Author Note: What started out as just a small song based story has turned into a good idea for a full length fic so expect more soon. The two songs in this chapter are S.O.S and The Name of the Game by ABBA.
Another new place Liz thought as she walked into the almost penthouse looking mansion. It was a big and very modern looking house on the peek of a hill, she was sure that Red could probably get an excellent view of the sea from here.
She slowly walked through as Dembe led her to Reddington. She could hear loud music being played though what she believed was a record player as the song ended she made her way closer to her intended destination.
There he was sitting at the dining table in the early morning with a breath taking view just beside him. She didn't know how he was able to read with blaring music playing.
So when your near me darling can't you hear me S.O.S
Liz enjoyed the music although she had no idea who it was. She looked down at him for a second before he finished the article and then he folded it before paying her attention.
"Lizzie?" he asked almost quizzically to her sipping a cup of coffee whilst Dembe went off.
Don't tell me the great Raymond Reddington forgot Liz thought as a smile almost appeared on her face but instead she just squinted at him for a second to stop herself.
"Are yes we were going to spend the day going over evidence," he said as he recalled and wondered why she had squinted for a second.
"Sit, have some breakfast," he said charmingly to her gesturing to a seat at the dinning table next to him.
"I'm not hungry," she lied as she quickly looked away at the spectacular view of the sun rise.
If not for the hacker the FBI was trying to track down desperately she could be there instead of such an unsafe place where she had no control over her surroundings. Part of her was half pleased to be away from the suspicion of her husband and the distrustful eyes of the FBI.
Her stomach growled deceitfully at her, she hadn't wanted to eat at home. Something about her husband just turned her off but now she was starting to pay the price when the song ending on queue for her she taking a seat.
"Dembe fetch Agent Keen some pancakes and a coffee," he ordered as he still managed to sound polite.
Yet another song started to play and a few moments later her breakfast was there with butter melting on top and a small jug of maple syrup beside her coffee.
I was an impossible case no one ever could reach me
But I think I can see in your face there's a lot you can teach me
So I want to know…
What's the name of the game?
For a few minutes they were silent as she could see him watching her eat and although it put her on edge she couldn't help the feeling of complete and utter comfort. Something she had not felt in a long while.
She watched the sunrise from the corner of her eye; Red must have notice because his attention was also being diverted to the massive window that took up the whole wall.
"Lovely place isn't it…" he said as he readjusted his eagle eye on her "I spent a lovely summer here with one of my associate's wife."
What was up with you today? Liz thought as she squinted again trying not to laugh as Reddington once again tried to sound like a player through his exploits with various women.
"Are you okay Lizzie?" he asked her trying to read her mind.
Luckily Liz had finished her food before she burst out in laughter thinking of what he had said. Today was obviously going to be the first day for many things for her in a while she laughed as she left his question unanswered and listened to more of the lyrics.
Would you laugh at me… if I said I cared for you?
Could you feel the same way too?
Do I want to know… the name of the game?
Reddington finally decided to let go of the unanswered question as it seemed she would not tell him and asked "So shall we start?" watching her closely as she took another sip of her coffee and looked to the sunrise "Unless you would like to stay here and watch the sunrise."
She looked at him as he had sarcastically asked her that and she knew that he had begun to want to take it back as she continued to stare for a little while meaning yes she did want to watch the sunrise.
Once again in silence as she shifted in her chair to gaze out the window in complete serenity whilst instead of the sunrise Red's gaze was on her.
I have no friends
No one to see…
And I am never invited
Now I am here
Talking to you…
No wonder I get excited
Liz was beginning to get suspicious over the music he had chosen to play on her visit today. It was actually now she thought of it six month since they had started working together although she hadn't remembered before being so caught up in thought over her husband. She wondered where her husbands and her relationship were heading. It seemed they were just growing apart but as she was sitting in Red's presents she found it harder and harder to think of Tom. So it was again to the sunrise and at moment when he wasn't looking it was at him.
Your smile and the sound of your voice
And the way you see through me
Got a feeling you give me no choice but it means a lot to me
So I want to know
What's the name of the game?
The suspicion was just getting to her as she could think of nothing less than him and this song as he continued to his gaze it almost wanted to make her squirm but she stared ahead although she had no idea what she was looking at anymore, being so lost in thought.
Can you feel it the way I do?
Tell me please cos I have to know
I'm a bashful child beginning to grow
And you make me talk
And you make me feel
And you make me show
What I'm trying to conceal
Liz finally realized that the sun was moving past the horizon now and it was time to get to work instead of seeing into things that weren't there. There was no way he could have predicted that she would have shown up a such an early time and even if he had what would he be trying to get across.
"So are we going to start," she stated to him nonchalantly.
It looked like he almost frowned but she couldn't tell if it was just a trick of the eye as his face went back to unreadable in just a second.
He stood and with a hand placed on the small of her back guided her to the next room which was just though an archway to a room exactly like the last as the song ended.