
This was originally supposed to be a part of the last chappy but 1-it made the chapter like 9000 words and 2-I hadn't finished it :P but here it is!

I have no idea if this story is going in the direction you want, I hope it is! Comments are welcomed as always, thanks for reading and to those who have left reviews :3

Please enjoy, sorry for any mistakes and of course series and characters belong to Yamane Ayano.

Warnings: swearing, Yaoi, so much Yaoi XD


"Hey, Koh…"

"Ah, Aki - damn that was scary back at the club, where did you go? These two suited guys started pushing people around randomly and everyone got into a huge fight. We made a run for it but couldn't find you! Luckily these three guys we bumped into outside right after (who said they work with Asami-san) told us they were going to take you home. Blimey, we were really scared there for a second!"

"Oh cool, glad you two got back alright too. Sorry I'm not there…"

"Thas' OK! Takato and me are just happy you're all good and stuff, see you tomorrow?"

"yeah…see you then."

Akihito hangs up the phone with a definite sigh of relief, happy for now that the guy. Takumi, hasn't caught up to his friends yet. His family though could be receiving an anonymous letter and disc through the letterbox in the morning and he finds himself reluctant to go home.

A cup of hot tea lands next to his phone on the table and he glances up, Asami dipping the sofa next to him as he sits down, lighting a cigarette and taking a few drags before he questions that which needs to be addressed. The reason why a snake politician is currently being held in one of his more deserted waterfront properties where he often conducts this type of business. Having ordered for him to be taken there after receiving a late night phone call from Kirishima.

"So, why did you leave the club with Takumi?"


Akihito takes a breath, still mortified at the possibility of there being footage of him somewhere out there. But he feels like if he can tell anyone, it's Asami.

"He has, video. Of me back then…He said he would show my friends, family…if I didn't go."

Asami hums in response, taking his cell out his pants pocket to text Kirishima with instructions. His employee put to the task of retrieving this supposed footage and torturing the bastard as much as necessary to get it. Of course there is also the obligatory warning not to touch Akihito ever again. A few broken bones should do it. Maybe his dick...

"Well, you needn't worry about Takumi anymore. Just forget about it."

Akihito goes to argue - how can Asami understand the threat of everyone you know seeing something so disgusting, something that will change how everyone sees you forever. They would surely disown him.

"How can you say don't worry! Your goons just had to get involved and now this guy could be passing it on to everyone as we speak! He knows my name now too, he's seen my friends-!"

He takes a shuddering breath, body trembling in response to the swirling emotions.

"What am I gonna do, shit-maybe I should go home and watch the mail slot or, or go to Koh's-"

He stands up suddenly, already on the way to the door when Asami stops him with a word.


The boy turns, having no idea how the man can sound so intimidating just saying a simple name. It's scarier than when his mum does it.




To his surprise Asami laughs at that, stubbing out his cigarette before gesturing again to the couch for Akihito to indeed sit once more. Looking back once more a little forlornly at the front door Akihito takes a seat, giving a pointed look at Asami that dares the man to order him around again.

"I'll take care of it, you shouldn't fear what a small time rat like Takumi can do. There are bigger, badder things in the world after all."

"Yeah? Don't I know it…but Asami, what. What about next time? How can I show my face if people are gonna recognise me?"

"You face it, just like you have been."

Those words stun and yet warm Akihito somehow, assuring him that yes he had been facing everything, hadn't he? He had always said that he would live strongly, that nothing or no one would stand in his way but this - what about the next time he's out with friends. His family? Should he risk shaming everyone he knows, or even himself. Any further?


He looks away from the man with a blush, Asami a little curious.

"...I haven't thanked you yet, for y'know…"

"There's no need."

They sit in silence, for some reason an awkward silence for Akihito because the only thing he can hear besides the ticking clock on the wall is his embarrassingly fast heartbeat. He fidgets, drinks his tea and manages to slosh it again down his chin and laughs, Asami regarding him with a faint amusement before he himself moves closer, only a little but it manages to break through Akihito's thin veil of composure even further. He all but jolts when a large hand cards through his hair.

"My, what has you so nervous, Akihito…?"

Asami takes the boy's chin in hand and even the simple touch sets Akihito alight, his lips parting in awe. He manages to keep eye contact with the detective though, his body obeying some primal need and leaning forward into the touch. A fluttering breath raising the little hairs on Asami's hand.

Scorching eyes light him up and hot lips descend so painfully slowly onto his - much gentler than they had been in the past but Akihito starts forward, the desire to feel and forget too strong for logic so he clutches at Asami's partially unbuttoned shirt, deepening the kiss eagerly with small grunts and simpers when large hands caress his body. Pulling him onto a ready lap.

Akihito has to break away eventually, panting with the exertion of kissing with such passion. It being surprisingly, not something he's experienced too much before but still Asami doesn't relent, instead kissing and licking Akihito's neck. Sucking on the erratically throbbing vein and leaving an angry red mark. His first on this boy.

"S-sorry I-"

"Don't be."

He pulls back and regards the mark with satisfaction, his hands also continuing their assault over cloth and flesh, teasing over the small mound in Akihito's jeans - feeling it grow under his fingers until the thin denim is straining and Akihito is swaying his hips unconsciously. Eyes closed and eagerly searching for Asami's lips once more but he evades them, laughing darkly which makes the boy open his eyes in curiosity.

"Asami, wha-?"

The man only moves closer to whisper into Akihto's ear, punctuating the words with a luscious kiss to the blushing shell. A ticklish breath on Akihito's neck making him shiver.

"Shh, there's no rush."

He removes Akihito's T-shirt, his stomach muscles flexing when he traces them with finger tips, Asami marvelling at how the boy's skin has healed so well and how it has seemingly regained much of it's former vibrancy. And life. He undoes and shoves down the front of the tight denim jeans next and goes to slip a hand into the camouflage boxer shorts but is stopped by trembling hands on his, and a surprisingly small voice.

"Asami, y-you too."

The man smirks but still leads Akihito to rise off him to finish removing his jeans and boxers, placing a small kiss at the head of his erect member and making his young students knees buckle. Another laugh and another glare from Akihito and Asami is on his feet also, the boy gulping and undoing the first few buttons of Asami's shirt with clumsy fingers. Revealing faultless, tan coloured skin. He stops at Asami's belly button, teasing the fabric open to run finger tips along every ridge of muscle. Looking on in wonderment, his dreams had been vivid, that's for sure. But he could have never imagined just how the Asami's flesh feels under his finger tips. Scorching him.

Asami calls Akihito's name softly, a small frown on his face.

"Are you alright?"

Akihito blushes, realising just what he was doing and he bats Asami's hand away with an "-m fine!" And carries on unbuttoning the shirt, removing it before starting on the mans trousers which he steps out of effortlessly. The boy does pause at the tight briefs, his fingers hooking over the waistband and drawing the elastic down over the sharp dip of Asami's sharp hips, past dark hair before he drags it over the half hard member and heavy ball sac that sways with the motion. Akihito gulps. Asami laughs.

The taller man presses their naked bodies together, drawing the more slender figure against his using Akihito's pale hips, the ones trembling with arousal. Filled out a bit but still thin, so seemingly fragile he feels like he could crush them in his hands. Beautiful.

Without warning Asami lifts the small frame up into his arms and to his delight, Akihito clings to him. His thighs closing tightly high on his waist as he clutches the mans broad shoulders, wild, fluttering breaths landing against his neck. The erratic heartbeat hard and fast against his chest. He presses kisses onto the shell of Akihito's exposed ear, his neck and crimson cheek before letting the boy slip down his body with a low laugh. The eager cock resting just under Akihito's vulnerable bottom making him gasp, drawing up in surprise.

They seem suddenly caught by the sight of each other then, staring for a long moment with Akihito's eyes flown wide, pupils open and searching and for a moment Asami questions the boy silently, expecting him to panic and flee but before he knows it the pint sized enigma surprises the powerful detective again. With luscious pink lips pressing, shakily but eagerly. Onto his.

They kiss tenderly, Asami allowing Akihito's gentle probing with tongue and a tentative pressure contained in his feather light kisses. So sweet it's impairing Asami's vision. He walks them the relatively short distance up the corridor, reaching the moonlit master bedroom in no time and Akihito only realises they were travelling at all when his world spins slightly, landing on the plush mattress with a soft thud, Asami's lips deepening the kiss with an attack of his own now and killing the boy oh so softly with a velvet tonne rolling over the hot, panting cavern of Akihito's mouth. Hands teasing, dancing circles over the boys thighs, stomach, up the boys ribs. Over his nipples just like Akihito had dreamed and he almost sobs at the feeling. Asami catching the small moment of discomfort in his sharp gaze, relenting and releasing the small, shivering form that lay under his.


With legs resting at his hips Asami kneels over the boy. His boy now. And holds his cheek so tenderly, more gently than he ever knew he could be to a lover. Because he knows it now. That's what Akihito is meant to be.

Small fingers reach up, hesitantly at first, shy. But he strokes the taut skin laid over Asami's knuckles, his fingers and his tear filled eyes hold the dangerous man spellbound. His honey coloured mop, fanned out over the duvet like a chaotic, sunlit halo. His lips, parted and wet, betraying completely the frantic breaths he is trying so desperately to control, while he earnestly tries to keep his overwhelming emotions under control.


Asami gravitates to the erotic image laid out before him, the flushed boy holding his hand so closely to a crimson cheek, leaning into the touch as if it were the only source of heat in an otherwise cold and bleak world. He prowls forward, supporting himself with his free hand all the better to see the boy and to taste him, and that he does. Swooping down to choke and seal those intoxicating lips once more.

They kiss and kiss and kiss until Akihito can't take it and his thin hips are unconsciously grinding into the sheets and into Asamis stomach, back and forth and up and down and his senses and body are too overwhelmed with the first real taste of pleasure to fall into a natural rhythm. His hips are numb with it and something deep inside him is aching with need, one which Asami can read and one that he finds utterly endearing. The unrefined, animatistic movements so welcome as to him it screams innocence, portraying all the purity he knows lay within this boy. The boy that had been treated like a toy by so many, a quick fuck. Of all those, none had really seen the diamond in the rough. The precious stone that instead of being beaten down and kicked into the dirt needed to be honed, polished.

And Asami is looking forward to doing just that. Very much so.

He stills Akihito's hips with his hands, his stomach coming away from the boy sticky and wet but he finds he doesn't mind at all. He looks at Akihito directly in the eye. Appraising.

"Do you trust me?"

Akihito is breathing heavily now, almost mewling at the desperate ache in his balls, his cock twitching with the urge to release but finding no sweet friction for comfort. Only the small breeze cast by Asami's calm, measured breaths. The man, still unaffected it would seem.

Akihito nods, silently but clearly. Of course he trusts Asami. He's here isn't he?

The detective studies him for just a second longer and nods, releasing Akihito as he gets up off the bed to head to the large fitted wall closet where he opens the very last door to reveal a secret, prized trove -

And Akihito gasps, jumping up and nearly jumping out of the apartment all together but his limbs have turned to jello. Is this why Asami had asked him whether he trusts him? To trap him? To put him through this?

There's S&M equipment, more than Akihito has ever seen in the large compartment of the wall-long wardrobe. All hung with pride. Chains, leather, buckles, cages and rope are just some of the items that swirl past his suddenly whirling vision, he feels sick, scared - he wants to run but suddenly, there's that hand on his cheek again, his eyes dart up, scared to Asami who is once more kneeling. This time in front of Akihito and studying him with that damned unrelenting, soul piercing gaze again.

"You said you trust me. Was that a lie?"

Akihito breathes, now through his nose. Loud and panicked even in his ears. Afraid to open his mouth now on the chance he might vomit at the rush of unwanted memories. The terror welling up. It takes a long time, long enough for both of their erections to calm and for the room to grow cold but Akihito finally looks at Asami back. His eyes certain and trusting.

"It, it wasn't a lie. It wasn't."

He sobs at the utterance of the last word, so confused but Asami only hold him tight, gathers him up onto his lap and hushes him with kisses to his hairline, his temple and eyes and Akihito finds himself clinging to the man again, his plea to Asami to make it all go away echoing in his mind and he finds himself giving himself over to it. To what this dark knight is offering him. Again, their lips find one-anothers and they kiss with renewed fervour, Akihito straddling Asamis lap with his hands coiled around the mans neck, in his hair.

Asami's hands worshipping Akihito's body, his arms holding the precious boy so tightly. Reverently. Asami kissing the salt tears away until they are forgotten completely.

Akihito doesn't register the click of the plastic lid as it's removed for the tube of aphrodisiac laced jelly, Asami generously coating two fingers with the hot pink gel before tossing the thing aside altogether and pressing gently on the tight pink pucker he's been thinking about for far too long. His dick alive and pulsing again just from the thought.

The boy's hips buck as expected and he breaks the kiss, sadness and fear written all over the face Asami only wants to drive into ecstasy. He lets the lube do it's work though as his skilled fingers tease the ring of muscle already contracting, fluttering around his fingers and the boy gasps and moans. Asami taking full advantage of his shocked stooper and attacks those adorable kiss bruised lips brutally, licking and kissing and biting before working his way down to lay a full on assault down his neck and chest, his rosy pink nipples, surely too pretty to belong on a man. They get sucked into his mouth, nibbling and pulling and only relenting when the boy is shuddering, his back arching and body jerking with the combined, unforgiving siege that the man lay upon his body. It feels so good.

"Asami I'm so, so hot - I'm burning -!"

He gasps then as Asami's fingers withdraw, leaving him empty and hollow while the man reaches his hand up between them and catches Akihito's bewildered eyes as he begins to lap up the remainder of the hot pink jelly off his fingers with his wicked, flaming eyes on the wild, wide ones before him. Transfixed. Smirking at Akihito's scarlet cheeked shame.

"It's dirty, A-Asami-!"

The boy shakes his head in dismay, almost recoiling but Asami, a man of small mercies drags Akihito's face back with the same hand, making a point to smear the liquid across those pulsing lips before lapping that up like a grateful dog as well. Making Akihito's mouth part in a little moan of it's own at the tingling feel. That fucking tongue. Asami assures his prey, catches him in his sights completely as he readies the next treat at Akihito's entrance. Catching him unaware.

"You my dear, could never be dirty. Not even if you tried."

The next moment comes as an utter shock to Akihito as he hadn't sensed the movement behind him, this time of the small latex vibrator Asami had managed to poise at his entrance and ram it into him in one fell swoop while he was distracted. The thing is small, only about five inches but already Akihito bucks his hips into Asami's abs - the soft ribs and ridges on the length teasing his insides deliciously and he mewls. Not making any sounds he recognises and they're definitely not any he's made before. What is this unbearable feeling? The one he never wants to end?

"Don't worry kid, it get's better…"

Suddenly there it is, a flash of white behind his eye lids and he moans out his pleasure as he rolls his pelvis, simulating fucking and imagining it's Asami's dick that's hitting him in almost the right place but he growls. Asami would be bigger. So much bigger and he would fuck him just right, he'd hit that spot that this little thing just can't get and oh - oh if he moves his hips just so, just like that and oh, oh g- "Ah!"

Asami watches, enchanted as he sees the play of emotion over Akihito's face in this moment of abandon, his perfect peach like ass rolling on his lap as if imagining he's riding Asami's own cock, the one that's leaking and throbbing like fucking crazy with just the barely there contact with the ass it wants to be bucking into unrestrained right now. He wrestles with himself with his hand poised over Akihito's member. He was going to let this go tonight, was going to indulge his brand new and bright little lover completely and utterly until he passed out and then jack off furiously in the bathroom after but fuck. Akihito is testing him in ways he hasn't felt before. It's he. Asami that holds all he surveys in his palm and yet this boy, the one that's panting into his neck and whispering entreaties of "Asami" like it's a prayer. That's tearing that resolve to shreds.

In one swift move, one that rips the dildo from Akihito's ass and rips a growl from Asami's throat Akihito is on his back at the centre of the bed, eyes still closed in a pleasure soaked haze but his brilliant eyes open along with a sweet scream torn from his lips as Asami tears into him with three quick thrusts of his hips. It's tight, so fucking tight and Asami doesn't care that he almost groans into Akihito's neck because it feels like it hasn't felt before. Is this really what sex should have been like? All these years?

Beads of sweat start to fall thick and fast to wet the covers, his small lover clinging to him so wildly while his greedy hips meet every thrust with one of his own. His head thrown back in a torrent of "Ah" and "yes" and "oh Asami-Asami!"

Akihito is on fire, every millimetre of him and his mind and body are blissfully, so beautifully numb and only filled with this man, this beautiful beast of a man that's baring him completely, ripping him apart only to build him anew. Invincible.

He pushes himself down onto the cock that's pulsing inside of him, as where there had only been a teasing pressure from the dildo before, Asami now not only hits that spot each time, that place within him with every pulse of hips, every deep angled thrust that has him electrified but he feels Asami so keenly, the breaths hitting his ear along with the low grunt of his name. His name. On Asami's lips.

He feels the tears slip from his eyes as he thanks God he didn't die back then like he had begged to so, so many times. He can admit now that he was stupid, idiotic and foolish for ever thinking that because the sheer hell and utter anguish. The torment. Was nothing, nothing compared to this moment now.

It's nothing compared to Asami.

He sleeps like the dead that night, a strange and ironic term but one that fits the dreamless, rested state he hasn't known for years. He doesn't feel Asami wash and clothe him afterward, doesn't feel the many kisses rained over his freshly healed hands. His face. He does though, squeeze back when Asami pulls him in tight under the covers, the man not finding sleep easily that night at all. Too engrossed watching his Akihito.