Disclaimer: I did not and will not profit from writing this fanfiction. All rights are reserved to the author, distributor and producers of Inuyasha.

Writer's Note: Hi! This is my first Sesshoumaru/Kagome fanfiction. I'm still not sure if this would be a drabble series or I might write a long chapters later. Updates might be sporadic but I'll try to post a new chapter every week. Please let me know what you think.

Kagome Higurashi is thankful for a lot of things despite not being the heir to her father's restaurant business. That fact only made her work harder and gave her more freedom in deciding what to do with her life. Included in that freedom is the higher possibility of marrying for love.

All of that changed with one note from her older sister, Kikyo.

On her 25th birthday, Kikyo Higurashi, found her true love and decided that she didn't want to be an heiress if it means not marrying her love. It was cowardly, she knows, but she wanted to be a bit more selfish this time. So, she eloped.

With the note she left, she tried to explain everything. Promised that she would call soon to tell them she's okay. And that Kagome can take her place.

That started Kagome's journey as the replacement heiress of Higurashi Restaurant and Bakery.