My first NCIS story! Yay! Please R&R!

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds. Or NCIS! Whoops, typo :)

Trust is Everything

"Oh my…" Tony said walking down one of his favorite alleys. There was a dead man in a Navy uniform, lying dead in front of him. Quickly stepping forward to check for a pulse, he remembered this guy as being one of his clients. He had asked for an entire phone wipe, and had seemed really nervous. Finding no pulse he grabbed the guy's wallet and ran out onto the street and dialed 911 on the payphone. Before they could ask questions, he hung up and ran. He would come back and drop the wallet off once the police showed up.


"What have we got McGee?" Gibbs asked, pulling up to the crime scene of a Navy Lieutenant. The poor guy looked like he had been beaten to death in some rancid alley. Gibbs looked around and was disgusted to see the crowd that had gathered to gawk at a dead body. People are ridiculous.

"Not much boss. Guy has no fingers, so we can't ID him yet. I'd say he died about midnight last night, but it's impossible to tell how he died."

"You got anything Kate?" Gibbs asked turning to his SFA.

"Unfortunately I have even less than McGee. Looks like his wallet was snatched. Hey wait, I think I might have something now. Gibbs, my six a clock, the young kid in the hat searching through a wallet. Its got a navy license in there." Kate replied.

The kid looked up just in time to meet Gibbs' eyes, and started to back away. "Where do you think you're goin?" Gibbs questioned walking towards him slowly.

"Anywhere you aren't." The kid said running through the crowd.

"Hey! Stop right there! NCIS!" Gibbs yelled chasing after the young punk. "Kate stay at the crime scene, McGee track him by car!" Gibbs ordered.

The kid turned and yelled "Like hell I will! You gotta catch me first!" Before running down multiple alleys.

Gibbs had to hand it to the kid, he could run. Starting to lose his momentum he ran down a street instead of another alley and jumped into the car McGee had just pulled up in. Stepping on the gas pedal, they were able to chase him for about three more blocks until finally cornering him in-between some old apartment buildings. Drawing their weapons, they carefully approached him.

"Let us see your hands, nice and slow kid. We just wanna ask you a few questions." Gibbs said calmly.

"Oh, the chase isn't over yet. Nice try though." He exclaimed jumping up onto a garbage bin and pulling himself up the fire escape. By the time Gibbs had gotten onto the fire escape the kid was about three floors from the top. After a few more minutes they were faced with the same situation. Only this time, the kid was on the edge of the roof, leaning over the edge.

"Just step off the ledge, we don't want you gettin hurt." Gibbs said calmly.

"You mean step off the ledge like this?" he asked dangling his foot over the edge.

"We just want to talk to you…"

"Look it's been fun and all, but you should really go back to where you belong grandpa. The bingo hall." He said turning towards the agents with a sh*t eating grin on his face. Quickly stepping backwards, he fell from the building. Gibbs ran forwards to grab him, but it was too late. The kid had just killed him- wait a minute. Where was the body? All he could see was a tattered awning over a now very pissed fruit vendor.

"Boss, there he goes!" McGee said pointing down the street. Gibbs watched as the kid turned to stare at them right before turning the corner, giving a mock salute before running again.