Well I guess you can say it's been a long time since I last thought about even updating this story.
Anyway lets get on to the real reason as to why I am making the long awaited update. I am thrilled at the fact that there are still many of you that enjoy reading this story and with that being said I have a few questions to add.
1. How would you guys feel about this story making a return?
2. Would you like for me to continue the story from the last chapter?
3. Or would you rather that I rewrite the previous 13 Chapters and then continue with updates?
Please let me know so that I can begin to plan on whether or not this story with come to life once again. In the mean time if you guys want to read another story of mine I am currently writing a Teen Wolf story called I See You and it is loosely based upon the TV Show Pretty Little Liars.
Hope to talk to you soon! -PassionWithinMe