A/N: Thank you for all the favs, alerts, and reviews they're much appreciated.
This was just a small idea I had so, sadly, we have come to the end though who knows there might be a possibility for more later.
It's very open ended and I will gladly add on if something strikes me fitting but as for now Family, Football, and Fidelity is complete.
Thanks lots! Read, review, and enjoy!

"Are you alright miss?"

"I'm…" She didn't know who was talking to her and she didn't care.
The one word barely leaving her throat as she hurriedly stumbled down the hall.

She couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much trouble breathing.
She felt like she had been gutted yet the way her stomach flipped and shook let her know they were still intact.
They were still there and if she didn't move just a little bit faster they would soon be emptying on this hospital floor.

"Ma'am are you okay?" His voice was too distant for how close he was but it didn't matter, nothing mattered right now.
Will wasn't… and just like that her control was gone. That one thought had her running those extra few steps to the restroom,
her knees hitting painfully hard tile as she crashed down to what had to be her lowest point. Her stomach lurching, her throat burning, and her ribs clenching with way too much force as she nearly gagged on sobs.

"Breathe baby," She nearly jumped when warm hands smoothed back her hair. "Just breath."

"I di… I swe… I…"

"Shhh" Will soothed, she was so worked up that she literally began choking on her words. Her breaths shallow and ragged as she coughed and choked inadvertently making herself sicker. "It's alright darllin'." He kneeled next to her rubbing a soft pattern on her back as her gagging and gasping turned to slight heaving. "It'll be okay but you can't take off runnin' from me like that." It was a few minutes before she seemed to calm some though he didn't dare try to say anything of importance until a few minutes later when she took a deep breath, slowly moving to sit. "Are you alright now?"

"Will I didn't," Before she knew it tears were running down her face once more. "I didn't know. I swear I didn't know."

"I know." If there was one thing his wife was it was honest which only seemed to worsen the situation for him. With a heavy heart he stood, offering her a hand as he reached over to lock the door of their tiny confines, the last thing they needed was someone walking in. "You should rinse your mouth."

"Will I," but he just leaned over to turn on the faucet, crossing his arms as he fell back to the wall. "Alright" She got his message and she was pretty sure there was some disappointment in it.

It wasn't until after she had actually attempted to drink a handful of water, rubbing the residual moisture across the back of her neck, that he spoke once more. "When exactly did you get pregnant JJ?"

"Will I never cheated on you." The way in which he suggested those words stung deeply.
"I might have made a real bad decision in a really short time after we broke up but I was never unfaithful."

"Who's his daddy JJ?" He had the right to know who he'd been standing in for all these years.

"You are!" She couldn't help but yell at him for suggesting otherwise. "He doesn't know any differently and he shouldn't have too! I don't care if his damn blood matches up with ours or not Will… he's yours!" She reached out for him but he simply took a few steps to the side before sliding down the wall where he fell into a crouch, his head falling quickly to his hands. "I'm sorry baby," She wanted to get closer but he obviously needed the distance so she simply sat on the counter with a sorrowful regret. "Just please don't punish Henry for my mistake."

Her mind was whirling with hideous thoughts of what was to come.
Her family would never be the same after this; she could only hope that her son didn't hate her.
That her friends didn't judge her; that the life she'd worked so hard to build didn't come crashing down around her ankles.

"It wasn't a mistake."

It had seemed like so long since someone had said something that JJ had to make sure she hadn't imagined it. "Excuse me?"

"It wasn't a mistake." Though he had yet to look at her the words had definitely come from Will.

"What was it then?" Right now it certainly didn't seem like one of her best moves.

"I don't know," Will wiped a rough hand across his face to rid the evidence of his breakdown.
"But…" With something close to an exhaled growl he stood. "Do you remember where we were headed back then?"

"In very opposite directions." She distinctly remembered him calling her the sun and then continuing
to describe himself as the moon; two things that fit so well together yet were destined to stay apart.

"Had you not called to tell me you were pregnant I doubt if we would have ever seen each other again.
He's the only reason we've gotten to have nineteen happy years together and for that alone my boy's not a mistake."
There was a whole other kind of pain in knowing that a man he should be blaming for ruining his family was the only reason he even had one.

"So what now?" She was just waiting to hear that horrifically disgusting word that would end what had been a happy marriage.

"Are you going to tell this guy he has a kid?" His breath was baited for this answer; he didn't know if he'd be prepared to handle it.

"No" JJ answered quickly.

"Is that because I know him?" His mind was wandering dangerously but he couldn't help himself.

"It's because that's what I think is best for Henry." Enough damage had been done and she certainly wouldn't
be the cause of more; not when she knew for fact that the man in question was just starting up a family of his own.

"Then," He didn't miss the way in which she avoided the question and he had to say it unnerved him. "We keep all of this between us; for all I care we can leave it right here, but you'll never hear me mentioning it again."

"And what about us?" She'd be lying if she said she wasn't shaking slightly with nerves.

"It might take a little work but," His voice was as soft as the kiss he placed atop her head. "We'll be okay."


About two hours and what felt like a thousand tears later JJ found herself sitting right back by her sons side, absently watching Will who was quietly seated by the window. She couldn't help but want to know what he was thinking, if despite what he'd said this did indeed change things for them. She wanted to know and she wanted to fix it because she didn't want an angry and spiteful husband, she wanted that easy carefree man she had come to love. She wanted him to be proud of their son, of their family, not questioning his place in it. She wanted…

'Jen" Will's voice broke through thoughts that were quickly doing her in. "Look"

She followed his gaze to the bed where her son was starting to stir; a little weight falling heavily from her chest. "Henry?"

"Hey motor mouth!" Will called out strongly as he moved toward the bed, lightly whacking a calf to gain some attention. "Who's up and runnin'?"

"A slightly slurred, "Not you" had JJ beaming brightly with all too overwhelming emotion. She'd witnessed variations of this same conversation in her kitchen for months now and it gave her the hope that things would still be normal, they'd still be okay.

"I don't know about that hot shot; right now I bet I could circle you." Will tousled his son's hair, ever mindful of his hurting head.

"Way to kick a man when he's down dad." Though it was spoken with a smile.

"Well I have to if the cheap shots are my only chance at winnin'." Will teased; the banter with Henry making him feel easier within.

"It sounds like you were couching the other team."
Despite his current discomfort Henry couldn't help but beam at his mother's laughter. "So who won?"

'What?" Henry's last few words were more than lost on him.

"The game… who won?"

It took a minute for Will to understand Henry's words but once he did he began
shaking his head in disbelief; turning to his wife to say, "This boy's gonna be the death of me."

Somehow those words suddenly made her feel as if everything would
indeed be okay and it had her displaying a watery smile as she offered, "He's your son."