"Oh whatever. Laci if it's a girl, Lucas if it's a boy. Deal?" She held her hand out to me.

"Deal! But don't act like this is business, this is our family we're talking about, Lucy. Give me a hug." I pulled her hand so she was in my arms. "It's just not right." I held her tight and smiled into her hair.

"Laxus," She asked "Are you scared to be a parent?" She asked holding me just as tightly.

"Of course, but you have to remember that we aren't alone."

"Laxus," She said again. "I want to become an S-Class Wizard. It'll help support our family."

I blinked at her. "WHAT?!" I took a deep breath. "Not as long as you're pregnant! Absolutely not! What if you got hurt? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Besides, I said no magic until our kid is out of you and in my hold, got it? You need to keep your strength up for you and the baby's sake."

"Did I hear baby?"

I whipped around to see Gray standing behind us.

"Nope. We were just talking about what we would have to do if we had kids." I said smoothly.

Gray looked at us curiously. "Right. Of course. I've heard what girls used to say about you, Laxus. Don't hurt her now, ya hear?" He winked and walked into the guild hall.

Lucy was blushing profusely and I was smirking at her, trying to contain a laugh. "Our first time was delightful, wasn't it?" I teased her.

"Sh-Shut up! That's between you and me, Laxus." She whined.

"And our neighbors. You were pleasantly loud."

She remained silent as she visibly died of embarrassment.

I draped my arm around her shoulders and hugged her. "Come on, be proud. You're bringing a little bundle of joy into the world. There's nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. That kid right here has the best life waiting for him, with a beautiful mother waiting to hold them."

"That's so beautiful."

"Yeah, I guess." We walked into the guild and greeted the ones who called out to us. Gajeel was smirking and pointed to his ears, wordlessly saying he heard it all. Wendy was standing next to him her face just as red as Lucy. I felt sort of bad for traumatizing a little girl like that. "Sorry, Wendy." I whispered.

"Laxu, let's take a job." She asked as we sat down on the S-Class Floor.

"Absolutely not." I answered as soon as she finished.

She pouted. "I can still use magic, Laxus."

"No." I said bluntly.

She frowned. "Laxus!"

"No, Lucy. I'm not risking it."

"We can take an easy one, please." She begged.

I noticed the guild become quiet. They were listening to us, since Lucy was getting loud. "Lucy, listen to me. I'm not risking it. What if I fail to protect you, huh? What if you can't protect yourself just once? We're putting more lives at risk than just one, okay?" I whispered, know she can hear me.

"What's that mean, Laxus?!" Natsu yelled.

Lucy sighed. "Stay out of this, Natsu!"

"Well don't go risking your life, you got people depending on you!" He shouted and climbed the stairs to look at the S-Class board. "Specially, when you got a little bun in the oven." He mumbled. He walked over to us. "What if I go with you guys? Two S-Class is better than one."

"Absolutely not. She's not going on a job." I stated angrily.

She sent a bolt of lightning at me. I ate it quickly and grabbed her wrist. "I said no magic. It puts you in danger. Would you like to die?"

She glared at me.

I sighed. "Mira!"

Her glare changed into a pleading look. I smirked.

"Yes, Laxus?"

"Tell Lucy why a mage shouldn't use magic while pregnant."

"Well, if a mage depletes their magic then it puts the baby in a critical state since the baby uses not only nutrients from the mother's body but magic energy as well. If both the parents are mages then the risk is almost double, since it's a mage as well it feeds off of its mother's magic energy. Also- Wait a minute! Lucy's pregnant! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies! Blond-haired blue-eyed babies!"

"MIRA!" The guild shouted, snapping her out of her little tangent.

"Oh! Is it a boy or girl? How many? Are you going to find a new house? What's your plan?" Mira asked one question after another.

"Mira, Mira. We don't really have a plan. We don't know. I'm only two weeks along…" Lucy explained. "I'm sure we'll figure it out."

"Yeah, of course we will. We're the thunder dragon slayers, aren't we?" I smiled at her. "Though, I think moving into my old house out on the edge of Magnolia seems the most fitting. I'll show it to you later."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Mira smiled.

"Right." Lucy and I said together. She crinkled her nose at me. "You read my mind to much, Laxus. It's creepy."

"Blame this then." I touched my Mark on her neck. "Keeps us linked like that." She smiled and leaned on my shoulder.

"Laxu, if I can't use magic, then can you summon Plue for me?"

I smiled at her request. "Of course." She handed me the key for the Canis Minor. I summoned it wordlessly and she instantly hugged it. It made her happy, so I was happy, too.

"Punn~ Punn~"

Konnichiwa Minna!

I have not updated this story in forever! So sorry! I'm working on the others!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

