I'm always wondering about the character song. If Kuroko is going to have duet with the GoM and well we have Kise and Aomine now. (addition with Kagami) But why not with Midorima? OAO He appeared before Aomine in the manga and anime so he should get a duet with Kuroko too! OAO But the mystery was solved now! The character song is going to release next year on January along with Kagami duet with Aomine! I know they would do that! XDDD Those basketball idiots… I love that pair! Can't wait for the song!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke.

Never had Aomine believed himself before in his life that he could be the earliest person to reach the auditorium. Training will be starting at sharp 8 am. Any late than that, you would be facing Akashi's red scissors. Aomine believed his captain could conquer the world with only a pair of scissors.

Now it was 6 am in the morning. I bet Satsuki is still sleeping like a pig. By reaching the auditorium early, Aomine had only one thing to do in his mind. That was to meet his new friend, not a human but maybe a human before this. He approached the pile of basketballs and found the light blue basketball. Is Tetsu sleeping?

"Morning Tetsu." The basketball moved from its position.

"Good morning, Aomine-kun. You are early." The basketball greeted the ace player back.

"Yeah… I wanna talk to you." Aomine felt embarrassed to say that.

"I'm glad to hear that." Kuroko jumped out from the basket and went into Aomine's embrace. The basketball seemed to love the warm hug.

"Are you sleeping just now?" Aomine asked the ball. "Yes. I woke up as soon as I heard your call." Aomine just sweat dropped, he couldn't tell whether Kuroko was sleeping or actually awake all the time. Oh wait, does basketball need to sleep?

"So, Aomine-kun. What do you want to talk about?" Kuroko asked the dark-skinned male.

"How long have you stayed in that storeroom?" Aomine felt weird to hug a basketball but he just let it be. As long as the ball loved it.

"Two years." Kuroko did not get bothered by the basketball player's question.

"What the hell two years!? That's way too long! Aren't you lonely in that place?" Aomine lifted the ball in his hands and stared at it.

"Of course I am. But what can I do? The door won't budge. Something prevented it to get open. The storeroom had been abandoned for a long time now. Nobody seems to remember the place anymore." Kuroko said with a calm voice.

"I'm sorry Tetsu. I should have found you sooner." Aomine felt sorry for Kuroko.

"Don't apologized Aomine-kun. It's not your fault. You found me now right?" Aomine smiled at the ball.

"Where did you come from anyway?" "A student two years ago took me here. Maybe he had graduated from here. I was gifted to him by his father. He joined the basketball team and everybody was laughing at him of having a weird basketball. He was too angry of it and he threw me into the storeroom. And that is when I started to stay there."

"Why would he ever do that?! That's cruel!" "I'm just a basketball to him. I didn't reveal myself so I'm just a weird colored basketball to him."

What's the matter with people? What's so funny about a different colored ball? Some jerks there.

"That's why I'm happy to be outside again. Thanks to Aomine-kun. Your basketball play is great. I'm impressed." Aomine did not expect Kuroko to say compliments words to him. He was flattered.

"Aomine-kun. Am I boring to talk to?" Kuroko asked. "Of course not! I love everything about basketball! And moreover you are a basketball!Hahaha!" Aomine knew he was lame.

"'How much do you love basketball, Aomine-kun?"

"I love it more than anything! I can do it every day, every time! Of course I would love to have a rival to do one-on-one with him! It will be a lots of fun!" Aomine was excited.

"Fun… another basketball idiot." Kuroko said calmly.

"I'm not a idiot!" "Tell me, do you always have basketball in your mind? Not any other things?" "Yes, Tetsu how do you know?" "That's what basketball idiot only thinks in his mind." "Tetsu!"

"…Aomine-kun, you reminded me of my friend." Tetsu paused for a while before said it to Aomine.

"The 'another basketball idiot'?" "Yes. I wonder what's he doing now…" "Is he a human?" "Yes." "He must be a weird guy of talking to a basketball." "Aomine-kun, you are talking to me. So you are weird guy too." "Shut up Tetsu!" Kuroko laughed silently.

"Tetsu, how old are you?" Aomine continued their conversation.

"Same as yours, Aomine-kun. You're first year right?" Aomine nodded.

"Tetsu. Are you a male?" "Yes I am. Does that matter?" "Quite. I can't tell about your gender when you are a basketball." Come to think of it, does basketball have gender? Aomine scratched his head. Both of them sat silently in the middle of the auditorium.

"Daiki? It's rare to see you early today." A new voice interrupted them. Aomine recognized this voice.

"Morning. Akashi." The captain of the basketball team was right. Aomine could not get early for the training. He would always be the last one to attend the training. Luckily, he always got to the auditorium before the time. No matter how brave Aomine was, he still scared of his captain's threatening.

"Aomine-kun, who is this?" Kuroko rolled to Aomine's side and whispered to him. "Akashi Seijuurou, our fearless basketball team's captain. Tetsu, you should be careful of him. Especially when he was with his scissors." Aomine whispered back to Kuroko. "I see…"

"Daiki, why are you talking to yourself?" Heterochromatic eyes stared at the dark-skinned male curiously. Aomine picked up Kuroko and stood up, facing Akashi.

"Nothing, just some sleep talk." Aomine yawned. Akashi noticed the strange color basketball in Aomine's hand.

"Quite a particular ball you have there, Daiki." Akashi stared at the ball. Kuroko felt uneasy of the stare.

"Yeah. I found it in the storeroom. I'm going to use this ball from now on. Say Akashi, those basketballs couldn't be used anymore. I think we have to change those for news one." "I'm aware of that, Daiki. I will remember it." Akashi walked away from Aomine. "Aren't you going to change your uniform?" Akashi turned back to meet Daiki. "Coming. Tetsu can you stay here for a while? I'm going to change my uniform."

"Sure. Aomine-kun. Take your time." Daiki put Kuroko on the floor and ran to the locker room. Kuroko lazily rolling around slowly in the auditorium. When he stopped himself of rolling, somebody picked it up.

"Are? What's a basketball doing here? And wow! It's light blue colored! It's awesome! Murasakicchi! Midorimacchi! See what I have here!" Kise beamed the ball excitedly and showed the ball to the others. Kuroko was uncomfortable with the blonde's hold, plus his annoying voice.

"Arere? It looks weird. Can I eat it?" Murasakibara eyed the ball like a candy. "Of course not Murasakibaracchi! That's not a snack!" Kise protested. "But it looks delicious…"

"Murasakibara. You should know that basketball is not food. Don't act like a kid." Midorima adjusted his glasses and stared at the ball. Kuroko noticed the green haired male was holding a small pink bunny plushie. What is that for?

"Midorimacchi, is that bunny plushie your lucky item for today?" "Yes it is. Oha-Asa said that Cancer should stay away with Aquarius today. Aquarius will definitely give bad luck to Cancers for the rest of the day." Midorima stated. This person is quite a superstition.

"Midorimacchi you don't have to worry about that. There is no people have the sign of Aquarius among us." Kise said happily. The blonde was still holding the ball. Kuroko smiled(We can't see it anyway.) Is that so?

Aomine was back from his changing. He saw Kuroko was in the hold of a certain blonde.

"Kise. Care to give me back the ball?" Kise looked at his blue-haired friend. "Ehhhhhhh why?" "That is my ball." "Ehhh, when did Mine-chin have this ball? We didn't see you playing with it yesterday." Murasakibara said while eating a pack of potato chips. "I found it in the storeroom yesterday." Aomine snatched the ball from Kise and the blonde whined for that.

"You guys better go change. The training is starting soon." Aomine took the ball in his hand and walked towards the court.

"Tetsu are you alright?" "I'm fine… just… is his name Kise? Kise-kun is annoying." Aomine laughed at Kuroko's complaint.

"Haha yeah he's really annoying. Feel free to drop yourself on his face! His name is Kise Ryouta."

"Is he a model? He has a handsome face."

"Yeah, and he would be very happy of you if you said that to him. The green-haired one is Midorima Shintarou. He will die immediately if he's not with his lucky items even for a second." "He looks strict." "He's our vice captain. Not that I care about him."

"How about the tall, purple haired male?" "Murasakibara Atsushi. He's good at basketball but is an idiot to other things. He loves his snacks very much. I bet he will marry his own snacks in the future."

"Do all of them love basketball?" "I guess so. But not as passionate as me!" Aomine grinned widely.

"Say… can I talk to Midorima-kun?" Kuroko asked. "Sure but why Midorima? If you want to talk to them, you should start with Kise, he's more easy to talk with even though he's noisy." "It's okay. I sure Kise-kun would automatically talk to me after this." Aomine raised his eyebrow. Tetsu is planning something. "I had thought of a plan that will make them notice my presence." Kuroko stated.

Their training time had started. Akashi announced that the Generation of Miracles will be having a two-on-two mini match while his self would be eyeing the players of their potential. Kuroko whispered to Aomine.

"Aomine-kun, can you team up with Midorima-kun?" Aomine was confused. "Why?" "For my plan. Can you do it?" Aomine nodded. He walked straight towards Midorima. "Hey Midorima, can we team up?" Midorima was shocked of Aomine's request. "Why should I?" Midorima said. "Just this once. Okay?" "…..Fine." Midorima finally agreed. Kise looked at Aomine oddly. "Aominecchi! What happened to you? Why do you want to team up with Midorimacchi?" Normally Kise would team up Aomine while Midorima with Murasakibara. Akashi stared at Aomine with amusement in his heterochromatic eyes.

"Just happen to do that. Can we just start the match? Say, Akashi. Can we use this ball?" Aomine took Kuroko in his hand. "I had no opinion for that. You can use the ball, Daiki."

"Aomine-kun, can you please keep passing me to Midorima-kun?" Kuroko requested the ace player.

"Huh? Just what are you planning, Tetsu?" Aomine was getting more curious and curious now. "Just you see." Kuroko said with a steady tone.

During the match, Aomine did what Kuroko had told him. When he succeed in snatching the ball, he passed Kuroko's to Midorima. Now everyone was getting suspicious of the ace player. Even Midorima would not expect Aomine to pass the ball to him. Nevertheless, Midorima accepted the ball from the ace player. As he was trying to shoot the ball into the hoop with his perfect shooting skill, something odd happened.

The ball had disappeared. The next moment, Midorima tripped and fell flat on the floor. A loud 'thump' could be heard in the auditorium.

TETSU!? Aomine tried to find his friend but there was no sight of the light blue ball.

"Midorimacchi are you okay!?" Kise ran towards the three-point shooter and helped him to stand.

"Arara, Mido-chin tripped." Murasakibara said lazily.

"Shut up Murasakibara!" The next second Midorima tripped again. He broke his glasses this time.

"Oh My God Midorimacchi!" Kise yelled and it was annoying. Akashi walked slowly towards the poor green-haired male. "Shintarou, are you fine?"

"Do I look fine to you…" Midorima stood up slowly. One of the lenses of the glasses had broken. Midorima could only see clearly with one-side.

Aomine then caught sight of the light blue basketball rolling towards the three-point shooter. "Here Midorimacchi, calm yourself for now." Kise offered Midorima a bottle of Pocari Sweat. The bottle was opened and this time it was Kise tripped. He splashed the drink on the green-haired player. Midorima was all wet now. Aomine couldn't stand it anymore and burst out laughing, pointing at the poor male.

Midorima tried to endure his rage. He glared daggers on Aomine.

"I'm sorry Midorimacchi! I didn't mean that!"

"I don't mind. Akashi, permission to the washroom for cleaning myself." Midorima looked at the captain.

"Permission approved. Shintarou, don't forget the towel." Akashi threw a towel towards Midorima. Midorima did not caught the towel and the towel swayed and fell on the floor. Now that was totally embarrassing. Midorima hastily picked up the towel and rushed to the washroom.

"Maybe today is the bad day for Midorimacchi… but strange… we don' have Aquarius around here." Kise was confused. The third and second string players were training at the other side in the auditorium. The Generation of Miracles were first string players.

"Aquarius?" Aomine asked. "Midorimacchi said Oha-Asa stated that Cancers will be having a bad day if there is Aquarius near them today." Now Aomine knew what was Kuroko trying to do. He eyed the light blue basketball on the floor and laughed.

After Midorima had cleaned his self, the match went on. But the bad day for Midorima was not yet over. He missed many of his shoots and he always bumped on other people. Guess it was really hard to see with his glasses now. More strangely, the ball kept disappearing and went missing. They had to spend time for noticing the ball. Even Aomine couldn't keep an eye on the ball.

Akashi felt the atmosphere too. He could see the light blue basketball very well. He could see the ball rolling and bouncing on its own. He didn't get surprised for that.

The match was canceled by the captain, and the rest of the Generation of Miracles was given a 30 minutes rest. Midorima went outside to get some fresh air. He was holding his lucky item. He couldn't understand the situation just now.

Is the lucky item not good enough? Why am I still in bad luck? This is bad. I must figure out the problem. Midorima sat on a bench outside the auditorium. He sighed. "Why is this happening?" He asked himself. But someone had replied his question.

"I happened to be an Aquarius." Midorima stiffened of the voice. He looked around. There was nobody other than himself outside the auditorium. Then where in the world…

"Midorima-kun, beside you. Your left." Midorima did what the voice told. He didn't see anyone.

"Lower your head for a little." Midorima looked down beside his bench, the light blue basketball was in his sight.

"Greetings, Midorima-kun. Are you okay?" Kuroko greeted him. Midorima jumped from his seat.


"Haha you screamed like a girl, Midorima." Aomine came out to check for them.

"Aren't you shocked Aomine!?" "Huh? I already knew of it." Aomine yawned. "You do!?"

"Tetsu, why are you doing all this anyway?"

"Because Midorima seems to be the type of not trusting this sort of things, I have to something to notice me." Aomine tried his best to listen to his friend.

"Of course! I believe in science! And did you mention that you are an Aquarius?" Midorima calmly stated, still shocked inside.

"Yes I have." "Don't come near me." "Okay." Kuroko bounced up and let Aomine caught it.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Kuroko Tetsuya. Nice to meet you Midorima-kun." Kuroko said politely. Midorima felt weird of talking to a basketball, not to mention a TALKING BASKETBALL.

"I'm Midorima…Shintarou. Nice to meet you too…" Midorima felt awkward of the situation. Midorima observed the basketball. Nothing particular other than the color.

"I'm sorry for doing all that to you. Midorima-kun. Please accept my apologize." Kuroko bounced off from Aomine's hand and towards Midorima.

"Don't come near me!"

"Does Midorima-kun hate me?"

"No I'm not! Just today's not the good day to let Cancers with Aquarius." "I understand." Kuroko rolled over to Midorima. Midorima quickly backed off. "Do you really understand!? I said don't come near me!" It was funny to see a basketball chasing a human.

"Now Tetsu shall we go in and talk to the others? Oh I should introduce you to Satsuki too. She's busy today though."

"Hai. Onegaishimasu. But I don't think we need to explain to Akashi-kun. He noticed me from the very start."

"As expected of Akashi. Nothing can get away from his sight." Midorima adjusted his glasses."

"I'm not surprised too." Aomine picked up Kuroko and followed Midorima into the auditorium.

"Let's go then Tetsu." Aomine smiled at the light blue basketball.

2 am in the morning, I have to get some sleep now. Argh exams OTL

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