arms and pulled him closer into a tight hug. The boy kept sobbing.


"Kurt?" The boy was now sitting on the couch with a cup of strong coffee between his hands and Elliot´s oversized jacket on him. His eyes were still puffy from crying but he seemed way better compared on how he had looked some hours ago. Kurt looked up towards Elliot and tried to pull out a fake smile. Elliot was sitting on the couch at the other side of it looking at Kurt directly. "Can I ask you something pretty personal?"

Kurt just stared at him for a couple of seconds before nodding slowly. Elliot took a deep breath.

"What is Scandals?" Kurt immediately looked away. "Kurt, did something happened there?"

"I don´t want to talk about it."

Elliot bit his lip and slowly he approached Kurt. He knew something had happened, something bad and that had to do something with Blaine. But the doubt was burning him inside. Why did Kurt seemed so ashamed and hurt?

"Kurt?" he whispered as a conclusion popped into his mind. No, he thought, that couldn´t be it. Kurt whipped a new tear from his cheek. Could have Blaine possibly abused him? "Please, you know I am not like them." Kurt turned to see Elliot with a complete new expression. "I will believe you."

Kurt shook his head. "It happened almost two years ago, it is not important anymore."

"It is important enough that you brought it up tonight."

Kurt stared at him with an annoyed look in his eyes but Elliot couldn´t care less. He knew there had been something bothering Kurt since two years ago and he wanted him to let it out. It was the healthiest thing for God´s sake!

"I promise I will believe you." the moment those words left his mouth Kurt´s eyes changed completely. Now they looked confused but somewhere deep, Elliot was able to read some hope.


Elliot nodded.

"But you can´t tell anyone!"

"My lips are sealed." he answered as he pretended he was closing a zipper on his mouth. Kurt sighed defeated.

"It happened at Lima, my hometown on my senior year." he started with soft voice, like if he was having a big trouble letting those words out. "My boyfriend Blaine…" he frowned as he tried to put in order his ideas. "Well, there was a guy who was flirting with him and Blaine seemed like if he didn't notice or he didn´t cared. They point is that one night we went to a gay bar with him, you know, I was trying to be spontaneous and fun so he wouldn´t get bored." Kurt brought his hand up and whipped a fresh tear. Elliot frowned and bit his bottom lip. "The point is that Blaine had some drinks that night and when we were trying to leave he pushed me into the car and…he started kissing me and touching me."

Elliot blinked, he had expected something like that but he had hoped it had been something else, anything else.

"Kurt…" he took the boy´s hands between his and felt their coldness. "Did he rape you that night?"

Kurt shook his head. Elliot sighed relieved.

"No, I was able to push him away but the thing was that I felt bad about it."

Elliot gulped and then watched as Kurt pulled his hands away slowly. "You had the right to, I mean, you say you didn´t want it. He had no right to make you do something you didn´t want to."

Kurt chuckled. "Well, not everyone thought so. I was his boyfriend after all and some people couldn´t understand why I was making such big fuss about it and about Sebastian." he pulled his shoulders up and looked over his left hand. "At the end I let it go. Sometime later I meet this guy, Chandler. He was adorable but I saw him as a friend and nothing else. We texted and sometimes Chandler crossed the line and then…"

"Blaine found out by going through your phone."

Kurt half smiled, this time a true smile. "He told me you called."

Elliot as well half smiled. "Was he annoyed?"

Kurt looked at the ceiling and messed his hair with his fingers. Elliot couldn´t help to think how beautiful the guy was. Even with puffy eyes and red nose he was gorgeous.

"I didn´t even gave him time to. I was angry he was going through my phone again and the war started…Well, I felt it was all Chandler all over again." He stopped for a couple of seconds before continuing. "You know, at my senior year he made me feel so guilty, because of Chandler and because I was leaving him to come here, I always felt like I was the bad guy."

Elliot shook his head pretty confused. "Then, why did you continue dating him."

"Because I loved him, and he loved me so I made the math."

"And then he cheated on you."

Kurt nodded. "And I was the bad guy all over again because I didn´t want to forgive him right away when he said it was a mistake and all that crap. But at the end I fell back over again. I lost Adam and I was about to lose you too."

Elliot blushed at the comment. He knew there were lots of things he could say at that point but most of them would have ended sounding fake or superficial. So instead he leaned to Kurt and then kissed him softly. Kurt responded to the kiss right away to Elliot´s relief. God, hanging around that kid was a complete rollercoaster of emotions.

"I want you to promise me something this time." he said as he broke the kiss but leaving his forehead resting on Kurt´s

Kurt nodded.

"If you ever feel unhappy; if you ever feel pressured or the moment you get bored of me…" Kurt looked up to stare directly at Elliot´s big deep eyes. "…just tell me and I promise I will back off."

Kurt shook his head. "I don´t want you to back off." Kurt tangled his right hand with Elliot´s left and felt his coldness mix up with Elliot´s warmness, the perfect match. "I am in love with you."

Elliot smiled and kissed him again, and again, and again. "So does that mean you love me?"

"Someone told me not so long ago that those two were a different thing." he pressed his lips to Elliot´s cheek and then moved them until they were barely touching Elliot´s ear. "But I think this time, I am kind of feeling both."

So this is the end...Yeiii! Hope you liked it and don´t forget to tell me anything in the reviews and if you are interested on me making another one with his couple just tell me in the reviews or a private message. Loves to all you who followed and favorited!