Amelia woke as the deafening sound of her alarm filled her room. Sighing, she rolled over in search of her phone to restore silence once more. She's dreaded this day arriving for weeks and was determined to delay it for as long as humanely possible. She lay in bed staring around her room. The room she'd always taken for granted, that was filled with very little furniture but held so many memories from her life. The empty bed beside hers, unslept in a constant reminder of how her life had changed these last few months. The bed her twin sister Chloe once slept in. Chloe had always insisted her bed be beside the window so she could sit up and watch the stars. After lights out, they'd sit for hours watching the dark sky and talking about their futures. Now Chloe didnt have one and Mia hated feeling alone in life. Tears filled her eyes and she rolled over, burrying her head in her pillow.

"I'm just making sure you're up, you're father will be here soon to pick you up"

You could hear the distain in her mother's voice. She wouldn't admit it but had to agree with her dad, her daughter needed to get away from Seattle. For a moment she lingered in Amelia's doorway. It was obvious the last few months had taken their toll on her too. Her long brown hair hadnt been brushed and her usual face full of makeup wasnt there, she was struggling too and Amelia didn't want to leave her. She wouldn't be alone, Jamie would be there for her but that didn't stop her worrying. Groaning she got up and started the long and daunting process of getting ready to leave, her mom, her brother and Seattle for who knew how long.
Once she was ready Amelia headed down stairs. Her suitcases were already at the door, Jamie must have carried them down for her. Either that or her dad had already arrived and planned on leaving soon as she was ready. As she approached the livingroom door she could hear her mother talking in short sharp sentences to whom she could only assume was her dad. No doubt filling him in on the events of the last few weeks.

"She's not eating, she hasn't for weeks. I think that bastard was starving 'll get a shock when you see how thin she's got. She isn't little Mia anymore. Chloe's death has only made her worse. Its like she's trying to kill herself so they can be together again"

Amelia clutched her stomach as she heard this, running her fingers over it she knew her mam was right . Her ribs stuck out of her skin. Yet again her mam was right, well almost. The thought of her ex Aaron made her shudder, he hadn't starved her. Not physically, at least. The names were enough to make her starve herself. Been reffered to as a cow on a regular basis or punched if she wore something that showed a glimpse of her figure. He never needed to starve her, he knew she would do it herself to try to please him. The names never stopped though it had all got worse. She barely escaped in one piece in the end. More tears rolled down her cheeks. She wiped them away, took a deep breath and revealed herself from behind the door.
Her father turned to look at her as she entered the room. He was a large man, short blonde hair however until very recently it had been longer than her's, until he took over the job her grandpa Vince used to do. In a way he reminded her of the hulk, ready to rip his shirt off at any given moment and fight, much to her embarrassement and in some ways was suddenly picturing him turning green, more so when he would tell her off. Amelia couldn't help but give out a little giggle. Her private joke had distracted her, from acknowledging her dad, his arms were outstretched to greet her, pulling her towards him for a hug.

"Morning princess! Are you ready to go yet?"

All Amelia could do was nod. She was ready to go but she didn't want to. She'd never been very fond of his job. As a child it was different going on the road with him, Stephanie and Chloe but now she was 22 and it was just her the thought terrified her. Fans had always made her feel uncomfortable and she disliked being in that kind of enviroment. She liked her privacy, secluding herself deep into her own thoughts and the idea of standing in a crowd of idiots jumping up and down, cheering for her dad "triple h" was like hell on earth. To her he wasn't "Triple H" or "The king of kings" or any of the other ridiculous names they had for him, he was her dad. Plain old Paul Levesque, her dad and nothing more. The image of her father "hulk Levesque" popped back in her head and she struggled to catch her breath from giggling and pulled away from her father's grip. Looking around the room she realised they werent alone.
Three men were sat on the sofa watching her embrace her father. They didn't look much older than her but they were beautiful. She assumed they were some of the boys her dad had told her about on the phone. She tried not to but she couldn't help but stare. They were mumbling to each other so they hadn't noticed.

"Princess, this is Jon, Colby and Joe. You'll be travelling with them for the next couple of days, to our next show as I've been summoned back to Stanford for a meeting at HQ"

the tall muscular blonde stood up. He winked at Amelia and she felt herself start blushing. the other two sat laughing however she hadn't quite figured out who was who.

"Don't worry Paul, me and the boys will look after her wont we lads?"

Amelia still wasn't sure who this guy was , she glanced at him and he winked at her while grinning. His smile was contagious. She didnt know what it was but there was something about this guy that excited her. She hadn't felt like that for a long time and in some ways it scared her. They prepared to leave, her dad's Ford escape was parked outside along with another large car but she hadnt a clue as to what make. In her eyes a car was a car, she only knew her dad's from listening to his constant droaning on about it. Amelia hugged her mam and kissed her goodbye before following her dad outside. Jamie was at work so they'd said their goodbyes the previous night although she wished he was there. The guys had already grabbed her suitcases and put them in the back of the car that they were travelling in. The tanned one with black and blonde hair, jumped in the front seat.

"Hey Col, get in the back with Joe. The lady is riding up front!"

She looked around to see the blonde guy, who she now knew was Jon slam the boot shut and walk towards her. Joe and colby took their seats in the back of the car patiently waiting to leave. Her father moved towards her and hugged her

"You'll be ok. Two days and I'll be back. They might look scary but they're good boys and will look after you"

Words evaded her, so she simply replied with a forced smile. Behind her Jon was laughing at her dad's statement. The two then climbed into the car and set off for their next destination. Amelia doubted her dad's words. She wouldn't be ok, she hadn't been for a while. With that thought firmly in her head they drove on in silence.