Disclaimer: In no way do I own Digimon.

Digimon Adventure 02: Revision. Same characters, different plots. The time difference between the Real World and the Digital World persisted, stakes mount up when 1sec is 4mins, friends and foes are harder to tell apart, and darkness lurks at the most unexpected of places.

Note on terminology- The names used for each digimon will depend on the culture background that specific digimon is based upon, so some will have Japanese names while others will have English names. And Engrish-induced misspelling will be corrected.






14:57:52 Friday. Digi-Port CLOSE. Toy Town, Misty Trees, File Island.


Taichi Yagami is currently racing through the rough landscape of the Digital World, alone save for Agumon and a purple furred Patamon-lookalike by his side, and all are running for their lives.

"I can't... I can't digivolve, Tai," Agumon huffs skidding to a stop and turning around, Baby Flame! He opens his jaws and fires another fiery blast at the Snimon in another futile attempt at slowing down their assailant.

[Agumon] [Rookie-Vaccine-NSp/DR]

[Snimon] [Champion-Vaccine-JT/VB]

"Well, I can't either thanks to those Control Spires within the area," Tsukaimon hisses angrily, but not very threatening due to his high-pitched squeaky voice and tiny body. He flies over Agumon before turning around as well, though never one to run from a fight, he is not as stupid as to stand on the front line.

[Tsukaimon] [Rookie-Virus-NSo/WG]

Purple Fog! Tsukaimon also launches his attacks, shooting dark haze out of his mouth. "Stupid Digimon Emperor, get lost already! And stop messing up my island!"

But even with the combined effort of two Rookies, it is still not enough to deal any significant damage to a Champion level, only successful in making the Snimon more angry and violent. "There's a cave, it can provide us temporary shelter!" Taichi points to an opening on the side of a rocky mound. "Help is coming. We just have to hold on for a little while longer!"

"Yeah, we've only been waiting for your so-called backups for two days!" Tsukaimon isn't above snide comments, already preparing to run just as Agumon is knocked back by Snimon's Shadow Sickle! attack.

"Sorry about forgetting the time difference after being away for so long," Taichi snaps back, scooping up his wounded partner as he flees after the flying digimon.

It has been three years since the DigiDestined last visit the Digital World, and Taichi certainly hasn't been prepared to face catastrophe so soon when he volunteered to test Izzy's new Digi-Port program and the D-Terminal. Agumon has found him wandering the outskirt of Toy Town and has just told him that it "has been a long time" and "a lot has happened" before they were suddenly attacked from all sides.

"If you have the sense to keep the Digi-Port open when you came through, my world and yours would've been temporarily synchronized," Tsukaimon frowns, "Pathetic." He adds, circling a bit before blasting air spikes Bad Message! at the entrance to cause a cave-in and blocks out the pursuing Champion.

"How was I supposed to know that?!" Taichi is getting frustrated as well when his D-Terminal chooses to start beeping. The Child of Courage has not been this happy to hear from his friends in a long time! "Help is coming!"

"Yeah, that's great news. Let's wait here for another two days while they take their time," Tsukaimon crosses his tiny arms impatiently, pouting.

It is definitely a possibility that Taichi refuses to acknowledge at the moment to keep himself sane, for the clock on the D-Terminal read 15:09:03 on Friday, meaning only a little over ten minutes passed in the Real World. If Izzy takes another five minutes to get the Port open, he'll have to fend for himself for another day.

Agumon's call is a welcome distraction. "Tai, over here! Look at what I found!" The dinosaur digimon has previously left the quarrelling pair to explore the cavern, and the urgency in his partner's voice immediately draws away Taichi's attention. "What is it?" the teen asks, hurrying over.

"Hey, wait..." Tsukaimon is about to follow, when a dull shine stops him on his tracks. A television set materializes out of thin air, meaning all too well that the Port is now open and the two mirroring worlds temporarily in sync. Landing in front of the old TV as it flickers on, Tsukaimon observes the group of humans that appeared behind the screen and sees a few familiar faces.


15:09:04 Friday. Digi-Port OPEN. Misty Trees, File Island.


Koushiro Izumi is confused when Tai isn't the one that show up on the monitor, but before he can ask, TK is already speaking, "Patamon? What happened to your fur?"

"Gah," Tsukaimon growls, "I am Tsukaimon! Remember it!"

An unfamiliar face suddenly blocks part of the screen, it's a kid with spiky brown hair that bears some resemblance with the Child of Courage. And before Tsukaimon know it, the four human children of the parallel universe have descended into an argument over who should be allowed to cross the Port. At this point, the winged digimon really wants to break the TV set to release his pent-up frustration, how in the world did they ever get things done? Thankfully though, three jets of light choose that very moment to blast pass him into the screen.

New digivices? Tsukaimon notes with curiosity and some caution, leaping aside to allow room as the rescue team has finally been decided. The first through is a cute girl and the third is that Child of Courage remake, both of which he hasn't seen before, the second person he knows all too well however.

The moment the chosen children land on solid ground, Takeru Takaishi is slammed by a headbutt to the stomach, causing him to half kneel while holding his sides. "What was that for?" the young teen asks, having the wind knocked out of him as he glares at the digimon that is basically a re-colored rendition of his partner.

Tsukaimon sticks out his tongue childishly, "I don't like you."

"What?" Takeru is puzzled, while Hikari Yagami chuckles softly. Daisuke Motomiya, on the other hand, is looking around giving his two cents, "This is the Digital World?" he asks, "It's not that different from our-"

"Hey guys, over here!" Taichi's call sounds from deeper into the cave.

Upon hearing his idol's voice, Daisuke perks up, calling back as he run into the tunnel. "Taichi, I'm glad you're okay!"

Taichi turns from his place at the stone altar, dumbfounded to find an unexpected face. "Wh-Why is Daisuke here?"

"Kari!" Agumon greets happily, running to give Hikari a hug.

"Good to see you, too, Agumon," Hikari returns the embrace, but notices the wounds on the Rookie digimon's body almost immediately. "What happened?"

Agumon looks sad before telling the DigiDestined about the self-proclaimed Digimon Emperor and how that human child had started to enslave digimons in the recent years. The topic then moves to the new digivice model before falling onto the oddly shaped Digimental located in the middle of the cavern, but Tsukaimon is already toning out, opts instead to focus on the suspicious black ring that appears out of nowhere. He is not going to be caught by a child with questionable ability at real control.

"We've got company," Tsukaimon warns, setting himself on top of Takeru's white hat out of unknown reflexes and earning him a questioning look, just as bright lights flash. It appears the new kid, Daisuke, has successfully obtained the Digimental of Courage and a digimon slowly configures before their eyes.

"I'm V-mon, what's your name?" the blue dragon leaps at his future partner almost the second after being formed and is already asking enthusiastically. His hyperactive personality catches everyone off guard.

[V-mon] [Rookie-Vaccine-NSp/DR]

But it's no time for introduction because as Tsukaimon has warned, the earth suddenly shakes violently followed by falling rocks. It is a Monochromon with eyes glowing a disturbing shade of red, and does not look happy.

[Monochromon] [Champion-Data-NSp]

Tsukaimon leaps away from his human ride, blasting dark purple haze from his mouth Purple Fog! at the intruder. He is a hostile digimon by nature and does not like being threatened by others at all.

Baby Flame! Agumon joins in on the action breathing his flames, but neither attack works well on the Champion's thick skull. Monochromon returns the favor with his Volcano Strike! technique, sending children and Rookie digimons dodging in different directions but still manages to graze Tsukaimon in the process.

The mountain side explodes outwards, opening one half of the cave while the other parts are in danger of collapsing in. Amidst the chaos, V-mon is desperately trying to teach Daisuke how to use his Digimental to allow digivolution. "You have to use your courage!"

Tsukaimon doesn't know what happen to them after that though, because the team of misfits splits up. Daisuke and V-mon run towards the blocked entrance; Taichi, Hikari, and Agumon seek shelter deeper into the tunnel; and Tsukaimon follows Takeru out the cave opening. Monochromon decides to pursuit Daisuke and V-mon, and the only Virus attributed digimon of the lot lets out a breath.

"That'll buy us some time," Tsukaimon says, making a landing on Takeru to rest his slightly singed wings. "Now is our chance to escape!"

Takeru apparently has a different idea. "We have to go back and help them!"

Tsukaimon hits the kid on the head. "Unless your magic device can help me digivolve, which I'm sure it cannot, we are NOT going back!" Takeru isn't listening though, and he is already running around the mountainside to look for his friends.

If he can still fly properly, Tsukaimon would already be gone. But sadly it is not the case, and twenty minutes later, the digimon finds himself and Takeru reunited with the others... and back within attacking range of a very distraught Monochromon.

Tsukaimon really hates feeling so useless.

But, it seems the DigiDestined really can perform miracles.


(V-mon) (Digimental of Courage)




... Armor-digivolve...

00110011000000101101001010010010010000010110101111 01110

Flamedramon: The Fire of Courage


V-mon has digivolved into Flamedramon, becoming ten feet tall in size and wearing flaming red armor, now with shape claws and talons and a bladed horn. He runs with boosted speed, using his whole body to slam the Monochromon aside before leaping away in an elegant arch.

[Flamedramon] [Armor-Data/Vaccine-NSp/DR]

Now everyone is gasping and pointing, wide-eyed in awe as they watch Flamedramon battle Monochromon easily to a standstill, and even gaining an upper hand. Agumon and Tsukaimon are particularly perplexed as they can't understand how digivolvution is possible; Taichi and Takeru are deep in thought while Daisuke races to Hikari's side as it appears that she has been slightly injured in the scuffle.

"Attack the black ring!" Tsukaimon calls out, struggling a bit in Takeru's arms, as he sees Flamedramon springs high into the air for the final strike. The NSp/DR digimon takes the advice to heart as he covers himself in flame before speeding towards the Champion digimon like a falling star. Fire Rocket!

The ring of black matter shatters upon impact and the Monochromon is freed from the Digimon Emperor's control! "Wha-What happened?" the digimon asks apologetically, shaking his head dazedly as if he is just waking up from a nightmare. Hikari is already moving to his side to check for injures, ignoring her own sprained ankle. And seeing that his service is no longer required, Flamedramon de-digivolve back to V-mon, and hurries towards Daisuke.

There's more talking and congratulates, but Tsukaimon is realistic and he knows thing isn't over yet.


16:48:25 Friday. Misty Trees, File Island.


They somehow manage to get back into the half-collapsed tunnel an hour later to find the Digi-Port being partially buried under rubble though fortunately still maintained the connection. Koushiro is worried sick on the other side, along with Iori Hida and Miyako Inoue for some reason, and the latter is demanding answers quite loudly.

"I guess we go back the same way?" Daisuke asks. Taichi nods, holding up his older modeled digivice to activate the Port, it would be easier to first sort everything out in the Real World before deciding their next course of action.

"No, WAIT!" Tsukaimon shouts, but too late, Takeru is the only one to hear him but is already being pulled into the television set, so the flying mammalian digimon ends up watching helplessly as the Port disintegrates before his eyes.


16:52:02 Friday. Digi-Port CLOSE. Misty Trees, File Island.


"Tsukaimon..." V-mon says worriedly as Agumon holds out a clawed hand, but their generosity is rejected and slapped away.

"Don't touch me, Agumon! And don't talk to me, V-mon, ever!" Tsukaimon squeaks, already walking to find shelter in the dense surrounding woods as he tries to flap his wounded wings, "Your stupid partners just left us to die in here!"

Neither Agumon nor V-mon have words to respond to that, so they can only follow, downcast.




A/N: Tsukaimon is a real digimon. You may find something interesting if you look him up.

Variable- Mimics the opponent's attribute(s)
Free- No strength, no weakness

(NSp) Natural Spirits
(DR) Dragons' Roar
(VB) Virus Busters
(NSo) Nightmare Soldiers
(JT) Jungle Troopers
(WG) Wind Guardians
(ME) Metal Empire
(DS) Deep Savers