Hai, is Pen-chan here. I'm a big fan of Kuroko no Basuke! The newest chapter of KnB, argh it broke my heart. Poor Kurokocchi T.T

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke.

Sorry for any typing mistakes, grammer mistakes and OOCness! A

It was another pleasant day at Teiko High School. School lessons were going on fine and various clubs were having their own activities well too. Especially for the Basketball Club. From a distance at the Teiko auditorium, whining from a member of the basketball club could be heard.

"Akashicchi! Why did you tripled the training menu today again!? I have my model job later this afternoon!" A certain blonde hair basketball player whined to the Basketball Team's Captain.

"Ryouta. You should know what you have done." The red hair basketball team's captain looked calmly at the blonde. His heterochromatic eyes gleamed dangerously.

"What did I do!?" Kise Ryouta, the copycat in the team whined again. Akashi Seijuurou, their fearsome captain eyed another blue hair male who was sleeping peacefully on the bench.

"Aominecchi! Stop sleeping! You make our training menu tripled!" Kise rushed to the sleeping man and shook him furiously. The darker skin basketball player was pissed of the blonde for disturbing his sleep.

"Kise! Get lost! What do you want!?" Aomine stood up unwillingly and glared at the copycat.

"Stop sleeping! Akashicchi will be angry of you!"

"You're wrong Ryouta. I will not angry of such thing." Akashi replied calmly, but his eyes said otherwise. The other two male gulped.

"Can the two of you just resume the training? You guys are noisy." The three-point shooter in the team, Midorima Shintarou scowled. He had make a wonderful shot into the hoop.

"Mah mah, Kise-chin and Mine-chin don't fight everytime. You always make us having extra training." The center in the basketball team, Murasakibara Atsushi said lazily while eating a lollipop.

The blue hair ace, Aomine Daiki yawned. "Fine. Triple training menu it is. Kise don't slack off!"

"I should be the one to say this, Aominecchi!" They went back for their training. They didn't dare to deny their mighty captain.

Training time passed by quickly, everyone was exhausted and wished to go home and have a nice rest. Everyone was ready to leave the auditorium but a certain blue hair player didn't plan to do that.

"Aominecchi? What are you doing?" Kise eyed his friend. Aomine was dunking the ball into the hoop. "Huh? Can't you see? I'm dunking the ball. Are you stupid?"

"No I'm not! Why are you still training? Everyone had gone home. It's late too. Is Akashicchi's training menu not exhausted you enough?" Kise was completely tired and his stamina was all used up. Luckily his manager of his model job had canceled their photo shoot.

"I don't know… I just… have the feeling to stay here longer today. Don't mind. I will leave soon later." Aomine picked a ball and dribbled it.

"If you say so… okay then! See ya tomorrow Aominecchi!" Aomine lazily waved back his blonde hair friend and continue to play his basketball.

As he playing and forgotting the time, he somehow felt something odd. What is this eerie feeling? Is it my imagination? Oh man, this ball is not good to use anymore. The surface of the other basketballs is getting smoother. It's hard to grip firmly on them anymore. I better tell Akashi to change the balls. Aomine threw the basketball from his hand to the basket.

Better go to the storeroom and find extra basketball. Hope there are still more to use. Aomine went to the pitch black storeroom. It was getting darker now. The sun had set and night was starting to fall. Ahh… the storeroom's light had broken. I can't see shit now. Now where's the basket? Aomine tried not to knock down anything in the dark. He swung his arm around to find the location of the basket.

He accidentally tripped on a ball and knocked over a pile of boxes. Bang! Crash! Sounds were echoing in the small room. Ouch that's hurt…what are these boxes doing here anyway! He found out it was just some empty recyclable boxes. Then he saw a gleam of light. A door was revealed on the wall. The pile of boxes had hid it well from view.

I don't know there is a hidden room here. Maybe this was another storage room that no longer be used. Let's see what's inside. He opened the door silently. An eerie 'creek' sound made from the door. The light in the room was on. Waste of electricity. Aomine wouldn't care more. School paid for it anyway. Sports equipments could be seen scattered in the rust. They were all covered with dust. Aomine couldn't but coughed. Most of the equipments are broken. Why can't they just throw them away? What's the point of keeping them here?"

Then, a sudden glimpse he caught an eye on something. A light blue basketball. Aomine walked forward, avoiding the scattered equipments and picked the particular color ball. It looks new. What is this doing here? He had a strange feeling about this ball. He shook it off. Whatever. I did found a ball, go back to the court then. Aomine left the room while holding the ball.

Aomine felt energetic while dunking and shooting the ball. His fatigue was gone and he was more eager to play more basketball. He felt unbelievable. The hell training is nothing at all. He felt that he could play with the ball forever.

He had played over time for the first time in his Teiko High School history. Even Momoi phoned and worried about him childhood friend. Aomine didn't want to leave the place. He wanted to play. MORE and MORE. He really couldn't find a reason for his excitement.

When he was ready to dunk the light blue ball into the hoop, the ball slipped off from his hand. The ball fell on the flat floor. Aomine was stunned. He looked at his left hand, which was used to grip the ball. My hand is not wet or slippery either. What's gotten on the ball?He didn't notice that the ball rolled slowly itself and touched his shoes. Aomine yelped. WHAT THE HELL!? Why the ball is freaking here!? I swear I heard it bouncing off the court!

He stepped a few steps away from the ball and staring at him. The ball rolled slowly and touched his shoes again. Aomine repeated his action again and again and the ball doing the same thing too. Aomine wanted to faint. A HAUNTED BALL! HELP! When he was about to scream and shriek, he heard someone talked to him.

"It's really late now. You should go home and rest. I'm quite impressive about your stamina though." Aomine looked around the auditorium. There was no one except his self.

"Who's there?!" Aomine was going to freak out. Today must be his unlucky day.

"I'm here."


"Here. Down here."

Aomine looked at the light blue ball beside his shoes. "Wha…"

"Don't scream. The security guard will found out about you. You have played over time." The sound was calm and steady.

Aomine swallowed his saliva. "Is it you?... The ball who is talking here?" It's weird to use 'who' to a ball.

"Yes. Nice to meet you."


"Don't yell." The ball was calm and oblivious to the ace player's yell.

"WHAT ARE YOU!?" Aomine pointed at the ball. The ball did not have any face on it, so the basketball player cannot tell how to read the ball's reaction.

"A talking basketball?"


"But I can talk." The ball deadpanned the male.


"Yes I am. Please calm down." The ball bounce up and down.

"HOW CAN I KEEP CALM AFTER I SAW A TALKING BASKETBALL!? SERIOUSLY, AM I DREAMING!?" "No you're not, this is reality." Aomine was getting light-headed now. Aomine took a deep breath and faced the bouncing ball.

"Are you a ghost?"

"I'm not sure… maybe not. Don't worry I will not harm you."

"Oh really? If you are not a ghost then it's fine" Aomine sighed relief. "By the way, I'm Aomine Daiki." The ace player introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Aomine-kun. Does Aomine-kun scared of ghosts?"

"I'm not!" "But you sounded like you scared of them just now." "You…you are just imagining it! There's no such thing exist in this world!"

"Oh really? So you really don't scare of me?" The ball stopped bouncing and rolled over to Aomine.

"So you really a ghost!?" Aomine jumped.

"Aomine-kun I'm just teasing you, calm down." The ball laughed silently.

"You!" Aomine caught the ball in his hands.

"I don't think you are a basketball, you must be an alien or sort and transform your appearance into a basketball." Aomine checked the light blue ball.

"Is that what you think? I'm really a basketball. A TALKING BASKETBALL." The ball said with its calm voice. Somehow Aomine found the voice was nice and soothing to hear.

"Do you have a name?"

"Yes I have. My name is Kuroko Tetsuya." The ball said politely.

"Sounds like a human name to me. Are you a human?"


"Fine. So, can I call you Tetsu?" "As long as Aomine-kun wants to call me that. The name is fine for me." Kuroko moved back and forth in Aomine's hands.

After a silent pause, Kuroko broke the silent.

"Does Aomine-kun have friends?" "I don't know whether those guys counted as friends or not, but I will call them that for now." He knew he always fight with Kise. He did have a childhood friend that worried about him everything.

"Tetsu. You wanna meet them?" "I'm not… I'm not ready. Maybe they would think I'm a ghost too." Kuroko felt saddened in its tone.

"Aomine-kun. It's late now. You should really go home." Kuroko urged Aomine to go home.

"Oh crap! This late already!? My mom's gonna kill me!" Aomine went to pick his sports bag.

"Tetsu you wanna come home with me?" "No I can't. I can't leave this place." "Why not?" "For some reason." "Oh okay. Let me put you into the basket. See you tomorrow training." Aomine patted the light blue basketball and left the auditorium. The ball lied silently with a pile of normal orange basketballs in the basket.

"See you tomorrow, Aomine-kun." The light blue basketball felt warm in its heart.

DONE!Dreams just happened to let me have this inspiration. Should I continue? OAO