Title: Four Ways to Amaze Kurt

Summary: Kurt would never tell Blaine, but he loved when a man was just a little taller than him. He would never Adam, but Kurt loved when a man stopped double-guessing his every damn move and just went with the flow. He would never tell Rachel, or anyone in any case, but he loved when the other one took the control. He liked the taste of Elliot´s lipstick. He loved the way his eyes looked whenever he used eyeliner.

Rating: T

Gender: Romance/Hurt&Comfort

Kurt stared at Elliot and there was no need of words anymore. Their lips smashed together a second later and the room was filled with only soft sighs and moans coming from both males. Elliot apartment wasn´t that big but it didn´t had a Santana or a Rachel ready to screw up that special moment. Both guys were laying on the bed surrounded by dozen of papers filled with attempts of lyrics and some notes on them.

Kurt would never tell Blaine, but he loved when a man was just a little taller than him. He would never Adam, but Kurt loved when a man stopped double-guessing his every damn move and just went with the flow. He would never tell Rachel, or anyone in any case, but he loved when the other one took the control. He liked the taste of Elliot´s lipstick. He loved the way his eyes looked whenever he used eyeliner.

"Do you mind?" asked Elliot between kisses and Kurt knew exactly what he was trying to say. With a fast movement he threw all the papers on the floor leaving them some more space on the bed. The younger one climbed until he was laying over Elliot while the other was too busy trying to get rid of Kurt´s thin sweater.

The air around them had become thick and the temperature had raised some degrees but none of them seemed to cared at all. In that moment, they were just two guys, make out in a private place making some "private" touching.

I live for the applause, applause, applause.

Both of them turned towards the night-table where Kurt´s phone had started buzzing and playing Lady Gaga´s song.

"I am sorry." he mumbled as he sat up on Elliot´s waist and grabbed his phone. "It is just a message."

Elliot just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"What does it say?"

Kurt groaned and pressed the open bottom. I miss you and I love you. Can´t wait to Valentine. He couldn´t read that out loud. Not in front of Elliot.

"Just my dad, he says he is thinking about getting me a car."

Elliot put his hands around Kurt´s waist and made him lay next to him. Kurt put his head on Elliot´s shoulder and cuddled next to his body. He was just so warm.

"A car in Ney York?"

"That is what I told him."

Kurt smiled to himself and let the phone back on the table.

"So where were we?"

Elliot also smiled but instead of kissing those pink and thin lips, the boy took Kurt´s left hand and brought it to the level of his face. Slowly, he put his mouth around Kurt´s four finger and started sucking making the other one moan quietly. Kurt was so into the feeling of Elliot´s tongue playing with his finger he almost missed his teeth grabbing his engagement ring and pulling it out. After he felt his wet finger free from that mouth he opened his eyes just to find Elliot biting his ring. The stood silent for a couple of minutes until Elliot took the ring off him mouth and offered it to Kurt.

"Do you think I am stupid?"

Kurt looked down to his naked feet; suddenly he felt the room too cold.

"Are you really engaged?"

"Are you mad?"

Elliot sat up and stared at Kurt in shock. "No Kurt, I am not mad. I am just… disappointed."

Kurt nodded and then he jumped off the bed. "I gotta go. My shift will start in half an hour and I need to get in time this time."

Elliot nodded and this time, unlike the last 3 times they had spend some time in his apartment, in his room, he didn´t tried to stop him. Kurt put his shoes on and grabbed his coat from the chair that stood next to the window. He was just about to leave when a quick and stupid question appeared in his mind.

"Do you want me to stop calling you?"

Elliot looked up and passed his fingers through his short hair. "No, I don´t want that."

"Do you expect me to end up with Blaine?"

"So that is his name?" answered Elliot trying to appear amused.

Kurt chuckled and the other smiled. "Do whatever you feel right to do." Kurt again looked up and he was trapped in those two black eyes. "You know where to find me."

So this is my new OTP Kurt/Elliot. Hope you like it and please leave your reviews.