Hi all! This is actually the result of another writing session I did with a friend ( Hillside Dancing On ) Humanized TFP cast fic because why not? It seemed fun. Don't expect any deep underlying story or anything. Just a fun and (hopefully) Humorus/romantic fic we cooked up. Enjoy!

Some would call it being cocky.

Others would call it arrogance.

Soundwave called it foresight.

His shoes clacked against the concrete. He wore a dim slate blue trench coat, and black sunglasses that rendered his expression unreadable. He took a couple of glances to his sides before entering the small store. Soundwave took in his surroundings.

There were stands filled with fatty snacks. Chips, candies, crackers, small cakes; and near the back had several types of drinks. The man strolled over to the back and picked himself a bottled iced tea before progressing to the counter.

He coolly set his drink on the counter, a rather grizzly man glances at him, taking the drink to ring him up. "…Anything else?" He casually asked, scanning the item. Soundwave brought a hand up and pointed to the stand behind the man.

A box of condoms.

"We-heh-heh-ell. Looks like somebody's gettin' lucky tonight~" The clerk chortled. Soundwave said nothing.

The man took the box in question and scanned it in, putting both in a small bag. "That'll be $3.98."
Soundwave slid him a five-dollar-bill. The man took the money, broke it into change, and handed it back along with the requested items. "Heh. Good luck~" He spoke once more, Soundwave nodded in return before turning on his heels and walking out of the store. He heard a small chime come from his phone, checking it he found that he had gotten a text message from Arcee. He opened his phone and began to read.

[[I'm not going.]]

Soundwave popped the cap on his bottled black tea, holding it up the street lights and swirling the sediment about before draining a small sip. All the while, his other hand was busily typing up a response.

[[Do the other Autobots know about this?]]

He waited. Waited. Walked on past two theaters and a boarded up restaurant Drummed his long, clever fingers against the phone, and then…

Another chime.

[[No, and I frankly don't care. These banquets are ridiculous. It's the one thing we all can agree on.]]

Another long sip.

[[Then there it is. Unity.]]

The next response came far more quickly. Soundwave hadn't even cleared the block.

[[Name one real reason for me to be there.]]

Soundwave almost smirked, knowing that she would go to the ridiculous inter-faction banquet for all the same reasons he would. It was where they'd had their first meeting outside of work, after all. Where they'd first stood awkwardly by the bar and made the stiffest of conversations. How it had turned into dancing (and how dancing had turned into another bar visit, which in turn had led to Arcee's place), they would never know.

But it was the start of everything that had happened since then, and they certainly couldn't fault it for that.

[[To make the whole thing tolerable.]]

Damn that man. That single sentence halted Arcee in mid-message.

[[But I don't have a suit.]]

Soundwave's response was quick to come back.

[[Get one tailored.]]

He wasn't leaving her much room for excuses.

Soundwave soon arrived at his destination; His apartment. He leaned on the doorway to continue the conversation, planning to make his way in once they were finished texting.

[[Fine... I'll get one Thursday. What day is it?]]


[[Right…Alright, Thursday it is. Don't you over work yourself, alright? I'm serious.]]

[[I won't.]]

[[Good. Good night.]]

[[Good night.]]

And with that, Soundwave closed his phone. He took his keys out of his coat pockets and began to toggle with the lock. With a small Chk sound, the doors were unlocked and opened with ease. Soundwave stepped inside, closed the door, relocked it, and advanced to his room.

His room was a simple one; Nothing too fancy in terms of decoration.

Aside from the desktop computer sitting against the wall aside his bed, the room was fairly simple; Grey-blue paint on the walls, and a king-sized bed. Pretty empty compared to most rooms, unless you counted the throw rug that was smack-dab in the middle of the floor; But nonetheless elegant.

Soundwave coolly removed his trench coat and began to strip from his clothes. Once finished he calmly laid himself in his bed, removing his sun-glasses. He didn't have the energy to write his report for Megatron tonight, Soundwave scorned himself in his head all the while; promising himself he would make it up by working double-time on the morrow.

And with that, he drifted into rest.