Take's Place in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, during the final battle. The part where Harry is blahblahblah being carried by Hagrid while Voldemort is trying to have a speech.

Chapter 1: The Battle

Nothing but fear was passed through everyone as Voldemort and his followers descended closer to the castle. With Harry clutched tightly in Hagrid's shaky arms, everyone seemed to lose hope. Except for one girl.

She emerged out of the castle, looking brave and determined. There were bruises and cuts on her, but she was still beautiful. Her black hair was held back in a tightly pulled hair tie, but the wind profusely blew it in around. She had just bravely escaped an attack from one of the light, but didn't seem to notice her triumph. Her eyes were on her parents, who were looking terrified. She knew why too. They were worried about her and her brother. They were on the dark side, but didn't really show it.

As the Dark Lord and all their followers came to a stop, she noticed the boy, Harry, being carried by Hagrid. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't be… The beauty ran forward to see for herself. Her legs ran as fast as she dared, and as close as she dared. Was the boy she adored dead? One of the only people besides the Slytherin's that gave her a chance, dead? It couldn't be true.

But as she came to a stop next to the red head weeping for her love, she noticed he wasn't moving. Tears threatened to bubble to the surface, but she didn't dare let them. It was when Lord Voldemort spoke that she started to listen.

"Draco and Juliunna Malfoy? Where are you?" He called out, and she found herself boiling with anger. She found herself wanting to drive her wand through his skull. After a few seconds, her father moved forward. He had spotted her and her brother at last.

"Children, come." He said, and Juliunna found herself wondering. She needed to make people realize that just because Harry was dead, didn't mean that he was gone. That they should all keep fighting for freedom. So instead of doing it herself, which would cause her and family grief, she whispered her idea to a nearby Neville Longbottom.

He too was one of the people that trusted her. Her being a Slytherin and all, no one wanted to be near her except for all of the other Slytherin loners.

"Your right Juliunna. He's calling you." He pointed out the obvious, seeing as if everyone was now staring at her. "Juliunna, we're waiting for you." Lord Voldemort announced louder. She shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts, and then glared.

"No." She spoke, her voice ringing between the silent clearing. Lord Voldemort looked genuinely surprised, but the rage on his face over took that.

Narcissa Malfoy looked at her daughter worriedly. She just knew that any second now the Dark Lord was going to fling a curse at her or something. The rest of the family seemed to know too, for they were all looking at her as if they'd never see her again.

"What do you mean…? No." He said furiously, and Juliunna stood taller. "I mean no! What part about no, do you not understand? Geez it's like your stupid or something!" She muttered and the fury on Lord Voldemort's face got more recognizable.

"Juliunna! What are you doing?!" Lucius Malfoy shouted, worrying for what was about to happen. "No Father, you mustn't play his ratchet games. He shouldn't be praised for what he's doing. He doesn't care about any of you!" She shouted, looking around at everyone. The light side was shocked that the daughter of a death eater was back talking Voldemort.

"You idiot girl, no one back talks Voldemort-!"

"I. Just. Did." She popped. (Ooooh's) Rang out from almost everyone in the field. She took out her wand, and just barely recognized her Mother's loud pleas to spare her daughter's life. But Lord Voldemort wasn't listening.

"Give me your best shot Lord Moldy Shorts!" Juliunna yelled, and got into her fighting position.

"Missing your Lover already?" Lord Voldemort called out absently, and Juliunna froze. How did he…

But of course he knows. He's very skilled in occumlancy."

"What did you do to him?" She called back, wishing that she wasn't having this conversation in front of at least a hundred people. Her parents looked shocked, but she hadn't told them. It had just been between her and him.

"I killed him Juliunna. Just like I'm about to kill you." Voldemort said, and her walls crashed down. She didn't bother to stop the tears from falling. He was gone, and he wasn't coming back. He was dead, did he miss her? Was he willing her to survive, from Heaven?

"But… He… Can't die on me like this! I'll kill you, you son of a-!"

Five different spells hit her in her chest, and then she was falling backwards. Her mother's screams, her Father's yells, and her brothers disbelief shouts signaled she was dying. She was dying right? Dark spots filled her eyesight as she slowly fell to sleep. Large bangs and anguished screams told her that the battle was continued. Wind swirled around her as she slowly drifted deeper into sleep. She heard her brother call her name, but dismissed it. He could survive without her. He was a big boy now. Neville was going to do his job. Harry was… Well he'd live in her heart. Her last thoughts were of her lover, Severus Snape. And then everything went completely black.