animecollecter- THANK you so much for pointing that out. Sorry I kept posting the same thing. Did not realize it. So gonna post two new chapter to make up for it.
I also applogize for the Sayuri name changing in the chapters. I will try to fix that. Please keep in mind that I am very busy. Thats why i dont have a regular update time. I update when i can. Thank you for the support. I really try to make these fun for you guys and gals.
-One Hour Later, Same Clearing-
Three panting individuals stood in front of the post their sensei leaned against. They had spent an hour training and accomplished a fair amount in that time.
Naruto had proved that he had his elemental manipulation to the required level to suppress them all enough to see if he had a wind affinity.
Yakumo had made some progress with integration of her element into her genjutsu, and Sayuri got her flames to a whitish-yellow color, meaning the next step was white, and from that blue.
Now the two girls were looking at their boyfriend who was glaring at the piece of chakra paper in his hand as if trying to will it to show the results he wanted.
The girls found it pretty funny, but they didn't dare laugh, they knew how much he wanted an affinity for wind, with it he could do so much more than what he did now, like enhancing his flames or making veritable storms with elemental jutsu. Most of all make the last few sub-elements he wanted access to. Being the combination the combination of wind and water, HyĆton, or Ice Release. With wind and fire, Shakuton, or Scorch Release. One that he really wanted to discover the use of, was the combination of wind and earth, as nobody knew what it made, but he had his suspicions.
"Come on Naru-kun, if you don't do it then you won't know if you do or don't have it, better to know you don't and be disappointed, than to think you do and die because you didn't." Yakumo reasoned.
"Yeah you're right Yaku-chan." Naruto said in gratitude. With that he took a deep breath and channeled chakra into the paper.
The effects were instantaneous. The paper was instantly sliced into pieces. It was clear that now that the other affinities were suppressed he had a fairly strong affinity to wind, and as soon as he began to train it, it would grow and eventually be at the level of the other elements he currently had.
"Yes" He exclaimed. At the exact same time the bell went off to signal the end of the test.
The combined noise served to rouse Kanako from her sleep.
She immediately jumped to her feet and got into a defensive stance while looking around. Finally she relaxed her stance as her eyes landed on the others who were standing in front of her. They took note that her eyes instead of having the sharingan in them, were different, they looked more similar to a regular Uchiha's.
"Wh-what happened? Last thing I remember was, Naruto putting me in a genjutsu, and then..." She trailed of as she realized what happened and she activated her sharingan and glared fiercely at Naruto.
"You! How dare you!" She screamed in rage. She looked like she may attack until Naruto spoke.
"I'm extremely sorry I used that genjutsu sensei, if I could have used any other one I would have, but I needed to ensure you couldn't break out and would be knocked unconscious. I needed to get the bells, and check something else, haven't you noticed it yet?" Naruto replied, causing her to stop, at first admitting that he was right about the part of a weaker genjutsu not working, and then confusion on what he meant about noticing 'it'.
"What do you mean? Noticing what?" She asked, now calming down slightly. As a result her sharingan deactivated subconsciously. She noticed the shift in perception and then it came to her, she had somehow subconsciously activated her sharingan!
'But I've always had to activate it consciously, even with the seal, and I most certainly had to de-activate it consciously, so how?' She asked in thought with a contemplative look on her face.
"I see you've realized what's different, I had to knock you out to make sure my theory was correct, and it was, so I fixed the problem.
"What was the problem?" Kanako asked, she had almost every medic Konoha ever had in hopes of figuring out why her sharingan wouldn't deactivate.
"The problem was that when your teammate did the transplant, she accidentally did the first stage to an ancient Uchiha blood ritual to turn a normal person into an Uchiha, but she never finished it because she had no idea that's what she was doing, she started into the second step but didn't finish, that's what caused you problems, so I completed the ritual." He explained. Wordlessly he unsealed a mirror and handed it to her so she could look into it and see her eyes.
Kanako took the mirror and stared into it. Looking back at her were a pair of big round onyx eyes. They were her eyes, before Obito gave her his eyes.
"As you can see, those are your eyes, the when the ritual finished it perfectly blended yours and Obito's DNA, along with the Uchiha DNA from me, to make you an official flesh and blood Uchiha." Naruto told her with a smile.
"And not just any Uchiha, a pure-blood, meaning you have the a much more potent sharingan, among other things." Naruto added as an afterthought.
"Well, I guess I should say thank you, but now I think we should get to the test, you did good to get the bells..." She began, Naruto began to grin, but not because of what she thought he was grinning about.
"But unfortunately you all fail, and I won't be sending you back to the academy but rather dropping you from the program." She finished in what she meant to be a harsh tone, but wasn't because a tiny bit of sadness trickled in, she really liked these three.
"Oh but we did pass, though it's a nice try on your part to try to deceive us, we saw through it at every turn, we ate breakfast, got her 3 hours after when you told us to, so we were well rested and nourished." Naruto told her.
"But you didn't get the true purpose, the purpose is-" She began, only to be interrupted.
"Is teamwork I know, you see we, unlike everyone else you've given the test to, never had a chance of failing" Naruto replied. This caused Kanako's eyes to widen in shock.
'Wh-what? They never had a chance of failing, they knew the point was teamwork? Then why did he fight me alone?' She thought, frantically searching for the answer.
"I'm sure you're wondering why I fought alone if I knew the test was teamwork, the answer is simple, The girls knew I wanted to, so they agreed to allow me to while secretly helping in subtle ways, like how Yakumo-chan used her genjutsu to make you think more time had passed than actually had, that was another part of the plan, I had to make you so rattled by my abilities you'd be susceptible to her extremely realistic genjutsu." Naruto explained.
"B-but you're talking as if you knew exactly what the test was." Kanako said in confusion.
"That's because I did." Naruto answered.
"But how?" She asked.
"Simple, this test runs in my family. My Jiji invented it and gave it to my Baa-chan's team which included Sandaime-jiji. Then he gave it to his team the Sannin, which included my cousin Tsunade. And Jiraiya gave it to his team which included my Kaa-san and Tou-san, and finally my Tou-san gave it to your team, so there was no chance you'd use any other test." Naruto told her.
This time not only did Kanako's eyes widen, but her heart stopped for second. Then she really looked at him and suddenly had flashbacks of her sensei introducing a smiling black-haired beauty as his teammate, Uchiha Hitomi, and her laughing at a joke he made.
As if summoned by her thoughts, she saw the astral figures of those people appear next to the boy. Hitomi was on his right, and her Sensei on his left. They both put a hand on his shoulder before they smiled happily and seemed to merge into the boy.
"Y-you're Sensei's son?" She asked, just to make sure.
"Hai, he was kidnapped from my Baa-chan the day he was born, his true name, that which it is now in the most official and classified records, was Senju Minato. The reason for the witch-hunt on Danzo 7 years ago was he was the one to have him kidnapped." Naruto explained.
"Now I think you have a meeting to get to with the other Jonin." Naruto suggested.
Kanako nodded as she had almost forgot that after all these revelations.
"So I guess we'll see you tomorrow, Sensei?" Naruto asked.
"Yes, meet me here tomorrow at 9:00 AM." Kanako told them before she shunshined away to the Hokage's office.
-Hokage's Office-
Kanako arrived in the Hokage's office in a swirl of leaves. She heard several of the other jonin trying to release a genjutsu at seeing her arrive on time.
"*Ahem* I think we can get on with the meeting now." The Hokage said, he knew Naruto was most likely the reason she was here on time. He also took note of her eye color.
'Hmm, looks like he's helped another person out with a seemingly incurable problem, I wonder how Jiraiya will react when he finds out a mere genin, even if it's his godson, managed to break one of his seals.' The old kage thought.
"Ok report." He ordered the assembled Jonin.
So the jonin began to call the results with teams 1-6 failing, some were dropped from the program, others put on reserves, others still went back to the academy.
"Team 7, pass!" Kanako said in a happy tone. She was happy yes, but she was allot of other things as well.
Other exclamations of surprise were made as the jonin were shocked that Kanako had passed a team.
"Quiet! Now Kanako, could you explain further as to how Team 7 passed your test, I'm sure it's a story we'd all like to hear." Sarutobi ordered.
"Yes well to put it simply they passed for one simple reason, they never stood a chance of failing, it seems Senju Naruto recognized the initial signs of the test because his grandfather had created it, as soon as I told them that they shouldn't eat and that they should be there at 6:00 Am, he realized what it was, although I think he would have expected the test all the same because he told me how he knew the tests history." Kanako explained, getting some of the Jonin to be impressed with the boys deductive skills.
"On top of this, Naruto even created a battle plan before hand, he surprised me with his show of skill at the beginning by revealing he used gravity seals as well as knowing the Uchiha clan taijutsu the interceptor fist, although this was impressive it wasn't until he unveiled his third surprise he got me shaken up." Kanako continued. Now that had all the jonin curious, something managed to shake her up?
"I began to get shook up when he I commented the interceptor fist was not nearly as effective without the sharingan, at which point he replied 'then I better activate it' and proceeded to activate a fully mature sharingan." She said, getting shocked looks and some exclamations from the surrounding jonin.
"Silence! Now continue Kanako-chan." The Hokage ordered.
"Yes, well after that he showed the ability to use high ranked elemental jutsu. When I retreated to find his teammates and test their skills, he tracked me down and struck after I destroyed two kage bunshin his teammates made as a distraction, after this he managed to maneuver me into a clearing where he made three kage bunshin and showed he had the ability to use FOUR elements proficiently." Kanako said, and by now the jonin weren't bothering to be surprised.
"Anyways, I was understandably well shaken up at this point. At this time his teammate Kurama Yakumo took advantage of this and used a genjutsu to make me think it was later than it was, so I made my way back to the main clearing where Naruto immediately arrived, before I knew it he activated a genjutsu specifically designed so not even a sharingan could break it. Due to the plethora of surprises he was able to successfully capture me in it and use it to knock me out." Kanako explained.
"That's how they passed." She finished. By now the rest of the jonin were jealous she got such a student.
"Ok Now let's continue."
"Team 8 pass, they showed good teamwork and exceptional tracking skills." Kurenai announced.
"Team 10 pass, they showed good use of clan techniques, and teamwork is a given because of who their parents were." Asuma reported.
"Team 11, pass barely." Genma called in a tired voice, dealing with the banshee, the emo, and the albino, or as he dubbed them with their 'affectionate' nicknames, 'Broody and The Beast, and Casper', was to paraphrase a certain clan, troublesome.
"Very good, you're all dismissed!" Hiruzen told them.
Kanako immediately shunshined away.\
-With Kanako, Memorial Stone-
Kanako stared at the names on the stone, five in particular. One was her father. Two were her former crush and former lover. The final two were her Sensei and his (apparently) wife.
She stared for a half minute before she started to lose it.
"It may have been a genjutsu but they were right. Everyone I care about dies! It's all my fault. When Tou-san failed that mission I couldn't understand, I treated him just like everyone else did, and then he killed himself because of it! Obito-kun took a sword for me after fighting off several enemies, and even gave me his eyes. Rin-chan died because I couldn't stop my attack in time. Minato sensei died because I was too weak to help!" She exclaimed in sorrow as tears began to fall from her eyes.
"I thought I'd find you here." Naruto's voice spoke from behind her. She turned around and saw him there. He was staring at her sadly, he knew this was partially his fault because of the genjutsu.
"You're wrong you know, it's not your fault they died." He told her.
Kanako was just glad someone was there. She launched herself at him and huddled over, sobbing onto his shoulder as the tears flowed freely now.
"B-but I killed Rin, and my actions or inactions lead to the others deaths." She sobbed.
"No they didn't, Obito, your Tou-san, they chose to die, for you so you could live for them, and live life to the fullest. Rin was killed by the enemy. My mother and father chose to die to save me and you and all the other people in the village." He said softly, stroking her back to comfort her.
"I say you should live as much as you can to honor them, instead of constantly coming here to mourn them you should spend your time cherishing the new friends and precious people you have, spending your time with them, instead of staring at names on a rock." He told her.
Kanako by now was simply sniffling. A few minutes later she had calmed down with only a few sniffles. Finally she stood up and let go of him. Her eyes were puffy and there were tear stains on her face but she was smiling slightly.
"Thanks Naruto-kun, I'll see you and your teammates bright and early at 9:00AM on the dot." She said before she turned and walked away.
Naruto smiled after her before he shunshined back to the compound.
Chapter End